Name: Kambrye Dragneel Owner: L e r i l y e Date Received: 10/16/17 Temper: Fiesty Method of Obtainment: Pokemon event Eeveelution Custom (I cannot for the life of me find that link...) Colorist: Kara Asumie
(Optional; omit when not in use.) Miscellaneous: Dragon, Fairy type
Cert Type: Standard Text Color: Something that reflects her. in both text type and color. <3 Frame Color: Something that reflects her. Background: Not sure if there is a pokebackground y'all are using for the event ones, but if not then something fairyish, I know there are a few that fit that discription in the cert list. <3 otherwise the poke one is fine too. <3 Tag Decorations and Colors: Double feather, one long one short? or something that reflects the poke eeveelution theme. Colors, I would like to reflect her as well. CC. I have complete faith in y'all <3 ;D Breed: Fairy-Dragon Pokemon
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:43 pm
Basket-Popping Ceremony
Parents: Illareth x Eoin
Please note that it doesn't look like her adult uncert is hosted on the new site. // Ryuu's Note: It looked like it was because all adult stages had capital .PNG instead of lowercase. Thank you for the catch! This should be fixed now. :3
Name: Iseult Temper: (omit)
xo maho Crew
Dainty Dreamer
Wasteland Wyvern
Dangerous Demigod
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:16 pm
Basket-Popping Ceremony
Parents: Astraea x Skaalbjorn
Name: Auron Temper: Omit
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:02 pm
Mahogany Sunset
Hi Maho,
I've sent you a PM! If that solution works for you, please go ahead and update this post with the baskets assigned to owners. Otherwise, we can discuss further!
Thank you!
-- Calixita
Here goes nothing lol
Soquili Breeding
Date Received: 10/13/17 Method of Obtainment:Drop - from Pokemon Breedings Colorist: Yumitoko II Parents: Inbijiburu Namae x Leith x
Name: Owner: Mahogany Sunset Temper:
Name: (Optional for baskets) Owner: Summer Raaven Temper: (Optional)
If there is an issue with posting the descriptions of the adult children, please let me know, and we can discuss in a private setting. Summer and I determined names and which foal would belong to whom very publicly during streaming, and we would like to maintain those decisions for plot purposes.
Date Received: 10/13/17 (Friday the 13th, Ooooooh~) Method of Obtainment:Soquili Daycare Colorist: Yumitoko II Parents: Irina Knucklebones x Marille x
Name: (Optional for baskets) Owner: Phail Ninja Temper: (Optional)
Name: (Optional for baskets) Owner: ~Latonia de la Courtel~ Temper: (Optional)
Name: (Optional for baskets) Owner: Vistada Temper: (Optional)
Surefire Sex Symbol
Nebula Dragon
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:31 pm
Ara do!
Pony cert, please!
Name: Eroco Owner: LydaLynn Date Received: Sat Oct 21, 2017 Temper: Frand Method of Obtainment:Fish Are Frand, Not F00d Colorist: Zaikt
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:08 pm
Ara do!
Pony cert, please!
Name: Jack de la Muerte Owner: StrawberryRoseTea Date Received: 10/21/17 Temper: Passionate Method of Obtainment:♆ Double Trouble! ♆ Colorist: Kara Asumie
Name: Yurei Owner: Teh Cheryl Date Received: 10/21/17 Temper: Cautious Method of Obtainment:♆ Double Trouble! ♆ Colorist: Kara Asumi
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:38 am
Gracie Loff
Certs and uncerts are under the spoiler!
I'm afraid Destiny's uncert may have been lost to the abyss; I haven't been able to find it on Photobucket or our new host. I'll keep poking around and see what I can find. If I come across it, I'll let you know!
-- Calixita
Finding Old Certs and Uncerts
Looking For: A bear familiar themed after a greatball, from the 2009 pokemon event. Her name was Destiny.. I'm missing both her uncert and cert due to PB imploding. Colored By: lilwerewolfgirl Additional Details: While she is pokeball themed, and from the pokemon event, she has a normal, non event cert. Might help finding her.
Finding Old Certs and Uncerts
Looking For: Both a single cert, and paired with it's owner cert, for a bat familiar. This is the bat, and this is the Soq it should be paired with. Colored By: Unsure. Additional Details: While I can't remember the colorist, I know it was from the 2016 Christmas CYO.
gracie loff
Naughty Kitten
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 1:19 am
Recert Request!
Modification Requested: Username change Existing Information: n/a Colorist: Zaikt New Information: Change username to LinDaemon Agreement: n/a