Woow! OO nice art, everyone! ^^ *plugs in some of her stuff*
http://www.deviantart.com/view/14479868/<-- A banner thing i did for a contest... features Sasuke and Itachi. There's two other versions of it, but this one i'm most fond of! ^^
http://www.deviantart.com/view/15074770/<-- Make what you will... it's a picture i did while feeding off of a SasuNaru hype that hit me in the middle of class while mentally pondering on the fanfic for it. XDD Turned out pretty good, i think... and, it's pretty innocent.. sooo, yeah.. XDD;
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/16228417/<-- Ahhhh, warning, this one is kiiiiinnndddaa big. ^^; It's my missing-nin entry at the NarutoFanClub. NOt really a fanart of a Naruto character, but fanart of an idea from Naruto... or something like that. XDD;