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Zaber Blade

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:26 am
OOC: Funny OOC story. At the lunch table we always fight over who takes out the garbage by seeing who can scream "not it!" first and the last one has to take the trash out. Today I was the first to say not it, and my friend said "Voice in (Zaber's) head's it!" I pointed to my head and screamed "Damn you Zach!" And of course, no one knew what I was talking about. rolleyes

Zaber picked up his sword again and set off to the meteor site without a word to anyone. Fine, if Sepiroth helped them beat father, so be it. If he tried to stick around after that... then there'd be hell to pay. He suddendly realized for the first time just how slow walking was. "Shade! get over here now!" Shade screamed back.
"Quit being a bratty brother for just a day, OK! This is urgent!"

"Your being awful hard on him, aren't you?"
"What the... who the..."
"Nice to meet you too." The voice left Zaber's consiousness for a brief moment, he headed towards the dragon as Shade prepared for flight. DMM looked at the others.
"The dragon can only carry one more, and that's pushing it."
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:17 am
Melody growled softly before she glided over after taking short flight to Zaber and Shade's side. She sighed, running her hands through her hair.

"I'm coming with you, Zaber...I know you're not very fond of whatever it is I've become...and since...it seems that Sephiroth was the one who killed my little Aurun...perhaps being your friend at one time isn't so far fetched an idea..." she said softly, looking towards where Vaizel had flown off after she'd hit him. She hoped that Zaber and his comrades would accept her again.

OOC: I did too know what you were talking about Zaber!!!!!!!! I'm at the lunchtable too! I knew what you were talking about, AND.....I WANT A VOICE TOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! *whines* crying gonk  

Kanna Moto

Zaber Blade

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:07 pm
OOC: Well...um...let's see who else is dead... there's Hojo I suppose?

Zaber smiled for once. "Finally remembered that that wasn't me huh?" He held out his hand. "I forgive you."
"This is touching." The voice said sarcastically, his mind prodding against Zaber's annoyingly.
"Who are you?"
"...I'm your consious."
"Then why have I never heard you before?"
"I was on a coffee break..." the voice sniggered.
"You've been on a coffee break for 21 years?"
"Hahahaha! You fell for it!"
"I was just playing along. Now... who are you? How long have you been here?"
"Zach, and three years. That about sums it up."
"Three... why haven't I heard you before?"
"I've been with you since your little accident. I tried to speak with you... but I couldn't. This strange presence has opened a passage into people's minds, so I can speak to you now."
"OK, first of all I've never heard of you. What are you doing here anyway?"
"I'm bored! Do you have any idea how boring your life is! It's the only thing I've gotten to see for the last three years, and two years of it was just you lying in a hospital bed..."

Shade watched from on top of the dragon. He nudged DMM with his elbow, then whispered in his ear once he had his attention.
"Does he always talk to himself?" DMM laughed.
"Only once before!"
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:05 pm
(( Well, there's always Gast or Ifalna as well. And even though Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz are all parts of Sephiroth, they did seem to have their own conciousnesses. ^_^))  




PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:13 pm
Dahry watched Saerena's progress towards the meteor in silence. Brow furrowed she stood as she struggled in vain to decipher the whispers in her mind. It was...some...thing? Someone? She ought to know and she knew she should, but still she drew a blank, and the slight fog in her mind from the drugs she had taken earlier seemed to hide the answer she sought. There were shadows around her, around her mind as well as around her physically. Those shadows were menacing, promising pain and death. She instinctively shied away from the shadows and she looked up ouy of her reverie fully expecting to see something horrible step out of those shadows, the ones that seemed to grow out of the meteor. She thought that something moved at the edge of her vision. It was...was it heading towards Saerrena?

Shinrei fell to a crouch warring with the power of Father's mental assault now that he had ventured so close. Everywhere within him reverberated with the force of Father's Call. The many Jenova cells infecting his body were reacting to the nearness of the new Calamity with a pulsing throb that seemed to grow in strength the longer he waited. KILL! KILL THEM! It called, he warred with it, and began forcing himself back and away, crawling, as his coordination grew weaker with his every denial of the being's strength. He could see and hear nothing through the haze of agony drowning him as he tried to crawl to safety, so far away, his lithe frame wracked with the bouts of extreme pain as his own body tried to fight him. His fists were clenched so tightly they bled and the blood he lost glowed with strong luminescence.

OOC: Now he realizes the downside of his past of charging himself with Jenova cells. cool  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:54 pm
Father felt the sudden weakness in Shinrei, he would make a much better host than Saerenna now that he was vulnerable. The shadow of a presence that Saerenna had felt was not her imagination, as a figure stepped out of the shadow of the meteor. The figure was inmpossibly thin in the center, but above it arched out into a rather large figure. One of it's arms was a large, glowing, blood red cleaver. It's other arm was non-exsistant, save a floating shield that whirled in a circle around it. It wore a black cloak, it's head could not be seen, but rather a hood on the cloak completely covered by darkness. The being walked towards Shinrei. The being made no sound, but it's voice was somehow heard by all three of them. "I...will not make the same mistake twice... SUBMIT!" The last word was screamed as the black shield that had been orbiting father changed course, and flew straight at Shinrei's head; with the intention to knock out, and a black magic circle appeared beneath them, a green light beginning to emit from beneath the hood.

OOC: Father is now trying to posess Shinrei.  

Zaber Blade



PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:58 pm
Saerenna jumped as the...thing...came out from seemingly nowhere, and advanced on one of her 'companions' as it were. Well, at least she knew she hadn't been crazy for thinking that she wasn't alone. The 'voice' that came from the odd, menacing being, if it could even be called a voice, gave her an instant headache. "What are you!?" She demanded of it, even as it attacked Shinrei. Without waiting for an answer, she shot a fire spell at it from her staff.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:41 pm
OOC: I thought I'd already posted here neutral

Dawn sighed as she was planted on the chocobo, she'd liked being held close to Vai's chest...he never did that in public unless it appeared she was in some sort of mortal danger. She sighed, and toyed with the thougt of staging such things, but realized that he would likely kill or at least serious injure anyone she would convince to play the villanous part. That certainly would be a downside for a paltry snuggle, after all in private...

Wow, I wonder why he still thinks you so innocent...that's just...

Hey! Those are PRIVATE thoughts Miss Prim and Proper! The former Jenova clone snarled scathingly.

Aeris chuckled at Dawn's sensativity. Well, I'm not that naiive, after all what do you think me ad Zack have been doing since we've been reunited?

I do NOT want to know what the voices in peoples heads do for recreational purposes thank you very much! Dawn continued to steam.

Still chuckling Aeris regarded the other 'voices'. "Zack, stop messing with that poor boy's mind we both know very well what you have been up to." Then she rounded on Sephiroth. "I should stay out of this because you killed me? I'm sorry, but at least I know I'm dead Mr. I've-been-killed-three-times-and-counting?"


Zaber Blade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:04 pm
OOC: OK, Zaber, Shade, and DMM are all heading for the battle. Any one who wants the last seat on the dragon just post as if you had already come with us.

Fortunately, Zaber was oblivous to any conversation between the voices. "Let's get going Shade! I want father dead as soon as possible so Vaizel can be the sole inhabitant of his body again. I don't believe Sepiroth is just going to get up and leave after this is over." He picked his sword up from the ground and carried it at his side as they took off, he had become far more acoustmed to dragon riding since he had lost his wings.

Zaber was thinking as they flew.
"...damn you Sephiroth..."
"I understand why you hate him so much, but..."
"You again!"
"Yeah... me again. Now let me finish! He wasn't always like this..."
"Yeah right! How could he ever be..."
"Nice? He was. He was one of my best friends..."
"Until he killed you?"
"How'd you guess?"
"Most of the people who get involved with him turn up dead, including MY FAMILY!"
"Alright... you really need to get over it. It's been three years!"
"I won't stop until every trace of Sephiroth is gone from this world. I won't let him kill anyone else."
"...Vaizel had a point. We both know this isn't about your family. This isn't about the greater good. This is your grudge."
"...which I'm perfectly entitled to."
"Before he went mad... Sephiroth would talk like that. Angry one second, calm the next... in all irony your alot like him."
"NEVER COMPARE ME TO HIM!" If Zaber could have punched Zach, he would.
"See what I mean?"
"You are REALLY starting to make me angry..."
"Fine, I'll be quiet for a while. We'll talk once you've blown off a little steam..."

They flew fairly quickly, and caught up to Vaizel just as they we're about to reach the Demeians. Zaber yelled to Vaizel over the wind. "Know this Sephiroth! Truce for now, but when this is over, get the hell out or else!" They we're then over top of the Demieans and Zaber jumped off the dragon, freefalling towards them with his sword are outstretched, the same tactic that he'd used on the Demiean earlier. The creature cleaved in two, but the attack left Zaber surrounded by a dozen or so more Demieans.

DMM jumped down off the dragon, and landed on one of the Demieans. He jumped and kicked another one of them, stunning it. He then pushed off against the stunned Demiean, piercing through another one with his spiked knuckles. He regained his balance in time to duck a swing from another...

Shade set their passenger down and drew his mighty spear. He dove into battle whild riding the dragon, impaling two Demiean and sweeping several more out of the way. "Dang! This is fun!" Then a leaping Demiean landed on the back of his dragon and swung at him, roughly missing his head but slicing him in the shoulder. Shade cried out in pain as he fell from his mount, and the dragon panicked and flew off.

Saerenna's fire spell seemed to have made a driect hit, when it had really been no hit at all. The black cloak had a hole blown through it and the damage to the body was... nothing. Their was no body in the cloak at all! Without ceasing his ritual to posses Shinrei, he spoke to Saerenna. "Why don't you go home... little girl... or shall I show you what I can do with my other arm?" The red sword that made up his right arm fell out of the sleeve, to reveal that it hadn't been attached at all. The cleaver rose and flew towards Saernenna, slashing towards her threatheningly, the blade cam straight towards her and stopped at her throat before she could react. "You have to the count of ten to take your other friend and leave..." Father began to count, as the lines of his magic circle grew steadily darked and thicker.

OOC: Yay! I haven't gotten to make a post this long in ages!  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:21 pm
((Alright! Lets get this party started!! xd twisted ))

Vaizel flew easily, hardly using his wings at all to fly. He found it annerving and perhaps disconcerting that he could feel the presences of the other 'voices' whenever they revealed themselves to their chosen 'partner'. Vaizel could only hear them when they spoke loudly like Sephiroth was wont to. Thinking of his own presence brought to his attention that the said being was in effect, 'glaring' or grumbling or something similar at Dawn, or rather, Aeris. Vaizel gave him an odd mental look before turning back to the objective at hand. His enhanced hearing caught Zaber's shout, but only barely through the wind. "Chill out Zaber! I have things under control!!" He shouted back. Then he landed, drawing a Chakram in one hand and weilding the plate-blade in the other, cleaving his way through Deminiens as fast as his newfound power permitted.  

Ermak Lorde



PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:53 pm
Saerenna started as in almost the bink of an eye, she found her existance threatened by a blade at her throat. Ten seconds? That was hardly enough time to-
think of a plan! She had almost no options!
Crap! She could comply with the body-less being's wishes, or...
She could try to knock the blade away, but it would probably decapitate her before she could act.
What other things could she do!?
She could just leave with Dahry and come back later with reinforcements?
That did seem the best idea, but this being had best be stopped as soon as possible.
If he became another JENOVA, then it would be well worth her life to stop it NOW.
She activated a powerful distress signal, and started a spell.
"Dahry, go! I'll handle things here!" She yelled, putting a hand on her knife.
Dropping backwards to her knees, away from the hovering blade, she activated a sheild spell that would hopefully keep any imminent injuries from being completely lethal. Drawing the knife at her hip, she attempted to knock the still-floating blade out of the air, and yelled defiantly at the cloaked being, "I'm not giving up that easily!"  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:44 pm
Saerenna started as in almost the bink of an eye, she found her existance threatened by a blade at her throat. Ten seconds? That was hardly enough time to-
think of a plan! She had almost no options!
Crap! She could comply with the body-less being's wishes, or...
She could try to knock the blade away, but it would probably decapitate her before she could act.
What other things could she do!?
She could just leave with Dahry and come back later with reinforcements?
That did seem the best idea, but this being had best be stopped as soon as possible.
If he became another JENOVA, then it would be well worth her life to stop it NOW.
She activated a powerful distress signal, and started a spell.
"Dahry, go! I'll handle things here!" She yelled, putting a hand on her knife.
Dropping backwards to her knees, away from the hovering blade, she activated a sheild spell that would hopefully keep any imminent injuries from being completely lethal. Drawing the knife at her hip, she attempted to knock the still-floating blade out of the air, and yelled defiantly at the cloaked being, "I'm not giving up that easily!"

"Fool. Their's a reason I said 10 seconds..." The magic circle began to expand around father and Shinrei until the outer ring exploded upwards. The blade vanished as Saerena swiped at it, and a moment later a single being was inside the cicle. It was Shinrei, but he was now wearing the cloak the had been father had been "wearing". (Looks a lot like Shinrei, except wearing thisUser Image It's the Wraith Cloak if it's too small to see properly.)
"That's all the time I needed..." He held his hand at arm's length to his left and opened his fingers, and black shuriken appeared between them, which he flung at high speed. They just barely missed Saerenna, lodging themselves in a nearby tree. "Yes... this body certaintly affords me some most excellent powers..."

Zaber Blade


PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:28 pm
Imprisoned deep within his own being Shinrei raged. He knew his body was being used, even his mind was being pilfered through by this vile being which called itself Father. He'd become a puppet, yet still even locked away so far away from himself and the rest of the world, he retained his own personality. See what you will gain from using me, but know well, that there are many greater warrriors than I and they will not hesitate to kill me on first sight. Shinrei laughed bitterly, I am known as a traitor to all, and everyone shares their own bit of enmity towards me. Consider yourself a walking target, and we'll see how well you can escape them when I am here trying to foil you every step of the way. The shinobi showed no sign of fear from his possessor, and his mocking laughter echoed through the shared mind.

OOC: Shinrei is an excellent ninja yes, but as well as Father will be able to manipulate all that is at Shinrei's disposal, the dormant shinobi will be trying at every chance to break Fathers hold, even for a second, simply to destroy him. Shinrei really doesn't care if he gets himself killed in the process.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:49 pm
Saerenna mentally slapped herself. She should have known that there was something more! She looked to Dahry, and commanded, "Go! Get some help, tell everyone you can find that the being that caused this all is here now!" She once again sent out another distress signal. Well, now that the being had a body, maybe he wouldn't be as immune to spells as he was before. It was a necessary sacrifice for the rest of the world, right? The Planet wouldn't be able to last another JENOVA-like incident. So, she charged up the materia in her staff, and sent another firey blast at the cloaked being.  




PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:53 pm
((ooc:sorry it took so long for me to post. sweatdrop ))
III Watched Vai/seph fell to the ground lashing violently at the Deminiens.III pulled higher and crushed forward into and air current.
"It's pulling towards The Temple...How strange." She thought as the cold air slammed itself against her wings. III despiratly lunged forward gain speed. lathered in a cold sweat III now saw the temple come into view,along with a frantic helicopterand two dots,one black one blue that appeared to be fighting.
"That must be Father."III snarled, jumping free from the current.
"No mistakes this time!"She thought "You're not going to be reckless!"
III circled the scene,slowly lowering herself down to the point where she could better make out the pair. III,seeing Serenna,came closer then dropped to the ground.
"....that's....father....right?"III sputtered breathlessly. III then looked at the strange man.
"You!" III's being ached for vengence
"Let me help deliver you to your grave..."III whispered to herself.
"Control! Keep control and be patient!"III mentally reprehanded herself. III then watched for a cue from Serenna.
"I'm here if you need me."III said.
JENOVA's Witnesses

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