Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Li-Bao Owner(s): Strawberri Stardust Permission granted to: lysia_nyteblade Details: To be used for wishing stars/customs to get his sister~ Restrictions: None~
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 1:37 pm
Nyx Queen of Darkness
Nyx Queen of Darkness
Nyx Queen of Darkness
Selective Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: All Individual Owned Soquili of Nyx Queen of Darkness from now to anon. Owner(s): Nyx Queen of Darkness Permission granted to: All descendants who are required to have my permission to use my ponies for throwbacks. Event: For Now until the foreseeable future Details: Less paperwork for me! Restrictions: This is extended to all descendants that are not the result of a crack-breeding. In other words, the pair must be a couple that is breeding/planning to breed or is lifemated/lovemated instead of a randomly thrown together couple for the sake of a mockbreeding (aka crack-breeding).
Addendum: I do not consider a mixer/twisted breeding chosen at a colorists discretion as a "crack-breeding" so you are free to use them in those!
Updating this with my new teepee, changed in the above form and adding that this applies to throwbacks for mock-breedings that I have approved.
Restrictions: This is extended to all descendants. (I can't pick my family neither can they). However, this permission cannot be used to custom a clone of one my ponies by their ancestors. Nor can it be used to custom a sibling of an immediate descendant (as that would be making it as if my pony bred without my knowledge or say.)
Example. Bob had a breeding with Sarah. They had two kids, Sue and Jon. Later on Jon's owner wants to get him another FULL sibling. They can't. That would require specific permission since it involves my soquili essentially breeding again.
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Lost Woods and Blade "Stumpy" Foxtails Owner(s): xKOVAKtheWOLFx and Ryuukishin Permission granted to: kovak Details: valid for wishing star, mockbreeding, custom slot Restrictions:
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:31 am
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Lost Woods and Blade "Stumpy" Foxtails Owner(s): xKOVAKtheWOLFx and Ryuukishin Permission granted to: kovak Details: valid for wishing star, mockbreeding, custom slot Restrictions:
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Marion & Inoke Owner(s): Gl!tch~ & Celestial Requiem Permission granted to: Celestial Requiem & Gl!tch~ Details: Glitch gets permission to use Inoke in any mock breedings/wishing star stuff, and Cel gets the same for Marion. Restrictions: N/A
Celestial Requiem
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 3:40 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Marion & Inoke Owner(s): Gl!tch~ & Celestial Requiem Permission granted to: Celestial Requiem & Gl!tch~ Details: Glitch gets permission to use Inoke in any mock breedings/wishing star stuff, and Cel gets the same for Marion. Restrictions: N/A
Celestial Requiem
Thumbs up
Celestial Requiem Crew
Wilderness Witch
Sparkly Waffles
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:26 pm
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Tove Owner(s): Whoan Permission granted to: Manda Details: Manda has permission to post for poly-group things~ Restrictions: Just for poly-group things
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:43 am
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Kali Owner(s): Revel1984 Permission granted to: Yumitoko II Details: Yumi is allowed to enter Kali in any wishing star or customs they so desire to obtain family members for him. Anytime he wishes. Restrictions: None
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Kali Owner(s): Revel1984 Permission granted to: Yumitoko II Details: Yumi is allowed to enter Kali in any wishing star or customs they so desire to obtain family members for him. Anytime he wishes. Restrictions: None
Yumitoko II
agree, thank you!
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:15 am
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Daisuke Owner(s): Kara Asumie Permission granted to: Yumitoko II Details: Yumi is allowed to enter Daisuke with his Luljeta in any wishing star or customs [ Even SC buys ] they so desire to obtain babies. Anytime he wishes. Restrictions: None
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Luljeta Owner(s): Yumitoko II Permission granted to: Kara Asumie Details: Kara is allowed to enter Luljeta with her Daisuke in any wishing star or customs [ Even SC buys ] they so desire to obtain babies. Anytime she wishes. Restrictions: None
Kara Asumie
I agree to the above!
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Daisuke Owner(s): Kara Asumie Permission granted to: Yumitoko II Details: Yumi is allowed to enter Daisuke with his Luljeta in any wishing star or customs [ Even SC buys ] they so desire to obtain babies. Anytime he wishes. Restrictions: None
Yumitoko II
Here are some permissions for you!
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:23 am
Yumitoko II
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Luljeta Owner(s): Yumitoko II Permission granted to: Kara Asumie Details: Kara is allowed to enter Luljeta with her Daisuke in any wishing star or customs [ Even SC buys ] they so desire to obtain babies. Anytime she wishes. Restrictions: None
Kara Asumie
I agree to the above!
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Daisuke Owner(s): Kara Asumie Permission granted to: Yumitoko II Details: Yumi is allowed to enter Daisuke with his Luljeta in any wishing star or customs [ Even SC buys ] they so desire to obtain babies. Anytime he wishes. Restrictions: None
Blanket Permission Name & cert(s) of soquili involved: Satorei and Zenith Owner(s): oo DeD and Twitchapher the 3rd Permission granted to: oo DeD and Twitchapher the 3rd Details: For oo DeD and Twitchapher the 3rd to enter into Wishing Stars for murder babies whenever they wish. Restrictions: None