Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:29 pm
Kait's Jan-June '19 Log bi-annual unedited
September breeding next quota: March
Currently Outstanding Work: Ayita ( Devil NightShade ) x Hermes ( Revolutionary Roniel ) [Sept '18 LL breeding] Vyrikyr Taerdos (Angelique Delamort) x Lorimer Encantador (Divena & DivenasMom)[Sept '18 LL breeding]Completed since last post: Past Completed Work: SC stuff for others: SC Work for Myself: Credit Log: - Previous credits: 5525C - Past cash-ins: 3000C - This month's credits: 770C + 510C = 1280C - This month's cash-ins: 0C - Total credits: 2525C Cash-in log:
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:08 pm
Celeanor's January 2019 Worklog
Current Month's Worklog Current Month's Total Credits Earned: 650Current Month's Cash-Ins Current Month's Total Credits Spent: 0Previous Records show spoiler hide spoiler
.... SC Cash In 0 sc | x3 Adult Only Soquili, SC Breeding | MxCherie, no credits since I received a basket (Manny x Arya )Quota Breedings - June 2018 320 sc ( 20 + 60 + 240) | 2 baskets, 2 foals, 2 simple spliced unedit adults Irierath (mistalina13) x Colonel (mistalina13) 240 sc (240) | 2 simple spliced unedit adults (240c) Grace Warmheart (Mindsend) ) x Izulai (Mindsend) 440 sc (440) | 2 heavy (5+templates) spliced unedit adults (440c) Lady Caliethia 'Callie'(dawns_aura) x Shiera Seastar(dawns_aura) Aquatic Event 70 sc | Unedited Mer Female 120 sc ( 70 + 50 ) | Unedited, spliced, Kelpi/Kalona Male 70 sc | Unedited Mer Male - Semi Custom for Aneiron 70 sc | Unedited Mer Female - Semi Custom for Moxxie 70 sc | Unedited Seathi Female - Semi Custom for Elfstar89Nov '17 Wishing Star 120 sc ( 70 + 50 ) | Unedited, spliced Adult Soquili | Eternal Xantarra 270 sc ( 70+ 70 + 50 (1 splice adult) + 20 (baskets) +60 (foals) ) Breeding | Shesha Sama & Hurrogmeten 120 sc ( 70 + 50 ) | Unedited, spliced Adult Soquili | Dawns_aura 70 sc | Unedited, adult Soquili | Citrus_CupcakeMisc Freebie Ponies 70 sc | Unedited, adult Soquili | "SnowOpal" 70 sc | Unedited, adult Soquili | "YellowEyeWolf"2017 CYO Plushie Conversions 70 sc | Here 70 sc | Here 70 sc | Here 70 sc | Here 70 sc | Here Management Assigned Bonus for all staff 2018: 1000Previous Cash In's & Staff Secret Santa Previous Month's Net Credits: 2000Current Month's Net Credits: 650Total Lifetime Earned Credits: 4120Total Lifetime Cash In's: (875)Total Current Colorist Credits: 3245
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:33 pm
Manda's January 2019 Work
::Quota for Current Year:: Previous Year: show spoiler hide spoiler
February: 3 Valentines breedings [
here ] (complete)
August: 5 B-day semi-customs [
here ] (complete)
March: not startedSept or Oct: not started (will decide which is break month later)::Work Finished Since the Last Post:: CYO conversion for Kyrieko -- 70c + 100c (mod splice) = 170c CYO conversion for split personality -- 70c + 150c (heavy splice) = 220c CYO conversion for Raving.Rabbids -- 70c + 150c (heavy splice) = 220c CYO conversion for Teigra -- 70c + 100c (mod splice) = 170c CYO conversion for Hattaki -- 70c + 100c (mod splice) = 170c CYO conversion for Lady Argentum Draconis -- 70c + 100c (mod splice) = 170c CYO fam conversion for Raving.Rabbids -- 50c + 35c (simple splice) = 85c CYO fam conversion for xSakura Serenityx -- 50c + 35c (simple splice) = 85c CYO fam conversion for Kiara Lime -- 50c (no splice) Twisted Kingdom breeding for Daeril (unedited) Adult 1 -- 70c + 100c (mod splice) = 170c Foal 1 -- 30c Basket 1 -- 10c Adult 2 -- 70c + 100c (mod splice) = 170c Foal 2 -- 30c Basket 2 -- 10c Total: 1760c SC Work show spoiler hide spoiler
SC Work for Me: n/aSC Work for Others: n/a
::Currently Outstanding Work:: 1 D&D Class semi-custom 2 Twisted Kingdom Breedings (rolled here ) SC work show spoiler hide spoiler
SC Work for Me: Pokemon Freebie (fam)
Pokemon (but no twists) breeding, Lolia x Aldora;
rolls Aquatic Freebies (pony & fam)
Verin re-custom
Ravelord girl
Kingdom Twists breeding with Whoan
rolled here X-mas custom for 2018
SC Work for Others: SS pony for Ara
SS pony for dolph
Drunken Paternity babs
January Total: 1760c __________________________________________________________________________________________Previous Total: 8645c - 3000c (Twisted breeding cash-in) = 5645cJanuary Total: 1760cOverall Total: 7405c
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:32 am
Uh... Hello?! Hello hello? Sweeny's January Worklog Coming Through!
Completed: show spoiler hide spoiler
Cinderella: 70 + Moderate Splicing = 170c Snow White: 70 + Moderate Splicing = 170c Ariel: 70 + Moderate Splicing = 170c Sleeping Beauty Twins: 70 + Moderate Splicing = 170c Gehenna "GG" Grimalkin x Basskirk "The Butcher"------------ Baskets x2: 0c------------ Foals x2: 60c------------ Adults x2: 140c Enyo x Erebus------------ Baskets x2: 0c------------ Foals x2: WAITING ON TEMPLATE APPROVAL------------ Adults x2: 140c + Moderate Tempalte Splicing = 240c Lady La Reine De Rose x Briar Rose ------------ Baskets x3: 0c------------ Foals x3: 90c------------ Adults x2: 210c + Moderate Tempalte Splicing = 340c CYO x3: 210cTo Do List show spoiler hide spoiler
CYOs x2 Enyo x Erebus foals once tempalte is approvedCredits Earned October: 690c
November: 500c
December: 290c + 500c Christmas Bonus
January: 355c
February: 530c
March: 560c
April: 450c
January: 1,525c
May: 1,300c
June: 760c
July: -5500c
January: 1,100c
February: 840c
March: 540c
April / May: 210
January: 1,630
Total: 6,280c
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:07 pm
ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง Yuki's February 2019 Worklog No Quota - Secondary
Jul '18 l Aug '18 l Sep '18 l Oct '18 l Nov '18 Dec '18 l Jan '19 Finished ✱ Transfer Express Breeding - Artemis (Infinities) x Halvar Eerriki Loki (Fatal Irony)
1. Adult - Minor Edits [ 125 ]
2. Adult - Minor Edits [ 125 ]
✱ Kingdom Breeding - Amaranthe Yori (stormflower) x Regalian (o-Elixir-o)
1. Basket + Foal + Adult Moderate Edits [ 540 ]
2. Basket + Foal + Adult Moderate Edits [ 540 ]
✱ Spikey Gator Aquatic Event Freebie for Cali [ 150 ]
✱ CYO Soquili - Strifeling + Mod Splice [ 170 ]
✱ Unedited Buff for Arty [SC - No Credits]
✱ Semi-Custom - AislingJuno + Minor [ 125 ]
✱ Semi-Custom - tefla + Moderate [ 500 ]
✱ Semi-Custom - Natty-Chan + Minor [ 125 ]
✱ Semi-Custom - Poe-tae-toee + Moderate [ 500 ]
✱ Flying Pig + Minor + 4 Hue Shift Twins [ 265 ]
✱ Heart Candy Mini + Minor + 4 Hue Shift Twins [ 265 ]
✱ CYO Soquili - Silver Metallic Dragon + Minor Splice [ 120 ]
✱ Semi-Custom - Teh Cheryl + Minor [ 125 ]
✱ Semi-Custom - Kaya Wolf Moon + Minor [ 125 ]
✱ Semi-Custom - Astoriafallen + Minor [ 125 ]
✱ Semi-Custom - RadiantRose Midnight + Minor [ 125 ]
Outstanding ✱ Semi-Custom - FrostyPeaches
✱ WS - Star-Spoken - Calixita & Nayci
✱ WS - Star-Spoken - Fuzzy Gumdrop
✱ WS - LLFM - ~Twilight...Angel~
✱ WS - True Friend - Owlsomniac
✱ WS - Star-Spoken - Sabin Duvert & Kamiki
SC Work - Others show spoiler hide spoiler
✱ Mizuko (Calixita) x Hródolf (Calixita) Edited 5-kid Fam Breeding for Cali
✱ YP Familiar Semi Custom for Moxx
✱ Arashi SS Fam
Unedited Buffs x9 ✱ Flannghaile (elfstar89) x Al Pine (Geyser Eelborn) Unedited Breeding [Dec 2018] [All boys - Need rolls]
✱ Li Ronen Xolani (dawns_aura) x Brynden 'BloodRaven' Rivers (dawns_aura) Express Edited Breeding [Dec 2018] [1 boy cc - Need rolls]
✱ Moderate Semi-Custom for muffled_undertone [Dec 2018]
✱ Minor Items/Scars for ProphetOfProfit [Dec 2018]
SC Work - Myself show spoiler hide spoiler
✱ 1 fam xmas custom [2016] ✱ 1 soq xmas custom [2017] ✱ 2 unedited mutant fam customs ✱ 26 unedited fams [-13 for buffs = 13] ✱ Unedited Purewalker opposite sex twins ✱ Twisted tunnel express edited breeding [TBD] [September '16] [Gifting] ✱ 1 express edited 3 bab soq breeding [Lux Flamma x Whiskey - Need Rolls] [March] ✱ 1 express unedited 3 bab soq breeding [Alucia x Nasille - Need Rolls] [March] ✱ Corpsepowder [Whiskey] [WIP] ✱ Unedited Charmed Purewalker ✱ Custom Edited Accessory (large or 2) x 3 ✱ Mini Twin ✱ Two Mod MiniTwins - Cranberry ! (Cranberry Twin to come later) [Oct 2018] ✱ 1 Xmas custom [Nov 2018] ✱ 1 Fam Xmas custom [Nov 2018] ✱ Volkova x Satorei 3-kid Express Edited Breeding [Nov 2018] ✱ Cran x Cir Express Edited Kingdom Twist Breeding [Dec 2018] [Need Rolls]
Credits Earned: 4,050
Credits Spent: 2,000 for custom gift for Diamond
Total Credits: 19,675
41 + (3 + 5) = 49 YP Points
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:57 am
Azael's February 2019 Worklog
Current Quota: July-December 3 freebies [x] , January: Break, February-July [x] ---Outstanding Work: Artist Booth Mix Up: XxXPandamoniumXxX (Annabelle Lee) and Erina_Nobara (Vesper) ((75%)) Antidia (Psyche) and Gl!tch~ (Outlaw) ((Just baskets and foals! 90%))CYO: Wishing Star: Yuki LLFM (15%) Nyx Familiar (20%)Breedings: Wispix ( Peppermint Coffee / Graceangel ) x Kai ( Candle Wick Ghost) Xenia (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.) x Heleia (mistalina13)Items: Sesshiyasha pg 15 Tigeria pg 15 Teigra pg 15 Jackariah Beckett pg 13 (and 18 ) My stuff pg 12Work finished since last post: CYO: Antidia : Soq and Fam SSBrosB : Soq and Fam ---SC Work for Others: Staff SS Pony for Calixita (40%) Staff SS Familiar for Nayci (25%)SC Work for Myself: show spoiler hide spoiler
Event ??? Female Event ??? Familiar Winter x Caelum Breeding Aeryn Custom Xmas Custom Pony Xmas Custom Familiar Jalus' Soq Custom Pony(Approved! : original post has been edited with correct links and quota)
Link to worklog: For July Your position: Colorist
Quota months: Rookie so n/a yet
Amount cashing in: 2000
Cashing in for: Unedited Breeding
For the month of: July
Breeding Owners: Azael_Rose and ~Twilight...Angel~
Cooldown Month: July
Number of kids: 2 with stats roll for chance at 3rd (-1000)
Edited or unedited: Unedited (-1000)
Twists? n/a
Express or stages: Full stages
Total cost: 2000
Breeding Form show spoiler hide spoiler
Winter x Caelum
Entry Code:
Winter (Azael_Rose) x Caelum (~Twilight...Angel~)
Mother: UNCERT Father: UNCERT Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Azael_Rose and
~Twilight...Angel~ Link to Breeding Agreement: [ X ] --- Lifemate?: No
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
show spoiler hide spoiler
Sweeny's Spooky Scary Breedings Oct 2017 - Attempt 1 Strife's January Breedings Jan 2018 - Attempt 2 Pan's January Unedited Breedings Jan 2018 - [Attempt 3 Tudora's March Breedings Mar 2018 - Attempt 4 Same Breed Variants: Yes
--- Templates to Avoid: Baldies
Throwbacks?: Yes
--- Link to previous Generations: Winter's Mother and
Winter's Father
---Approved Work: Artist Booth Mix Up: CYO: Antidia Soq: 70+150(snowman splice)=220c Antidia Fam: 50c SSBrosB Soq: 70+150(tree and hair splice)=220c SSBrosB Fam: 50cFreebies Items Credits Earned: This month: 540Prior Credits: 3450Bonus: 250Total: 4240Cashing In: Current Credits: 0
Amount Cashing In: 0
New Total: 0
Previous Cash Ins: show spoiler hide spoiler
January 2019: Current Credits: 3950Amount Cashing In: 500New Total: 3450December: Current Credits: 4010Amount Cashing In: 1000New Total: 3010October Current Credits: 2475Amount Cashing In: 2250New Total: 225July Current Credits: 2185Amount Cashing In: 2000New Total: 185June Current Credits: 2220Amount Cashing In: 750New Total: 1470
Cooldowns: show spoiler hide spoiler
Customs: June - Rose Wolf Twin by Paint July - Sumi-e Kitty Usdia Twin by Kara October - Regular Unedit Mare November - Angeni Kelpi Unedit Mare December 2018 - Jalus Unedited Kelpie January 2019 - Blue Mushroom Butt by MindBreedings: July - Winter x Caelum (Me and ~Twilight...Angel~)
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:07 pm
Kyai's February-May 2019 Worklog
Quota : Apprentice February - July - CYOs , Freebies, Wishing Star August - BreakSeptember - January - TBACurrent Month's Worklog Hiring Samples 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | Here 70 sc = [70sc Unedited] | Here 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | Here 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | Here 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | Here 170 sc = [70sc Unedited + 100sc Moderate Splice] | Here 220 sc = [70sc Unedited + 150sc Heavy Splice] | Here 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | Here 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | Here 70 sc = [70sc Unedited] | Here CYOs 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | Malikztiah Ankhwave 70 sc = [70sc Unedited] | Melomar 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | WhoanFreebies 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | Freebie 1 170 sc = [70sc Unedited + 100sc Moderate Splice] | Freebie 2 170 sc = [70sc Unedited + 100sc Moderate Splice] | Freebie 3 170 sc = [70sc Unedited + 100sc Moderate Splice] | V-Day FreebieWishing Star 260 sc = [70sc Unedited + 150sc Heavy Splice + 10sc Basket + 30sc Foal] | Revolutionary Roniel | Star Spoken 120 sc = [70sc Unedited + 50sc Simple Splice] | Nikkichomp | Long Lost Family Member 170 sc = [70sc Unedited + 100sc Moderate Splice] | Dea and #Teddy# | True Friend 85 sc = [50sc Unedited Familiar + 35sc Minor Item Splice] | Poe-tae-toee | Loyal Companion + 250 | February Activity BonusCurrent Month's Total Credits Earned : 3075Current Month's Cash-Ins -- Celeanor Birthday Pony (1000)Current Month's Total Credits Spent: 1000Quote:
Outstanding Work SC Work for Others SC Work for Myself
Previous Records Previous Cash Ins Previous Month's Net Credits: 0Current Month's Net Credits: 3075Total Lifetime Earned Credits: 3075Total Lifetime Cash Ins: (1000)Total Current Colorist Credits: 2075
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 1:52 am
Rue's 2019 Feb Worklog
Quota: Primary, Rookie feb - july :: [x] aug :: break sep - feb :: [x]Outstanding Work 02/18/19 :: edited (undefined) :: SS Wishing Star :: Nyx Queen of Darkness & elfstar89 02/18/19 :: edited (undefined) :: SB Wishing Star :: Valdmir Talamore & medigel 02/18/19 :: edited (undefined) :: LLFM Wishing Star :: .Tortured. .Pumpkin. date :: edit level :: type :: usernameCompleted Work 750sc :: hiring sample :: (750sc heavy edits) :: [x] 750sc :: hiring sample :: (750sc heavy edits) :: [x] 750sc :: hiring sample :: (750sc heavy edits) :: [x] 750sc :: hiring sample :: (750sc heavy edits) :: [x] 500sc :: hiring sample :: (500sc mod edits) :: [x] 500sc :: hiring sample :: (500sc mod edits) :: [x] 500sc :: hiring sample :: (500sc mod edits) :: [x] 500sc :: hiring sample :: (500sc mod edits) :: [x] 500sc :: hiring sample :: (500sc mod edits) :: [x] 500sc :: hiring sample :: (500sc mod edits) :: [x] 500sc :: hiring sample :: (500sc mod edits) :: [x] 120sc :: cyo conversion :: (70sc unedited + 50sc simple splice) :: [x] 120sc :: cyo conversion :: (70sc unedited + 50sc simple splice) :: [x] item additions precolored = 10sc custom = 50sc (heavy) - 30 sc (mod) 10sc :: teddy bear :: (10sc precolored x1) :: [x] 30sc :: apples :: (10sc precolored x3) :: [x] 10sc :: flower crown :: (10sc precolored x1) :: [x] 30sc :: pumpkins :: (10sc precolored x3) :: [x] 10sc :: flower crown :: (10sc precolored x1) :: [x] 30sc :: fur shawl :: (30sc custom mod) :: [x] 50sc :: tabard :: (50sc custom heavy) :: [x] 50sc :: tabard :: (50sc custom heavy) :: [x] 30sc :: candles :: (30sc precolored x3) :: [x] 10sc :: flower crown :: (10sc precolored x1) :: [x] 30sc :: saddle :: (30sc custom mod) :: [x] 10sc :: flower crown :: (10sc precolored x1) :: [x] 30sc :: fur shawl :: (30sc custom mod) :: [x] 30sc :: fu shawl :: (30sc custom mod) :: [x] 10sc :: teddy bear :: (10sc precolored) :: [x] 50sc :: tabard :: (50sc custom heavy) :: [x] 30sc :: saddle :: (30sc custom mod) :: [x] 30sc :: candles :: (10 sc precolored x3) :: [x] 60sc :: candles :: (10sc precolored x6) :: [x] 10sc :: flower crown :: (10sc precolored x1) :: [x] 10sc :: flower crown :: (10sc precolored x1) :: [x] 10sc :: flower crown :: (10sc precolored x1) :: [x] 50sc :: tabard :: (50sc custom heavy) :: [x] 50sc :: tabard :: (50sc custom heavy) :: [x] 50sc :: tabard :: (50sc custom heavy) :: [x] 30sc :: candles :: (10sc precolored x3) :: [x] 80sc :: tabard + flower crown :: (50sc custom heavy + 30sc custom mod) :: [x] XXsc :: type :: (XXsc type + XXsc type) :: [x] total: 7450scSC Work :: Others show spoiler hide spoiler
date :: edit level :: type :: usernameSC Work :: Myself show spoiler hide spoiler
date :: edit level :: type :: usernameMonthly Total: 7450sc + 250sc (active)Previous G.Total: 0scSubtotal: 7700scCash-ins: 0scGrand Total: 7700sc
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:28 am
one over three
Hello, I am Maths and welcome to a January 2019
Carried over from previous
post ; ⍟12192
Cash ins approved;
Mock Breeding Twin ⍟500, 2 RL Twins ⍟1000
Event Custom Upgrade ⍟3500
Evil spaghetti breeding ⍟2500
Kingdom breeding ⍟2500
After deductions; ⍟1492
December unsolved Familiar Inking; ⍟???
show spoiler hide spoiler
((1 body)950+(2 alt claws,1 other)25+(3 Back fur)+(4 tails))/2=???
January Breeding for Rinial Sisterdragon (Zuzana Idocrase x Cornick)
Basket x 2; ⍟20
Foal x 2; ⍟60
Adult 1; ⍟120
Adult 2; ⍟70
Cleanup N/A
Total; ⍟270
Carried Over; ⍟1492
Grand Total; ⍟ 1762
-----Currently Outstanding Work-----
Night of Sinister Dressup As of 11/04/2018 Bear Walker for Tara de Draiocht
11/04/2018 Cockatiel Walker for Mythi Red Panda
11/04/2018 Hawk Walker Tefla
CYO 2018 As of 01/01/2019 Mindsend
01/01/2019Teh Cheryl
-----SC Work for Others-----
Fitz TT breeding
Aria Mutant Cat custom
Phail's Danger Horse
Troll's Horsy Horse
Big Bang 1
Big Bang 2
Big Bang 3
Big Bang 4
Big Bang 5
Big Bang 6
-----SC Work for Myself-----
Wedding Ring Mare
Rabbit Familiar
Event Freebie; Carousel
Fam for Carousel Freebie
Fam Breeding. Ash x Auchindoun w/ twists
Custom July 2015?
Breeding w/phail; Discord x Marrow w/twists
Fam Breeding. Huginn x Muninn
Unedited Fams. 1/25 made
Edited Fams. 0/11 made
Raven Lord Herd Helper (6 total)
Xmas Custom; AM charmed purewalker
Tea Event Freebie; Rose Lapsang Stallion
Flock girl (Angenil Birds of prey)
Renaissance Fair Freebie (3500 worth of upgrades)
Renaissance Fair Fam Freebie (...?)
(EDIT; I wasn't sure if I should add things that have been picked up by other people. If something is in the YP but hasn't been picked up I included it.)
Mock Breeding Twin (2 RL Twins)
Evil spaghetti breeding
Kingdom breeding
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:57 pm
Lolly's February Log!
[ Edited Colourist ] [ October ] [ Trello Tracker ] Credit added = awaiting approval Working on/Approvals Breeding: Nix x Rhenn [1] [ Heavy ] [ Adult ] [ Basket ] [760cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Basket ] [cc] Breeding: Valkyrie x Lok [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [cc] Breeding: Alyse x Harrison [1] [ Heavy ] [ Adult ] [750cc] [2] [ Heavy ] [ Adult ] [750cc] [3] [ Heavy ] [ Adult ] [750cc] Breeding: Jessamine x Relic [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [cc] Forge Custom Item: Calixita [ Extreme ] [cc] Forge Custom Item: Nyx Queen of Darkness [ Moderate ] [cc] Forge Custom Item: HoneyTeaTree [ Minor ] [cc] Forge Item Placement [x] [cc] CYO18 [ Gl!tch~ ] [ Familiar ] [ Unedited ] [50cc] CYO18 [ -Nessus-Euenos- ] [ Familiar ] [ Unedited ] [50cc] CYO18 [ Mythi Red Panda ] [ Familiar ] [ Unedited ] [50cc] CYO18 [ Naru_Uchiha007 ] [ Familiar ] [ Unedited ] [50cc] CYO18 [ PeterPan_da144 ] [ Familiar ] [ Unedited ] [50cc]Completed Christmas Custom [familiar - collab w/ Manda]: Phail Ninja [ Extreme ] [350cc] CYO18 [ Wasteland Wyvern ] [ Unedited / Moderate Splice ] [170cc] CYO18 [ Wasteland Wyvern ] [ Familiar ] [ Unedited ] [50cc]SC stuff show spoiler hide spoiler
Breeding: Oceania x Apatite [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [cc] Custom Item: Calixita [ Minor ] [cc] YP Semi-Custom: xxx Yuki Bear xxx [ ] [cc] YP Semi-Custom: xxx Yuki Bear xxx [ ] [cc]My Stuff show spoiler hide spoiler
Custom: [ Christmas 2017 ] [ Soquili ] Custom: [ Christmas 2017 ] [ Familiar ] Custom: [ Event 2017 ] [ Familiar ] Breeding: Astraeus x Leikalessa [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [0cc] Breeding: Vanity Rose x Astraeus [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [0cc] Breeding: Foxglove Boneblossom x Wight [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] Breeding: Genevieve "Of the Garden" x Honeydew [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] Breeding: Lady Evangeline x Sanova Amachi [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] Boneblossom Herd Helper [ Moderate ] [1] [ Moderate ] [0cc] [2] [ Moderate ] [0cc] [3] [ Moderate ] [0cc] [4] [ Moderate ] [0cc] [5] [ Moderate ] [0cc] [6] [ Moderate ] [0cc] Custom [ Extreme | Triwing | Mutant ] [0cc] Custom [ Pure | Extreme ][0cc] Breeding: Levana x Felicius [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] Breeding: Marjani Earthstrike x Helianthus [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] Breeding: Darkheart x Kaylani [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] Breeding: Teacup Rose "Tea" x Lady Evangeline [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [ Foal ] [ Basket ] [0cc] Custom [ Nyx Queen of Darkness ] [0cc] Custom [ Mahogany Sunset ] [0cc] Familiar x 3 [ Heavy ] [0cc] Familiar x 3 [ Moderate ] [0cc] Familiar x 3 [ Minor ] [0cc] Familiar x 3 [ Unedited ] [0cc] Custom Item x 2 [ Heavy ] [0cc] Custom Item x 5 [ Moderate ] [0cc] Custom [ Yuki ] [ Heavy Non-Walker ] [0cc] Custom [ Christmas 2018 ] [ Soquili ] Custom [ Christmas 2018 ] [ Familiar ] Custom [ Event 2018 ] [ Familiar ] Breeding: Thane x Bonnie [ Kingdom Twists ] [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] Breeding: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon x Sitara [ Fall Twists ] [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] Breeding: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon x Sitara [ Fall Twists ] [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] Breeding: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon x Sitara [ Fall Twists ] [1] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] [2] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] [3] [ ] [ Adult ] [0cc] Custom [ AstoriaFallen ] [ Moderate Non-Walker ] [0cc] Custom [ Theidren ] [ Moderate Non-Walker ] [0cc] Custom [ Inari Miko ] [ Moderate Non-Walker ] [0cc]Credits - Previous credits: 2,790 - This month's credits: 570 - Monthly Bonus: N/A - This month's cash-ins: - - Total credits: 3,360 - Yellowpage Points: 7Cash-ins show spoiler hide spoiler
2016 December: Foxglove Boneblossom x Manannan Mac Lir [Breeding -1,000cc] January: Petalwing Twins - Lunadriel & Mahogany Sunset [Custom -2,000] April: Mockbreeding Twins [HakuronxEleniel] - LOLTERNATIVE & Sesshiyasha [Mutant custom - 3,000cc] May: Foxglove Boneblossom x Rubeus Imperator "Alizarin" [Breeding -1,000] June: Mimiteh x Hunahpu [Breeding -1,000] July: Vanity Rose x Astraeus [Breeding -5 TC] October: Foxglove x Wight [Breeding - 1,000cc] November: Astraeus' sister - Astoriafallen [Custom - 1,500cc]2017 January: Nirmala x Astraeus [Breeding - 1,000cc]February: Astraeus x Nokomis [Breeding - 1,000cc] March: Moderate mutant up to super rare [Custom - 1,500cc] March: Astraeus x Teleri Lindai [Breeding - 1,750cc]March: Vesper x Erynion [Breeding - 1,750cc] April: Genevieve "Of the Garden" x Honeydew [Breeding - 2,000cc] April: Tyene Sand [Custom - 1,125] [ Nyx Queen of Darkness ] May: Lady Evangeline x Sanova Amachi [Breeding - 2,000cc] May: Elune x Tokidoki [Breeding - 2,000cc] May: Boneblossom Herd Helper [Custom - 2,750cc] June: Levana x Felicius [Breeding - 2,000cc] July: Auril "Frostmaiden" [Custom - 4,750] July: Alysanne [Custom - 1,500] [Mahogany Sunset] August: Marjani Earthstrike x Helianthus [Breeding - 2,000cc] October: Vilurin Goldenleaf x Akiko [Breeding - 2,000] October: Purewalker [Custom - 4,250]November: Ros'Lyn x Zephirine Amachi-Tyrell [Breeding - 2,000] November: Darkheart x Kaylani [Breeding - 1,500] [ Fall ]2018 February: Teacup Rose "Tea" x Lady Evangeline [Breeding - 2,000] February: Camellia & Sir Lancaster of the Rose Court [Breeding - 1,500] February: Nyx Mock Twin: Ros'Lyn x Zephirine Amachi-Tyrell [Custom - 250] February: Lolly Mock Twin: Ros'Lyn x Zephirine Amachi-Tyrell [Custom - 250] July: Elfstar89 Mock Twin: Ros'Lyn x Zephirine Amachi-Tyrell [Custom [ - 250] July: Lolly Mock Twin: Vanity Rose x Astraeus [Custom - 250] July: TorturedPumpkin Mock Twin: Vanity Rose x Astraeus[Custom - 250] August: Yellowpage Semi-Custom [Custom - 2,000] September: Single Soquili Auction [-40 YP] September: Birthday Present for Yuki [Custom -5,500] September: Event freebie upgrade [Heavy -3,500] October: 12 x Familiars[ Various Edit Levels -7,500] October: 5 x Custom Items [ Moderate 5,000] October: 2 x Custom Items [ Heavy -9,000] October: 2 x Yellowpage Semi-Custom [Custom -2,000] October: Auril "Frostmaiden" [Refund + 4,750] November: Thane x Bonnie [ Breeding - 2,000 ] [ Kingdom ] November: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon x Sitara [ Breeding - 3,000 ] [ Fall ] December: Neon Twilight x Lothiriel [ Breeding - 2,000 ] [ Winter ] December: Isilme Taure x Girasol [ Breeding - 3,000 ] December: Theidren Rose Court [ Custom - 2,000 ] December: AstoriaFallen Recustom [ Custom - 2,000 ] December: Inari Miko Birthday Gift [ Custom - 2,000 ] December: Weed Witch [ Custom - 5,500 ]* = not approved, credits not yet removed
Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:01 am
February 2019 Worklogs Position: Biannual Junior Colorist || Quota:
August- SC Customs // February - Break // March - Public Customs
▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀
Current Outstanding Work: - none
▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀
Work Finished Since Last Post: Event Pets ☆ Item Additions: (starting from page 16, after Calixita's order)
Item Additions:
pc = precolored = 10c/item placed
TP item costs for custom colored items:
(heavy) tabard 50c
(mod) saddles, fur, maypole, (custom)teddy 30c
(mod) custom flower crowns (if flowers are individually colored) 30c
custom candles at 10c each (hue shift)
show spoiler hide spoiler
1 - 3 pc - 30
2 - 1 cust. colored (heavy) - 50
3 - 1 cust. colored (heavy) + 2 cust. colored (mod) = 50 + 60 = 110
4 - 1 cust. colored (heavy) - 50
5 - 3 pc - 30
6 - 1 pc - 10
7 - 1 pc - 10
8 - 1 cust. colored (mod) - 30
9 - 1 pc - 10
10 - 1 pc - 10
11 - 1 cust. colored (mod) - 30
12 - 1 cust. colored (mod) - 30
13 - 1 cust. colored (heavy) - 50
14 - 1 cust. colored (mod) - 30
15 - 1 cust. colored (mod) - 30
16 - 1 pc - 10
17 - 1 pc - 10
18 - 1 cust. colored (heavy) - 50
19 - 3 pc - 30
20 - 1 pc - 10
21 - 1 pc - 10
22 - 7 pc - 70
23 - 1 pc - 10
24 - 1 pc - 10
25 - 1 cust. colored (mod) - 30
26 - 1 pc - 10
27 - 1 pc - 10
28 - 6 pc - 60
Total: 830c ☆
Feb Flaffle Pets Doggo Unedit Dog (Wolf) - 50c
Doggo Unedit Dog (Wolf) - 50c
Doggo Unedit Dog (Wolf) - 50c
Total: 150c ☆
CYO Fams XxXPandamoniumXxX - Unedit Crow - 50c
[X]Natty-Chan[X] - Unedit Turtle - 50c
Niyaru Delacroix - Unedit Buffalo + mod item/splice = 50 + 70 = 120
TheFairyRogue - Unedit Parrot - 50c
Ririka - Unedit Snake - 50c
Secret Santa FaithoftheFallen - Extreme Edit - 1000c
Total: 1320c Breedings ☆ Aruhe x Eridanus
Basket - 0
Foal - Minor edits - 75c
Adult - Heavy edit - 750c
Basket - 0
Foal - Unedit - 30c
Adult - Mod edit - 500c
☆ Giselle x Tobiah
Basket - 0
Foal - Unedit - 30c
Adult - Unedit + Mod splice - 70 + 100 = 170
Basket - 0
Foal - Unedit - 30c
Adult - Unedit + Simple splice - 70 + 50 = 120
Basket - Cust. color - 10
Foal - Unedit - 30c
Adult - Unedit - 70c
Total: 1815c Total: 4115c ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀
SC Work For Others: ☆
SS Soq for FaithoftheFallen ☆
Plushie Custom for Natelie ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀
SC Work For Myself: ☆
Pixie Twins ☆ Custom Items - Minor x3
☆ Custom Items - Mod x1
RenFaire Event Freebie Soq + Fam
☆ 2018 Christmas Custom
☆ Chayse x Arctic Breeding
Heavy Edit Fam Twins (kitsune) ☆ Pyper x Raja Winter Twist Breeding (YP)
▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀
Current Cashins: Previous Month Total 18,385
Monthly active bonus 250c
Total for Current Month 4115c
Cash in Subtraction SC Grand total at end of Month: 22,750cYP Points: 26c
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:54 am
Uta's February '19 Worklog
Quota RetiredCustomer Owed Work: Nothing yet!~ ~ ~ SC Owed to Others ---> Vermillion (Kyrieko) x Hesediel (Meepfur) // 3 Baskets ---> Mahdi (one over three) x Auster (Kaitaia) // 3 Baskets Winter Twists ---> Malvolia (Lady Aria Starstone) x Samael (Lady Aria Starstone) // 3 Baskets ---> Bloodclaw (Mindsend) x Abraxas (Calixita) // 2 Adult Only Kids + Pokemon Twists ---> Imogen (Amirynth) x Dayunsi (Amirynth) // 3 Adults & Baskets Only // Changeling Twists~ ~ ~Pets I Owe Myself ---> Maeryn x Milosh Breeding 0cc ---> Keiran x Arianwyn Breeding 0cc ---> Orpheus x Eurydice 0cc ---> Apsinthion x Ilium 0cc ---> Sayerauho x Exanimus 0cc ---> Lothorien x Astariel 0cc ---> Seresai x Tylen 0cc ---> Kaiya x Lord Grey 0cc ---> Inter Vivos x Aaliyah 0cc ---> Caerney "Heartleaf" Boneblossom x Solas 0cc ---> Shiva x Parvati 0cc ---> Utpala x Alis 0cc (3 crossbreeds, girl, boy, boy)Past Event Freebies I Owe Myself ---> Uta Carousel Event Freebie [Endymion] 0cc ---> Uta Enchanted Tea Garden Event Freebie [Shahjahan] 0cc ---> Christmas 16 Anything Goes Soq 0cc [Phoenix-Angeni] ---> Christmas 16 Anything Goes Familiar 0cc [???] ---> Prehistoric Event Quad-Wing Freebie 0cc [Mikhail] --->Christmas 18 Anything Goes Soq 3 0cc [???] ---> Christmas 18 Anything Goes Familiar 3 0cc [???]Finished Pets Since Last Post : ---> Disnia (Sabin Duvert) x Warlock (Sabin Duvert) Adults x 3 (moderate): 1500cc ---> Lady Caliethia 'Callie' x Bear Claws Baskets @10c x 3: 30cc ---> Lady Caliethia 'Callie' x Bear Claws Foals (Unedited) x 3: 90cc ---> Lady Caliethia 'Callie' x Bear Claws Adults x 3 (moderate): 1500cc ---> Ouriel x Disorder 0cc ---> Sunny x Brielle Breeding 0cc ---> Reject x Raven Breeding 0cc ---> Faelwyn & Wyeth Breeding 0cc ---> Christmas 17 Anything Goes Soq 0cc [Fantasia] ---> Christmas17 Anything Goes Familiar 0cc [Clatter] TOTAL: 3,120ccWaiting On: ---> Azimene x Guirien (Hanging gallow) ---> Nocturne x Wind Gypsy (Nerpin) --->Mystery x MYSTERY (Big Bang)Current Month's Cash-ins : N/ATOTAL +3,120ccPrevious Credit Record : All Time Credit Count: 20,595 + 3,120 = 23,715cc Old Tech Credits: April 2018 : 21,500cGrand Total Combined: 45,215c
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:45 pm
Subducting's Feb-July Worklog
Owed Work
18/02/19 Wishing Star | mistalina13 + dawns_aura | Spirit's Blessing (QC in progress) 18/02/19 Wishing Star | Rita Zyon | Long Lost Family Member (QC in progress) 18/02/19 Wishing Star | Summer Raaven | A True Friend Completed Work
Hiring Samples [details upcoming]
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:38 am
◊Diamond's Feb - July 2019 Worklog◊ SC Requests Status | ClosedCredit Guide Completed | Yuki's SC Unedited CC soq (70+100) Yuki's SC buffalo CC familiarTo Do | -----------Credits | Earned | 170 Carried | 6,595c Cashed | Total | 6,765c Cash-ins | show spoiler hide spoiler
xxxxx March 2016 Familiar custom gift for Yuki (50) Edited soquili custom for myself (1,000)Previous Logs |
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 7:38 pm
elfy's February 2019 Worklog
Quota: Apprentice
February - July - CYOs, Freebies, Wishing StarAugust - BreakSeptember - January - TBAFebruary Worklog Working On/Approvals Atlantis x Stargate | Tara de Draiocht | Unstarted Aurea x Corwin | -_Wish of Tevarae_- | Posted for QC Astrophel | Teigra | In Progress Gunnhildr | xxx Yuki Bear xxx | Unstarted Hiring Samples 220 SC = [70 SC Unedited + 150 SC Heavy Splice]175 SC = [125 SC Minor Edited + 50 SC Simple Splice]225 SC = [125 SC Minor Edited + 100 SC Moderate Splice]275 SC = [125 SC Minor Edited + 150 SC Heavy Splice]275 SC = [125 SC Minor Edited + 150 SC Heavy Splice]175 SC = [125 SC Minor Edited + 50 SC Simple Splice]CYOs 220 SC = [70 SC Unedited + 150 SC Heavy Splice] | xSakura Serenityx220 SC = [70 SC Unedited + 150 SC Heavy Splice] | DarkenWoodWolfFreebies 220 SC = [70 SC Unedited + 150 SC Heavy Splice] | V-Day FreebieWishing Star Will move things here and do calculations as things get QC'ed Total Earned: 2005 SC
Current Monthly Cash-In SC Work for Others SC Work for Myself Previous Accounts Previous Cash-Ins Previous Credits: 0 SC
Cash-Ins: 0 SC
Current Total: 2005 SC