Going through teepees + found some not in teepees! xD
Owner Name: timeerkat
Soquili Name & Image: Kaylee
Cosplay Origin: Firefly
Character: Kaywinnet Lee "Kaylee" Frye
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mia Lovasz (she changed her username to this~)
Soquili Name & Image: Shêtân
Cosplay Origin: The Black Stallion (by Walter Farley)
Character: Shêtân
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Midori_Keiko
Soquili Name & Image: Jason Voorhees
Cosplay Origin: Friday the 13th
Character: Jason Voorhees
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Milardo Kason
Soquili Name & Image: Sora
Cosplay Origin: Kingdom Hearts
Character: Sora
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mila Farrell
Soquili Name & Image: Earth
Cosplay Origin: The Dragon Quartet (by Marjorie B Kellogg)
Character: Earth
Other Information: Earth is the name of a dragon in this x3 Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mila Farrell
Soquili Name & Image: Fire
Cosplay Origin: The Dragon Quartet (by Marjorie B Kellogg)
Character: Fire
Other Information: Fire is the name of a dragon in this x3 Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mila Farrell
Soquili Name & Image: Air
Cosplay Origin: The Dragon Quartet (by Marjorie B Kellogg)
Character: Air
Other Information: Air is the name of a dragon in this x3 Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mila Farrell (formerly Dustfeather)
Soquili Name & Image: Water
Cosplay Origin: The Dragon Quartet (by Marjorie B Kellogg)
Character: Water
Other Information: Water is the name of a dragon in this x3 Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mila Farrell
Soquili Name & Image: Xaphan
Cosplay Origin: Dante's Inferno
Character: City of Dis
Other Information: Not sure if a cosplay or not >_< Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mila Farrel
Soquili Name & Image: Jewel
Cosplay Origin: Narnia
Character: Not sure if this is
Jewel (as the name would indicate) OR if it is
Peter's Unicorn (as the OL states). Both would be cosplays anyhow, I believe, as they are actual characters (even if the latter's name is unknown)
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mintaka
Soquili Name & Image: Rainbow Dash
Cosplay Origin: MLP
Character: G3 Rainbow Dash (NOT the one from the show, which is the redesigned G4 version ^.^)
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mintaka & Ithiltari
Soquili Name & Image: Emma Frost
Cosplay Origin: X-Men
Character: Emma Frost
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mintaka
Soquili Name & Image: Xemnas
Cosplay Origin: Kingdom Hearts 2
Character: Xemnas
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Mintaka
Soquili Name & Image: Minty
Cosplay Origin: MLP
Character: G1 Minty (there are multiple versions of her with different colouration etc... she is the gen 1 version)
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Miss Cherie & Mondo Celeste
Soquili Name & Image: Pumpkin Tart
Cosplay Origin: MLP
Character: Pumpkin Tart
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Miss Cherie
Soquili Name & Image: Bellatrix Lestrange
Cosplay Origin: Harry Potter
Character: Bellatrix Lestrange
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Miss Cherie
Soquili Name & Image: Tom Marvolo Riddle
Cosplay Origin: Harry Potter
Character: Tom Marvolo Riddle (Heir of Slytherin)
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Miss Cherie
Soquili Name & Image: Pyralis
Cosplay Origin: ???
Character: ???
Other Information: Another elemenhell pony Dxxx
Owner Name: Moire Frost & Mystica Hashi
Soquili Name & Image: Will Turner
Cosplay Origin: Pirates of the Caribbean
Character: Will Turner
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: Moochilove
Soquili Name & Image: Blissful

Cosplay Origin: ???
Character: ???
Other Information: Says cosplay on cert >_> Not sure if some OC, or just unlisted origin - owner's list doesn't say anything.
Appears to be an OC as she's in multiple shops ^.^
Owner Name: Moochilove
Soquili Name & Image: Hi No Tori
Cosplay Origin: Hi No Tori
Character: Pheonix
Other Information: Not my pony~
Owner Name: mouselet
Soquili Name & Image: Lyger

Cosplay Origin: Super Sentai Power Rangers
Character: Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord
Other Information: Not my pony~ Nevermind, not a cosplay! x3
Owner Name: mouselet
Soquili Name & Image: Morpheus
Cosplay Origin: The Sandman
Character: Dream (also known as Morpheus & Oneiross)
Other Information: Not my pony~
Okay, so, with the following one I had conflicting information. According to his cert, he is something from Dante's Inferno. BUT according to the OL, he is "Dante's Inferno - Pruflas Duke of Hell". This is NOT a character from Dante's Inferno, but in fact from Dictionnaire Infernal, which is a very similar name to Dante's Inferno. Therefore I cannot be sure which this is. Owner Name: Mila Farrell
Soquili Name & Image: Strix
Cosplay Origin: ???
Character: ???
Other Information: Not my pony~
AND, I spent ages on this one, so just to stop others from posting her XD This one is based off a
Custom MLP - not an actual official character. So I'm not sure what to do with her. I guess it's like an OC? She is actually sold, just not by Hasbro o_0

Oh, and I believe this one is a species (Wyrsa), from the Valdemar books, but would like confirmation ;D