Mobster Goose generated a random number between
1 and 19 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:42 pm
Usdia/Seathi/MerFunshine (Ririka) x Domino (miss meami) Unedited Page 1 1.) Parvati (elfstar89) x Poultry (Kurrudii) 2.) Burryna (elvyralani) x Cheveyo (Jetalmeara) 3.) Athosia (Jinx Creed) x Oathkeeper (x-Ivory_Feld-x) 4.) Echo's Song (tefla) x Dradneos (Makette) Page 2 5.) Rocksteady (Fatal Irony) x Dhanuraja (Katjive) 6.) Mahiri (Summer Raven and Remove) x Hania (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) 7.) Rose (The Adorable Panda) x Benito (Lunarflowermaiden) Page 3 8.) Funshine (Ririka) x Domino (miss meami) 9.) Kanti (hanging gallow and lilly_the_ inchanted) Zerachiel (CaitlynHellstorm/Samus x) Page 4 10.) Lealia (Allie23/Vashtya) x Scryer (GunSniper/Kita Etheria Bloodmyth) 11.) Zeda (Tebiki) x Heha Nimsup (XxPrimevalPandaxX) 12.) Zyria (Vashtya) x Pin (Agneza+NaiyaRose) 13.) Jaloo (Retro Coffee and Raiu-Chan) x Vasu'raj (Lunadriel) Page 5 14.) Toxic Sludge (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. and UniWingdFox) x Lyka Rockstar (Sylent Nyte) 15.) Tika ([ Mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Spunky Dasher/ cyhorse) 16.) Adela (mew-neko & Faid Shadowlight) x Trovin (nekolulu) Page 6 17.) Kiri (Upside.-.Down) x Perfect Panda (Rage Beat) 18.) Kaelyn (oo DeD) x Sandalwood (Doodle p***s) 19.) Millicent (Leez0rz) x Razi (Ririka)
Mobster Goose generated a random number between
1 and 101 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:44 pm
Usdia/Seathi/MerFunshine (Ririka) x Domino (miss meami) UneditedMahiri (Summer Raven and Remove) x Hania (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) Open Page 1 1.) Persephone (Upside.-.Down) x Connor (Huroggmeten) 2.) Mittrei (Revolutionary Roniel) x Obeah (Kamiki) 3.) Padmasambhava (Revolutionary Roniel) x Ame (FlamingStar-Sama) 4.) Azn (Rita Zyon) x Gaspard (Derivative) 5.) Hanna (Nekolulu and sage the vampic angel) x Entei (Tasle) 6.) Alienore (elfstar89) x Blake (vollyballrocks91) 7.) Parvati (elfstar89) x Poultry (Kurrudii) 8.) Saiena (Cajmera) x Aramis (Cajmera) 9.) Damara (Talencia) x Allouette (Cajmera) 10.) Mindy (Kesmi and White Neko Chan) x Nikki (Kesmi) 11.) Misaki (Dixie) x Arathorn (Lonewolf_eyes and Angelgirl2345) 12.) "Forest Pansy" Cercis Canadensis (Lita Rutherford) x Thackery (elvyralani) 13.) Burryna (elvyralani) x Cheveyo (Jetalmeara) 14.) Athosia (Jinx Creed) x Oathkeeper (x-Ivory_Feld-x) Page 2 15.) Echo's Song (tefla) x Dradneos (Makette) 16.) Manami (Zero Dream) x Luan Qi Sheng (Sosiqui) 17.) Nevara (Bella dea, Huroggmeten) x Taigi (Nuclearity) 18.) Poppins (The Toadies Gal) x Dimitri (Alanna the Pirate Queen) 19.) An'Jeli (`Swirly) x Ashutosh (The_Toadies_gal) 20.) Kimera (Kiara Lime/Sabin Duvert) x Devil NightShade (xNephilim Queen) 21.) Inara Serra (Fatal Irony) x Adina (Daeril-Sama) 22.) Rocksteady (Fatal Irony) x Dhanuraja (Katjive) 23.) Mahiri (Summer Raven and Remove) x Hania (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) 24.) Esta (mouselet) x Tregaran (mouselet) 25.) Blade (mouselet) x Wyrren (EchoLimaFoxtrot) 26.) Aleksei (Novablu) x Oberon (`Swirly) 27.) Aleera (ArashiX) x Persephonix (`raze) 28.) Meru (Ivory Feld) x Albert (SkyDragono) 29.) Utsumo (Spunky Dasher) x Vervain (Sirenz) 30.) Genoa ([ vance ]) x Marley (Pink Pandah Bear) 31.) Rose (The Adorable Panda) x Benito (Lunarflowermaiden) Page 3 32.) Tira (Beat Fu) x Abenroth (JadeEye) 33.) Rain (Pukio and Kay Thx) x Sokka (Beat Fu) 34.) Rayne (bella dea) x Wenopa (mindsend / Zephlis) 35.) Ravah (Buffy_the_Bloody x Parue) x Azzan (Thamin) 36.) Yuu Hakuto (Hot Lolli & Tefla) x Cross (Xaki) 37.) Glacie (Frey Ghreyston) x Aisu (Dihydrogen.) 38.) Hakumei (Kaisanti) x Duzi (Kijani (formerly X-Ronso-X) and Uta) 39.) Cleo (Roserain) x Aquilo (JadedTiger22) 40.) Paprika (Naysha Aysha) x Alto (JadedTiger22) 41.) Funshine (Ririka) x Domino (miss meami) 42.) Lovebeam (Ice_Dragon_Demon) x Vibrant Shades of Death (Devil NightShade) 43.) Kanti (hanging gallow and lilly_the_ inchanted) Zerachiel (CaitlynHellstorm/Samus x) 44.) Nihkita (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) x Ra'asiel (Samus x) 45.) A'Idah (wooga Paes) x Dali (Poetical Rain) 46.) Diawen (endejester) x Ixion (Poetical Rain) 47.) Fearthainn (XBlind-DarknessX) x Alexiel (Tamiko_kitten) 48.) Renesme Carlie Cullen (Syaoran-Puu) x Rune (sparrows_poppet) Page 4 49.) Shinoma (Sayuri_Nitta) x Firestorm (Sabin Duvert) 50.) Lealia (Allie23/Vashtya) x Scryer (GunSniper/Kita Etheria Bloodmyth) 51.) Guedes (Mameha Otome) x Ahriman (Dixie) 52.) Zeda (Tebiki) x Heha Nimsup (XxPrimevalPandaxX) 53.) Leotie (Tasah) x Abloec (Faid Shadowlight) 54.) Aethereal (Kirowyn Love) x Silvara (Sleet Tempest Snape) 55.) Lorelei (`raze) x Viraj (Logue) 56.) Zyria (Vashtya) x Pin (Agneza+NaiyaRose) 57.) Lailah Nacht (LunaRei_SilverBlood) x Vatican (Sage_the_vampirc_angel) 58.) Mahdi (one over three) x Astrophel (LunaRei_SilverBlood and Getsurei) 59.) Amarinne (Celeanor/Forahier) x Crousader (Celeanor) 60.) Bonfire (Celeanor) x Killian (Celeanor) 61.) Kayla (Nymphalidae) x Cuauhcoatl (mindsend) 62.) Thorn (Nisshou Hakuyaiba) x Krad (Reeve_Tuesti) 63.) Jaloo (Retro Coffee and Raiu-Chan) x Vasu'raj (Lunadriel) 64.) Kaiya (Uta) x Raiju (Kijani (formerly x-Ronso-x)) 65.) Kyoniki (Manchu the Panda) x Ciaran (Feanaro) 66.) Líadáin (Kaisanti) x Monfulta (Vistada) 67.) Toxic Sludge (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. and UniWingdFox) x Lyka Rockstar (Sylent Nyte) 68.) Gaiacinta (Doodle p***s) x Chowilawu (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.) 69.) Neria (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_) x Sylar (AlexiaSilver) 70.) Vienne (Feanaro) x Volbeat (Bellforge) 71.) Oddysey (Sabin Duvert) x SkullCat (Kaliskanny) 72.) Hyun-Ae (Apotropaic) x Padraig (sparrows_poppet) 73.) Gale (Ranger Myst & k u r o - m i z u k i) x De Soto ([ vance ]) 74.) Kawoni Lillian (sbuggy166) x St. Augustine (Kaimi Kalani) 75.) Tika ([ Mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Spunky Dasher/ cyhorse) 76.) Fiore (lonelion) x Rabi (Zsabrina) 77.) Theia (Lady in the Golden Wood) x Aeolus (~InfinityTrust~) 78.) Bella Lillian (Nekolulu & [+Katch+]) x Swellow (Wyntre IceBlade) 79.) Adela (mew-neko & Faid Shadowlight) x Trovin (nekolulu) Page 6 80.) Bunny (Pink Pandah Bear) x Jason Voorhees (Midori_Keiko) 81.) Zoe (-Nessus-Euenos-) x Leif (Sylent Nyte) 82.) Kiri (Upside.-.Down) x Perfect Panda (Rage Beat) 83.) Lyssa (Kative) x Allan (Yuuka Kurokawa and YamiBakuraChan) 84.) Kanti Nuttah (oo DeD) x Aveshar (~Latonia de la Courtel~) 85.) Kaelyn (oo DeD) x Sandalwood (Doodle p***s) 86.) Millicent (Leez0rz) x Razi (Ririka) 87.) Caelyndei (Neon Fly -formerly Inkume-) x Capella (GrnGriff) 88.) Shirahime (Rein_Carnation) x Corann (Caitlyn Hellstorm and lexi_angel) 89.) Keii Himba (Yumitoko) x Mitra (Avid_RPer1 cool 90.) Lunatone (Dihydrogen.) x Venombane (Agneza) 91.) ShadowMoonLe (/_-Cheeky_Chobit-_) x Zoomba (Naysha Aysha) Page 7 92.) Taipa (Yayoi) x Borias (Harperking) 93.) Kredoe (Huni Pi) x Crevan (Nevayeh (formerly FallenMercury)) 94.) Beldam (Huni Pi) x Pokko (Huni Pi) 95.) Yei Umeko (Epine de Rose) x Grencia, The Forgotten Face (Epine de Rose) 96.) Bella (Uta & Talencia) x Azumoth (Epine de Rose) 97.) Air (Mila Farrell) x Lyrn (EchoLimaFoxtrot) 98.) Lady Requiem (Sleet Tempest Snape) x Legolas (Sleet Tempest Snape and Niloufer) 99.) Marie Von Helson ([CNP]AIls Von Helson) x Kiun (Chaifuzz) 100.) Sakura Kinomoto (lorako and miss meami) x Shaolan Li (lorako and miss meami) 101.) Windstorm (Lady Evelyn Nyht & Sabin Duvert) x Auster (Kaitaia)
Mobster Goose generated a random number between
1 and 4 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:45 pm
Mobster Goose Usdia/Seathi/MerFunshine (Ririka) x Domino (miss meami) UneditedMahiri (Summer Raven and Remove) x Hania (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) OpenNeria (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_) x Sylar (AlexiaSilver) Low Luck Page 3 1.) Ravah (Buffy_the_Bloody x Parue) x Azzan (Thamin) 2.) Hakumei (Kaisanti) x Duzi (Kijani (formerly X-Ronso-X) and Uta) Page 4 3.) Kaiya (Uta) x Raiju (Kijani (formerly x-Ronso-x)) Page 7 4.) Sakura Kinomoto (lorako and miss meami) x Shaolan Li (lorako and miss meami)
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:45 pm
Yehh thank you Ririka for posting them first 4laugh *pm her sister so she send the trade* trade will be from Yoko lorako (all our soquili money is under the same account)
Mobster Goose generated a random number between
1 and 45 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:46 pm
Usdia/Seathi/MerFunshine (Ririka) x Domino (miss meami) UneditedMahiri (Summer Raven and Remove) x Hania (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) OpenNeria (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_) x Sylar (AlexiaSilver) Low LuckRavah (Buffy_the_Bloody x Parue) x Azzan (Thamin) Lifemate Page 1 1.) Persephone (Upside.-.Down) x Connor (Huroggmeten) 2.) Padmasambhava (Revolutionary Roniel) x Ame (FlamingStar-Sama) 3.) Hanna (Nekolulu and sage the vampic angel) x Entei (Tasle) 4.) Damara (Talencia) x Allouette (Cajmera) 5.) Misaki (Dixie) x Arathorn (Lonewolf_eyes and Angelgirl2345) 6.) Athosia (Jinx Creed) x Oathkeeper (x-Ivory_Feld-x) Page 2 7.) Nevara (Bella dea, Huroggmeten) x Taigi (Nuclearity) 8.) Rocksteady (Fatal Irony) x Dhanuraja (Katjive) 9.) Mahiri (Summer Raven and Remove) x Hania (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) 10.) Esta (mouselet) x Tregaran (mouselet) 11.) Blade (mouselet) x Wyrren (EchoLimaFoxtrot) 12.) Aleksei (Novablu) x Oberon (`Swirly) 13.) Aleera (ArashiX) x Persephonix (`raze) 14.) Meru (Ivory Feld) x Albert (SkyDragono) Page 3 15.) Rayne (bella dea) x Wenopa (mindsend / Zephlis) 16.) Yuu Hakuto (Hot Lolli & Tefla) x Cross (Xaki) 17.) Glacie (Frey Ghreyston) x Aisu (Dihydrogen.) 18.) Hakumei (Kaisanti) x Duzi (Kijani (formerly X-Ronso-X) and Uta) 19.) Cleo (Roserain) x Aquilo (JadedTiger22) 20.) Funshine (Ririka) x Domino (miss meami) 21.) Lovebeam (Ice_Dragon_Demon) x Vibrant Shades of Death (Devil NightShade) 22.) Kanti (hanging gallow and lilly_the_ inchanted) Zerachiel (CaitlynHellstorm/Samus x) 23.) A'Idah (wooga Paes) x Dali (Poetical Rain) 24.) Renesme Carlie Cullen (Syaoran-Puu) x Rune (sparrows_poppet) Page 4 25.) Shinoma (Sayuri_Nitta) x Firestorm (Sabin Duvert) 26.) Zeda (Tebiki) x Heha Nimsup (XxPrimevalPandaxX) 27.) Leotie (Tasah) x Abloec (Faid Shadowlight) 28.) Lailah Nacht (LunaRei_SilverBlood) x Vatican (Sage_the_vampirc_angel) 29.) Amarinne (Celeanor/Forahier) x Crousader (Celeanor) 30.) Bonfire (Celeanor) x Killian (Celeanor) Page 5 31.) Kyoniki (Manchu the Panda) x Ciaran (Feanaro) 32.) Líadáin (Kaisanti) x Monfulta (Vistada) 33.) Toxic Sludge (.Tortured. .Pumpkin. and UniWingdFox) x Lyka Rockstar (Sylent Nyte) 34.) Gaiacinta (Doodle p***s) x Chowilawu (.Tortured. .Pumpkin.) 35.) Neria (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_) x Sylar (AlexiaSilver) 36.) Hyun-Ae (Apotropaic) x Padraig (sparrows_poppet) 37.) Tika ([ Mialee ]) x Apple-oosa (Spunky Dasher/ cyhorse) 38.) Theia (Lady in the Golden Wood) x Aeolus (~InfinityTrust~) Page 6 39.) Zoe (-Nessus-Euenos-) x Leif (Sylent Nyte) 40.) Kaelyn (oo DeD) x Sandalwood (Doodle p***s) 41.) Shirahime (Rein_Carnation) x Corann (Caitlyn Hellstorm and lexi_angel) 42.) Yei Umeko (Epine de Rose) x Grencia, The Forgotten Face (Epine de Rose) 43.) Bella (Uta & Talencia) x Azumoth (Epine de Rose) 44.) Lady Requiem (Sleet Tempest Snape) x Legolas (Sleet Tempest Snape and Niloufer) 45.) Sakura Kinomoto (lorako and miss meami) x Shaolan Li (lorako and miss meami)
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:47 pm
Mobster Goose generated a random number between
1 and 101 ...
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:47 pm
Mobster Goose Usdia/Seathi/MerFunshine (Ririka) x Domino (miss meami) UneditedMahiri (Summer Raven and Remove) x Hania (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) OpenNeria (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_) x Sylar (AlexiaSilver) Low LuckRavah (Buffy_the_Bloody x Parue) x Azzan (Thamin) Life MatesZoe (-Nessus-Euenos-) x Leif (Sylent Nyte) I'MA DO ANOTHER OPEN
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:48 pm
OMG OMG! MOBBU ILU!! You have no idea, first you do Bairn/Corine in your first threaad and then Mahiri/Hania omggggggggggggggg. <3333333333
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:49 pm
CONGRATS WINNERS<3333333 Please send a breeding trade to me C: 6k per parent 12k total And uh.. I guess mare uncerts for preggers for those who want them. XD
Usdia/Seathi/Mer Funshine (Ririka) x Domino (miss meami)
Unedited Mahiri (Summer Raven and Remove) x Hania (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki)
Open Neria (_-Cheeky_Chobit-_) x Sylar (AlexiaSilver) Fiore (lonelion) x Rabi (Zsabrina
Low Luck Ravah (Buffy_the_Bloody x Parue) x Azzan (Thamin)
Life Mates Zoe (-Nessus-Euenos-) x Leif (Sylent Nyte)
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:49 pm
-snaps fingers- Dang. Still no luck on getting my first breeding XD Congrats winners!
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:50 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:50 pm
Summer Raven OMG OMG! MOBBU ILU!! You have no idea, first you do Bairn/Corine in your first threaad and then Mahiri/Hania omggggggggggggggg. <3333333333 LOLOLOL it's faaaaaaaate XDDDD
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:51 pm
Congrats Winners
~prods Vatican with a stick~
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:51 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:51 pm
so close yet so far.
congrats winners!