LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Molie &
CruzanNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Morwr Dywyll &
Risen From The Grace "Aurum"Names of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Ilkivalta &
AngelsiteNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Uriel The Watcher &
Lenora MiriamNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Gharial &
Hushed VeilNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Biafindar &
Dumahia AetheriusNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Lapin &
Syringa MeyeriNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Frieza &
Zandra Ulloriaq LokiNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Valyria &
MimidaeNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Coquere &
TrilvonNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y
LifematingNames and Cert Links of Couple/Poly-Group:
Yukay Agrippina &
MurmurNames of Owners: Artymus & Fatal Irony
Blanket Permission to Breed?: Y