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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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Magical Incubator

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:17 pm
He had nothing to lose.

That is why, when the light began to dim, when thousands of shards of glass seemed to rip his legs into pieces of pulpy flesh, when everything was absolutely too loud, warm, hot, tiring, desperate-

The lapse in silence the second he reached that dagger was nothing but welcoming. Darkness. Cold, smooth, warm, peaceful. There was someone talking, a faded murmur in the background, the dull echoes fading to a light roar. The barest flickers of shapes, lights, around him. Something scraping, something sharp, something that glinted brightly for the barest of seconds-

- And then the pain began again. Dull at first, a dull roar, and then thousands o times more painful than just mere sand, something buried right into his abdomen, no, something crawling straight out of his stomach, screeching loudly as it squirmed and wriggled, exoskeleton covered in blood -his blood- his flesh and insides giving away as it crawled out on all hundred legs-

- The voices were coming back now, louder still. Everything begin to shift in colour, memories, disorted and corrupted, flooded with pain, agony, painpainpainpain-

- He had nothing to lose but himself.


At Rin's touch of the leather shoe, everything around her began to melt. Ami too, would notice the same phenomenon, as the cages literally turned to black ichor, as everything faded away.


An then a strange sensation, a small twitch of their bodies. Another flicker of sensation - a noise - a shout -

- As everything else exploded into mind-numbing pain.


A sentry moved in to check on the three squirming bodies still inside the cage, all of them sleeping restlessly. The parasite at the base of the trainee's necks shifted position and wriggled deeper into their minds.



- All trainees never actually left the prison or discoverd those items - they had already passed out the second Wash left
- They are now in essentially Hell. Their worst fears, nightmares, insecurity and even memories they hate the most, repeated and occuring over and over again. The torture is overwhelming, their mind their worst prison as the agony grows, escalating, far beyond any comfort level, far beyond coherent recognition. All they can do, trapped in their mind, is scream and scream and scream

- YOU ARE NOW WRITING A NIGHTMARE SOLO of what they are experiencing. If it is violent; make sure to keep it PG/ PG-13 thank you!



Drifter Jet Enduro
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:56 pm
Was it even worth it, as he felt his legs get taken apart in chunks by the brutal combination of sand and wind. Felt his bad leg get worse and crumble from within. When he reached the dagger, that target he had focused on now within grasp, things seemed okay. A voice spoke, and Otto felt calm, at peace. Everything else faded out into nothingness. All that mattered was that voice.

But then.. a feeling.

A dull, rolling pain began eating away. Chewing. Tearing. No longer dull, but stronger, fiercer. Otto felt sick, holding his stomach in a vain attempt to stop the pain. Underneath his palms he felt moving. The pain worsened, but Otto's terror over took anything else. He lifted his shirt to find something moving beneath his skin, digging it's way out. Blood spurted out, bits of flesh and guts as a multi legged black terror burst from his gut. Otto couldn't even scream. He'd thought that thing had been a bad dream.

He gurgled, spat, and collapsed. Pain. Nothing but hot, horrifying pain and agony.

He begged for death. Just let him fade away. Let this pain be over…


Otto woke up in a cold sweat, a gasp of air inhaled as if he'd been deprived of it for too long. An old living room, covered in webs, dust. Old furniture either rotted or covered in dirty sheets. Little light filtered through the grimy windows. No sound. Eerily quiet. No bugs chirping or buzzing, no creaks in the woodwork. The only source of noise was Otto. Just his own breathing, his own movement. Had his escape been for nothing? Was it all an illusion? He checked his stomach. Nothing there. Clean, smooth skin. No bugs. No gashes.

The teenager got to his feet, looking around at the room frozen in time. Two windows. One doorway leading into a foray. Exploring had not been his friend lately, but what could he do? The blonde moved forward, rubbing his arms defensively as he walked into the foray.

A staircase, broken and unclimbable. One door, open, leading into a dark basement. No front door. No other means of escape. The scared and frustrated Otto peeked down the stairs. Darkness. Still, cold and sickening darkness. He couldn't go down there. If horror movies taught him anything, dark basements meant death. The boy walked back into the living room.

The windows were boarded up. He attempted to pry at them, digging his nails in so hard he managed to get a couple of nasty splinters underneath them. He winced, pulling his hands back. Idly he bit at the splinters in his fingers, eyes looking for any other option.
Upstairs would be counter productive. If this old house was like his own back in Louisiana, that meant there was a cellar door leading outside if he went into the basement. Upstairs he'd just be trapping himself.

He faced the dark doorway again, staring down into the darkness below. No… He couldn't go down there. It was too dark. Fear built up heavily in his gut, painful and nauseating. He held his stomach with both hands, groaning uncomfortably. That same fear that had lasted through childhood, of something hiding in the dark just waiting to grab him, persisted even now. But he had no choice, right?

One step. His foot softly and slowly leaned down on that first step. No sounds. No movement from below. Another step. His other foot came to rest beside the first. One step at a time, each foot falling beside the other with every one of them. Slowly, darkness began to envelop him. He cast a glance back at the doorway, and what little light it had. Looking down, it was as if the very air was thick with darkness, that not a single ray of light could part it. Still no sound, no movement. His feet found the basement floor, cold stone, damp. He couldn't see his own hand in front of his face. He inched forward, skidding his feet flat against the floor. His elbows stuck to his torso while his hands reached out for obstacles.
His heart beat erratically, practically ready to burst from his ribs. His breathing became more panicked the further he went, shallow and quick.

A loud slamming of the door upstairs cause Otto to scream. What had closed the door? Was someone... something there?

Breathing. A slow exhale almost inhuman and cold, raspy. It was not his own. A breath in. A breath out. The closer it got, the colder he became. Otto was frozen in place. He couldn't run back, he couldn't press forward. Something was in here. Hunting him.

The breathing felt more like rumbling now, rattling Otto from the inside out. He was close to having a heart attack, so scared and panicked. Cornered. He couldn't breathe. It was too cold, and he was too scared. Just when he thought he might black out, something grabbed his ankles and pulled, forcing Otto to fall flat on his back. He hit his head on the stone below. Pain shot through him like a bullet. The air knocked right out of him, making him feel like he was choking on nothing. His eyes opened, and this time, in the darkness, something gave way.

A face. Pure white, jagged teeth, hollow eyes. It grinned before disappearing entirely. Whatever had his ankles now pulled Otto across the floor. To where, he wasn't sure, but when it stopped, all he felt was claws. Tearing away at his feet. His legs. His arms. His face. It burned like fire. Ripping him into shreds with no end in sight. There couldn't possibly be more of him left to take, but it just kept going. On and on.. and on.. and on…


Otto woke up. He was in one piece, but he was back in that living room like nothing happened. As if he'd reached game over of a video game and had to start over from level one. Silence. A room frozen in time. Otto stood up, feeling sick and dizzy. Just standing made him want to black out. "Hello?" He asked, looking around. He wasn't all alone again, was he? "Rin?… Ami?…." Nothing. He walked into the foray, looking around at the familiar scenery. "Wash? Sasha?" All alone.
Otto frowned even deeper, his arms curled around his stomach as if he'd fall apart otherwise. He was all alone here. No one would help him. How could they? Then again, who would want to anyway? He felt even sicker now.
His eyes glanced to the open doorway to the basement. No.. he wasn't going down there. Even if what happened before was just a dream, he'd not take the risk involved. His eyes dragged up to the stairs. They were still broken. Not impossible to climb, just difficult.

The small blonde uncurled himself and climbed, jumping from the broken part of the stairs to the other side. He barely managed to grab onto the other end, his legs dangling in the deep darkness below. It probably led to the basement if he fell. Sure enough, that breathing, hissing from before began as his legs dipped into the pitch black below. Otto hastily pulled himself up onto the stairs, freeing his legs from the suffocating depth below. Stillness and quiet followed.

Okay, so it seemed like if any of that thick darkness touched him, it was an invite for that creature to take him. But that was okay. If he could just find a place to sit and wait, maybe this illusion would eventually end. He'd rather die of boredom than by the hands of that thing.

Otto climbed the latter half of the stairs and onto the second floor. A long corridor ran past the stairs. Doors, many doors littered the walls. At the end was a large window, ten feet tall. It was not boarded up, but it was barred. It was not as quiet here. A scratching sound came from the attic above. Like some kind of rodent, maybe? He hoped so. He didn't dare investigate. He could see the attic entrance in the ceiling, a cord hanging, dangling that was sure to be for the pull down ladder.

Otto made his way across the dusty floor boards, which felt as though any more weight put on them might cause the whole floor to collapse. He parked himself in front of the window, his back to it, and slid down to the floor to sit.

A long while passed. Otto fidgeted with his sleeves, drew patterns in the dust, and other means of minor entertainment. Hours passed, or maybe it just felt like it.

Then the scratching returned.

It wasn't coming from the ceiling though. It was behind him. Right. Behind him. Something sharp scratched across the glass. His heart rate picked up, and slowly he turned behind him. What met his eyes was that face again, grinning that perpetual grin. Sharp blade-like nails scratched through the glass like it were paper.
He was barely able to let out a scream before it's claws wrapped around his neck and pulled him through the bars. His bones broke and snapped as it pulled him through the glass and narrow bars. He was now falling from the second floor.

It all went black.


Otto woke up, gasping for air as if he'd been drowning. No.. no he was back here again. The dusty living room frozen in time. This time, it wasn't quiet. A howl like wind breezed through the room, grazing through his hair, almost gently. Behind him, he looked to find a dark miasma slowly crawling toward him from inside the baseboards. Creeping out, seeping through. No.. this time he didn't even have time to think. He had to run.

Otto staggered to his feet and ran for the foray. The basement door was busted down. Thick black miasma was shooting out like a burst water pipe. Hitting the walls and painting them with dark, evil portals. It howled, hissed and screamed like a thousand banshees. Looking to the broken, collapsed staircase, it too was overflowing with that evil and spewing miasma. From every side, he was being surrounded. Claws and faces appeared from the darkness, just waiting to get their evil hands on him, waiting to rip him limb from limb.

He had no escape. No choices, No options. Just sit there and wait to die.

The thick miasma pooled around his ankles, burning his skin, pricking at him like hot shards of metal. It spilled up and up, climbing up the length of his entire body. All he could do was flail and scream. Peace didn't come. Help never came.


A living room dusty and frozen in time. Otto woke up on the floor once again. All alone. All by himself. No noise but his own breathing, his own terrified heart beat. There was no colour anywhere in that dark, dusty room. In fact, it seemed even more gray scale than the last few awakenings. Black, white and some grays replaced the soft blues. The air felt thick, his vision spattering like snow on a bad TV station. Still no noise. It felt like his ears were stuffed with cotton.

As he stood, hobbled forward, bits of noise finally reached his ears. Static. Static whispers, and then silence again. The house was playing with him like some plaything. His eyes lifted to a portrait on the wall. A chipped painting with a single figure stared down at him. It's eyes were black and hollow, it's face white and pale. It wasn't the creature he'd seen, he was sure, but it did remind him of it.

He turned and continued his slow, broken pace forward. The living room seemed to stretch our further, into a corridor he didn't recognize. Everything remained black and white until he stepped into it. Inside the corridor it was dark. Dark with hints of orange, as if unseen candles lit the walls. Behind him the door and living room had vanished.

Corners were blacker than night. Doorways blocked by old, rotting doors. The corners of his eyes he saw a white figure move. Turning, nothing would be there. More static noise, static whispers, as if tuning in between two channels on an old radio.
The static turned to crackling as he walked further into the corridor. The small lights flickered wildly. Shapes danced across the walls and the floor. One light went out in front of him. He turned, finding another go out behind him.

Something was closing in on him.

Laughter. Child's laughter, almost sweet were it not dripping with hidden intent. It was breaking through the static noise and the crackling. Something was taunting him. Otto turned, right, left. Behind him. Around again. He turned in circles and back again. Everything felt like it was spinning but he didn't want to be caught by surprise. Something was here. Laughing at him and all his attempts to survive. His attempts to find a way out.

"Leave me alone.." Otto mumbled, his arms wrapping around himself. "Go away!"

Silence. No dancing lights. No static. Otto let out a shaky breath. His peace was short lived. The orange hue of his surroundings was replaced with white. Then gray. Soon, it faded darker and darker.

Giggles resonated from the walls.

He was cloaked in darkness once more. Nothing grabbed him. Not yet. He was just alone. That's what he wanted, right? "Hello..?"

Static. Crackling. The giggles of a small child or possessed doll.


Blue eyes opened to a black and white living room. Dusty, old.

He'd never leave.

He'd never get home.

He'd be doomed to be all alone forever. Forever hunted. Forever weak, and powerless.

He'd never see home again.


[[ 2302 words OTL ]]  


Sarcastic Hunter


Princess Hoarder

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:03 pm
Ami smiled as the chains snapped off the wall. A small victory for her to hold, a tiny light in this stupid prison. She threw the bone aside and leaned down to pick up the chain.

The moment she touched the silver link, it became to dissolve- no, melt into the ground. It started slowly but rapidly promulgated. The chain melted, as did the surroundings. What could she do in this situation, but awkwardly cling to the strip of ground she'd been left. Finally the strange deterioration reached her. For a moment, nothing.

Then a tiny twitch of her body and she too began to melt into surroundings. She couldn't even muffle the screams that escaped her body.


"No sit down. We need to talk," Ami said seriously, but with a smile on her face. A nervous smile. Today was the day. Her fiance promptly sat in the chair, a worried look mirroring hers, but confusion mixed in as well.

"I'm listening."

"I need to tell you something ..."

"Are you preg-"

"Adam." The skepticism on her face was deadpan, but there was a tiny edge of embarrassment to it. In his own strange little way, Adam's banter had eased her tension though. Her knuckles weren't as fiercely wrapped around the chair as before. She relaxed, ever so slightly. "I ... have an ability?" she said hesitantly. "Please, just ... hear me out. I know it sounds crazy. This kind of thing doesn't happen, I know. But ... I see ... creatures? Shadows, really. I have since I was little."

The silence cut through the air. Ami couldn't judge his reaction. That was the most nerve-wracking part, not being able to tell what he was thinking. She continued nonetheless. "I just think ... since we're getting married ... you have a right to know."

Another long silence, and then finally, Adam said, "What?" The incredulousness in his voice undercut his serious concern.

"Sorry, I know it's kind of weird, but ... Yeah. They're not harmful, I don't think. They're mostly there when I'm scared ... in the dark, during thunderstorms ..." She smiled, thinking this entire thing was going well. "So it's-"

"Alright, alright. What's this for?"

Ami's eyebrows knit in confusion by his response. "What do you mean?"

"This ... act, story- thing. Are you writing a new story? Researching a role? Acting class?"

"No, I ... Adam I'm being serious." Ami's tone slipped into one she used very rarely. Utter seriousness.

"Ami, you're being really weird."

A cold, disheartening mist set over her. Her voice was thin, quiet. "You don't believe me." It was a statement, not a question.

"Why would I? This is ********' weird."

Years of childhood events came back all at once, settling in her stomach like something rotten. Years of visiting psychiatrists, stern talks with her parents late at night, childhood bullying. It seeped through her mind, escaping the tiny prison she'd put it in for all these years. Unbeknownst to Adam, she'd never told anyone. This was the first time in her life she'd let someone so deeply into her being- into the core of who she was.

And he didn't believe her.


Back in the prison. Nausea flamed her entire body. Resisting the urge to throw up was a feat in itself as her mind rocked back and forth, pounding on the sides of her skull to create a migraine. It was dark. The only light she could see radiated from the glowing red shackles wrapped around her wrists. It burned.

"Anyone?" she croaked out, barely above a whisper. Her mouth was dry, too dry. No one responded. Of course they wouldn't. The pain amplified on her wrists. She could smell her own skin roasting, crackling, burning under the shackles. She couldn't call out for anyone now, just gasp out guttural noises.

Through the darkness, a pair of eyes stared at her. Orange, neon, bright. Too bright. "Pathetic," a voice said.

Ami blinked lethargically, mind going numb from the pain on her wrists, which was slowly spreading up her arms. She could feel her life leaving her.

< Ami, A strange sort of chuckle filled her mind. Junpei was laughing. < Sorry I wasn't useful ... > An honest apology.

Her entire mind was screaming no, but at this point she couldn't tell if Junpei hear it or not. Perhaps it was illusion, but Ami swore the glowing orange from the shackles was climbing through her veins now. The lines of blood running up her neck turned a sour orange too. Everything was on fire. No, just her wrists were burning, but the orange glowing veins spread through her body, making it FEEL like it was on fire. All she could do was scream.

Then it was dark.


"You ... like me?" A strange smile was playing on Wilson's lips. Why, he had no idea. Years ago he'd told himself he was in love with dear Em, but now? He wasn't so sure. The idea of holding Ami, being with her ... it wasn't so bad.

"That's what I said."

"Y-Yeah. I mean ... Yeah I think I like you too."

Ami stood there stupefied for a moment. Had he really just said that? Was something for once, once in her life working out? A spark of happiness ignited a fire within her, which welled up into the corners of her eyes, but she didn't cry. "I ... Thank you," she said, incredulous and starstruck. Something was so incredibly painful about starting over, learning that someone actually liked her. Maybe not love, but somehow ... she was okay with that.

Sometime later she was standing behind the door to Em's dorm. Wilson had insisted on going alone, but Ami wanted to be there in case anything wrong. In case Wilson got blamed. She expected screaming, yelling. Wilson might even get hurt, in Ami's imagination.

She heard muffled talking, casual at first, then increasingly serious.

Ami's heart broke as she heard Em crying. No. Why was she crying? This wasn't part of the deal.

Realization hit. She'd just made Wilson commit the same sin Adam had so long ago. Em was going through exactly what she was. No, no it was worse than that, because now Em had to watch Ami and Wilson be together. She didn't get the option of running away.

What had she done?


She screamed yet again as claws raked down her back. Hundreds of eyes were on her, some horsemen, some halloween. They were all the same to Ami. She stared up at them, locked in a war with the eyes. She was scared. Terrified. Embarrassed. Humiliated.

It took her a moment to catch her breath, and when she did she said, "I'll tell you anything." She paused as a wave of pain came over her, wrenching her speechless. "Coordinates, weaknesses- whatever you want."

Another yelp as a foot pressed into her back, not enough to bend her, but enough to put dirt into her open, bleeding wounds. A nameless horseman said, "We are not interested in your information, but in your suffering."

The search party was gone- everyone had escaped. She'd dropped Junpei and couldn't leave without him. In the moments it took to pick him up, the horsemen had swarmed her. They weren't coming back for her. Why would they come back for a single trainee? It was foolish.


Who was she? Why were they naked like that ... it ... no? Yes. Words wouldnt' connect in her mind.

At some point her bag had hit the floor as she stood in the doorway, frozen in sheer terror. How long had this been going on? Anger, no sadness? There wasn't a word for the emotion she was feeling. That was Adam, on the bed, naked with another woman.



"You've been discharged, miss."

"Excuse me?"

"You've been discharged," he repeated. The man tapped his clipboard once, almost irritated. She'd never seen this person before, yet here he was in the doorway of the labs, telling her she was...

"So ... what division are they moving me to?"

"Discharged, as a hunter."

Her mouth was dry. "'As in..."

"Your time as a hunter is over, miss."

"Why?" her thoughts were muddled with confusion. She couldn't be done as a hunter. This was all she had left. This was her home.

"You aren't performing proficiently."

What did that even mean? She wasn't working up to par? Ami knew she was weak physically, but she thought her lab work had been done well. Sure she hadn't made buckets of friends, but she was improving, getting work done in a timely manner. "Wh-Where do I go? You're just going to toss me through the portal and hope I end up somewhere nice?!" A tinge of anger slipped into her voice, melding to the sadness.

"The pods, where you'll be subject to testing until you prove further usefullness. At least, that is one option. suppose we could just execute you if you'd prefer that." He actually chuckled lightly. It was obvious how comfortable he was with all this. "Most don't prefer that option though ..." He tapped his chin, as though he was forgetting something. "Oh, and we'll need your weapon returned."

"Junpei?" she whispered, hand instinctively going to her clip. No they couldn't do that. Junpei was hers. She didn't want to go in the pods. She wanted to stay here. She shook her head in disbelief.

"Yes well, most respond this way," he said in a sing song voice, and then pointed to her. Two bigger sun trainees came in and grabbed an arm. As they dragged her down the hall, she could hear the man behind her. "Off you go~"



No, she'd already seen this. It was repeating now.

"Ami- I-" He scrambled to cover himself up, the girl had no idea what to do.

Ami couldn't react other than to stand there stupefied. Not her Adam. Why? No. This wasn't real. How could it be him?

Tears welled up in her eyes. "Why?"


Back in the jail cell. No one but her and Junpei. The chains were broken again, but the scenario had glitched. Rin was gone. Maybe she'd broken out? That must've been it.

< Ami use the chains. >

I know ... just give me a second.

< You have to hurry, I heard them-

I heard them too, dumbass."

She worked quickly to pick up the chains, but she never turned around to use them. A spear had been tossed through her back, a conquest horsemen grinning cruelly.

Ami stumbled onto the ground, choking up blood.

< Just ... Just hold on Ami! >

It's over Junpei.

< I ... don't say that! >



He won't.

< Try. >

Wilson isn't interested in me for ******** sake Junpei.

Quiet. Then <I think you put too little faith in yourself. You're great Ami! >

He already said no. She was crying now. He said no, and that's it. He doesn't want me, and really, let's face it- Her thoughts had been loud and screaming, but now they dropped to a whisper. Nobody will.



"I can explain ..."


He didn't believe me.


The screaming wouldn't cease. Each memory, each false scenario, each attempt at escape ended in failure. There was nothing she could do. Nothing but drown out each memory in screams or tears.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:11 am
Sasha woke with a startled jerk, a harsh gasp of breath wheezing into her lungs. She was impossibly still for all of three seconds before she jerked to a sitting position so that she could immediately take some sort of self-inventory. Legs, whole and functional. Hands, fingers, all functional. Her face was intact, hair was fine. While her body was complete, it was staggeringly obvious that Sasha was still feeling a little dazed. Perhaps more than a little.

Forcing herself to her feet, Sasha couldn't really figure out her emotions. Everything had been whipped together until she was left with a blank grey sludge of nothing. Void. Empty. She glanced around - the doors were unlocked? - before taking a quick second to check the other cells. Everyone was there, and appeared to be accounted for.

She turned her attention to the door of her cage, and quickly checked her cell for anything sturdy that she could ram against the door of her cage.  

bipolar bee

Alien Kitten

12,975 Points
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Cat Fancier 100


Cluttered Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:47 pm

Hope. There was hope as Rin kept up her explorations. Otto got out. Ami's chain gave a loud clang as she freed it. They were going to make it... they were. They... what?!

The shoe turned to black sludge and soon the whole world around her seemed to melt away into the same disgusting substance. Where? What?! But... they... they were so close...

They were going to be free... they had a chance... they had hope.

All hope was gone. Replaced by gritty disgusting darkness, the flicker of light swallowed whole in it's wake. She was going to die here. She wasn't going to make it.

She wasn't going to make it. Rin realized this horrifying truth as she clutched the small withered plant that grew out of the side of the cliff with her bruised and bleeding fingers. They were just too heavy.

Her gaze wandered back down at the woman clutching her other hand tightly. It was their only lifeline. Sasha... my best friend. The desperation for survival made Rin's blood cold. Her grip was weakening. She couldn't hold out much longer. She was so young, she depended on her.

She pleaded now, begged, "Please don't let go Rin! PLEASE!" the desperation in her voice tangible. It was bitter and harsh. For all Rin wanted to do to say yes; they were fine, she could do this. The truth was she could not.

It was her or both. Her. Or. Both.

Suddenly the grip on Sasha's hand felt weaker and she was starting to slip even as she tried to hold even tighter to Rin in reply.

No! Don't let her go!

But Sasha, try as she might; it's hard to hold hands with someone who is slowly releasing you. Letting you go. Letting you die. She tried so hard. Tried with every ounce of her strength even as dawning horror began to overtake the look on her face. Even as Rin began to shake her hand more and more violently to get you off her, "Sasha. Must you really make this more embarrassing than it has to be?"

NO. That isn't me! I wouldn't do that!

It was a new look Sasha was giving Rin now. Not just terror. There was also shock, hurt, disgust, and above all else... a betrayal so deep, so horrifying. It could never be taken back. Sasha's hand a mere ghosted feeling as she began to fall backwards. It felt like slow motion watching her go... that look on her face frozen the entire way down. Even as it broke and shattered on the rocks below.

It was then Rin may have been screaming bloody murder somewhere between desperate sobs for breath. There was a hurt now, a hurt so deep she couldn't dare even try to control it. It wasn't over, it had only just begin.

With both hands freed Rin managed to haul herself up, unburdened. Arms trembling with exhaustion as adrenaline still pumped freely through her. She dusted herself off and idly glanced up just in time to see...

The look in his eyes; it was almost exactly like Sasha's. Apparently Jerry had noticed that they were missing and had gone back for them. Arriving just in time for..., "What did you see?!"

"N-n-n-n," he couldn't even get past his stutter to even begin to lie. Why would he lie? She turned her head and furrowed her brows, "What. Did. You. See?" tone demanding and monotone. It was thin his brows finally furrowed at her. He knew. She knew he knew.

DON'T! Just stop this madness!

She no longer had any control of her body. All she could do now was feel. Feel as her body chased down the man. Feel as her body held his down. Feel as her body plunged a runic dagger into his over and over and over again until the ground around them became soaked in bright crimson. Feel as her heart pounded heavily in her chest; adrenaline still going as his tattered and broken body was limply hefted up and tossed over the cliff to join Sasha's.

Oh god! Oh god! What is wrong with me?! Why can't I stop?! JERRY! SASHA!

She calmly wiped the handle of fingerprints on the inside of her jacket and dropped the blade over to join them. She survived and ain't no one getting in her ******** way of it.

She was wailing again, repeating their names over and over in another reality, it didn't matter. It didn't save them. It didn't save a single person from her.

The mission ended and everyone had gone back. A perfect crime. Officials had chalked up the deaths to a possible mission incident or murder suicide. That is... except for a certain leader who was quite attached to the idea those two weren't that unhinged. They found the deaths quite suspicious and the place was crawling now with nosey lab techs investigating everything.

She felt suffocated. Tired. She still wasn't willing to leave it in their hands to take care of her however.

Yes, give up you murderer! You DESERVE to die!

She was going to die how she wanted. When, where and how she chose.


But, she wasn't going to die alone.


It was as if the protests never existed. Rin was very keen to this plan as she set to carefully mixing poison in with the chocolate as she set about making the richest hot cocoa recipe she knew from scratch.


There was a knock on her door and she invited the man inside before closing and locking the door behind him. She offered him a seat and a mug to accompany soft small talk about his lovers.


The small talk got tedious and she began glancing at his awaiting drink as if to imply he were letting it go cold. He smiled, unsuspecting. Then took a few deep slurps. Rep was always so greedy with the drink. A weakness she was more than aware of. The conversation continued as if nothing happened. He was clueless. Clueless until his drink was all gone, her own still untouched.

William... god... PLEASE...

He was in the middle of some cute story about something stupid Harrison did when he suddenly started to gasp. Rising to his feet he started to grab at his throat. He could no longer breathe, as quickly as he realized it - he had fallen over quite expired. Death was fairly quick but clearly terrifying. His body left twisted up on her floor, the face contorted into a silent scream of horror.

Why... ********... why...

She moved over a seat to watch him. To be sure before she finally spoke, "Dear William... you were mine first. Mine you shall be. Forever," she took a sip of her own brew, "You were a fool to ever think otherwise," and she downed the rest of her own mug.

Slowly she crept upon his body. Limbs tangling amid his as she hugged him close and rolled his corpse atop her body.

Oh god it burns!

It felt like her organs were on fire. One by one everything was destroyed until with a desperate but quiet gasping motion everything began to fade into dizzying stars then darkness.


It was her final thought before nothing.

- Then the unyielding nightmare started all over again.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:55 pm
Noises, louder, heading steadily towards the entrance. With a loud creak, something opened, someone or a series of someone's entered. Familiar faces. Other Hunters, other trainees.

Each of them was quickly tossed into a one of the cages, some in the very same ones that the original prisoners were held. The Famine soldiers talked amongst themselves in their language and then quickly walked off.

All bodies were still. They were alive, barely. Still sleeping.



- If you have been TAGGED in another RP, your Hunter is now HERE. They find themselves INSIDE the cage (which cage is up to you), a dim room with runes on the ceiling that prevent them from summoning their weapon (though they may talk to their weapons). They see sleeping figures of all the other trainees around them, but noone else has woken up-
- Except for a few familiar faces they haven't seen for a while. The original kidnapped prisoners.
- Anyone TAGGED (in another rp) is now AWAKE and can interact with anyone else AWAKE in the cages.





Drifter Jet Enduro


Magical Incubator


Sarcastic Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:13 pm
Otto awoke. This time, the black and white living room frozen in time was not there. No, he was back in his cell, after what felt like weeks in that haunted house, he was back in just another Hell Hole. Maybe this too was an illusion. Was anything real? Maybe he'd died back on that island, and he was actually in Hell.

He slowly sat up. The bug... was it.. His hand slapped the back of his neck. Nothing there. Again.

Looking around, they seemed to have company. Many more sleeping bodies in an overcrowded prison.

He grouched.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:26 pm
Sasha opened her mouth like she was going to say something, then thought better of it.

They were so totally ********.  

bipolar bee

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Cluttered Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:37 pm

Rin finally stirred awake with a loud frightened squeal and was ******** beyond grateful for it as embarrassing as that may have been.

She blinked. Blinked again. WELL. Hey guys.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:17 pm
Well... he wasn't alone anymore? Yippee~... not. He was still convinced this too was an illusion. So that meant no consequences. He grabbed a nearby poking tool and poked one of the sleeping bodies.




Otto shrugged and began pillaging his cell mates for food or lunch money.  


Sarcastic Hunter


Princess Hoarder

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:20 pm
Ami didn't move from her spot in the corner.

There may or may not have been tears.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:39 pm
Suddenly, one of the sleeping bodies flinched convulsively and sat up - Madison gasped as she snapped into wakefulness. It was like splashing into freezing cold water through a barrier of thin ice: bracing, shocking, and highly unpleasant.

But this was reality.

"Damnit. Damnit!" she snarled, bringing both hands to her temples as pain pounded through her skull. "Kouki!"

Madison! You're awake - they took us-

"I know - the others are still trapped in there-" She looked up, eyes widening as she took in the scene around her. "Wash? Sasha? Everyone..." she blurted out. The state the kidnapped Hunters were in was unmistakable. And she was now caged too... fantastic.  


Enduring Muse


Sarcastic Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:41 pm
Otto heard sniffling. His head turned to the cell next to him. Ah.. Ami. He couldn't blame her for crying, really. Honestly, he was surprised he hadn't broke down a long time ago. Maybe it was shell shock, or whatever? However, while a crying girl normally warranted an eye roll, all that time trapped in loops and nightmares made Otto hungry for human contact. Anything at all. If he had to be left alone one more time he might seriously crack.

All these bodies... this was clearly another illusion.

He shuffled to the back of his cell, closer to Ami's curled up body. Bars were between them, but that didn't mean they couldn't chat, right? Well.. unless she's an illusion too.

He tapped her bars to get her attention.

Hopefully she wasn't another 'crying girl ghost' from his last trance. Oh no.. if she was, then his face would get eaten for a third time.

He could trust no one.

No one was real here.

Even that chick yelling Dammit was an illusion.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:42 pm
By the time he reached her body, the moment Otto would try to pillage her pockets, he'd find himself with a hand on his wrist and a person staring wide up at him. Ofelia blinked a few times, trying to adjust her eyes to the sudden change in lighting, but instead of panic like she wanted, instead of worry about what was going to happen before, she simply tilted her head to the side/

" . . . .whatcha doin' Otto?" Her voice sounded so gross to her own ears, like she'd been forced to swallow something many times and have the lining of her throat torn up. It was painful to move, she wanted to sit up and get a better look around, but all Ofelia could do was just have the grip on the young boy that pulsed in and out in strength. ". . . . . . "

Shut up, I'm here. Rue's voice came over, faint but steady. Ofelia didn't even have to ask and she felt that relief she never thought she'd want to feel again.

" . . . . do ya...need sommin'?"

Drifter Jet Enduro
oh hi


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:45 pm
Bix shot up, wide eyed.

I see you are awake.

The sun hunter rose slowly, his head still swimming from the shifts in reality but yes... this one seemed real. He saw Madison stirring and then others...

"OTTO!" Bix, despite being in a cage, was now grinning.

Drifter Jet Enduro
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