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Necro Queen

Liberal Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:51 pm
Name: Bethany
Age: 17
Sex: Femal
Height: 5'8" exactly
Weight: 111lbs exactly (I got a phyiscal today)
Hair Color: Currently black with brown highlights; it changes often
Eye Color: Greenish grayish blueish (mostly green) with a yellow ring around the pupil
Skin Color: White; not too pale but not tan

Location: Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia

Relationship: Not very many, and none successful
Employment: I've had one shitty job working at Donato's pizzeria for about a year, one uncomfortable job working at Gwendolynn's salon for a few months, and now I have an awesome job working at Eckerd Pharmacy which has been a year and a half and counting.

Family: I have my mother and father who live with me, a sister who lives with me, a sister who doesn't, and grandmother that lives with me and a grandmother who doesn't. That's all of my important family. They can be annoying and neo-naziish but I love them anyway.

Friends: My friends in person on here (who referred me) are Angelic Muse, Rinchans-Flower, Garou Ginketsu, and (through Angelic) Solemn Protector. I few a few friends besides them, but they are my closest.

Accomplishments: I play piano pretty well. I've played for 10 or 11 years now. I play guitar okay. I've played for about 4 years but it doesn't come as naturally as piano does. I used to be very good at sports, especially basketball, until I got lazy. I won many championships in basketball and cheerleading. I am a high B student, even though I now get mostly As (my GPA was ******** when I did a lot of drugs in 9th and 10th grade). I've had a few failed relationships to speak of. I rock at video games domokun

Health: I work out a lot to keep a good physique and good cardio. I eat whatever I want because I usually burn off the calories. I have some arhtritis though from cracking every possible joint in my body. I'm also clinically bipolar, but not to an extreme degree and my medication makes me normal (so don't be scared).

Interests: Anything gory (such as Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and horror movies) espiecially stuff with zombies or tortured souls, video games in general, getting into the medical field (I figure since I have a strong stomach anmd a high IQ, why not put it to use?), finding my signifigant other (someone who can accept my wierdness and watch some gore with me)

Hobbies: Video games, gaia, sleeping, hanging out with my friends, eating waffles, being insane, playing piano, playing more video games...

Gaia: I just come on here basically to go on this guild, update my journal every so often, and check my inbox. I also try to earm gold by selling thank you letters to update my avatar also.

full body
User Image

and abdominal area
User Image  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:33 am
11 pounds exactly, huh? I can believe it. Is that with or without shoes?

I think I'll steal your template, since it works.

Name: Richard "Voice~Man" II
Age: 23... and a half.
Gender: Male... and a half.
Height: 6'1" with hair... 5'10" without
Weight: 180 *Flexes them puny muscles*
Hair Color: Dirty brown
Eye Color: Legally brown, technically black.
Skin: I hate the sun.

Locale: Texas... I hate the sun.

Relationship: Haven't checked the lost and found, yet.

Occupation: Kick-a** security guard, wannabe voice-actor.

Family: Currently living by myself.

Friends: Too many and in too many different places to organize here.

Accomplishments: Crazy kid in school, artist with first place prizes to back up my skittlez, kick peoples' asses at just about any video game I take the time to learn, no drugs, 97% SAT, 96% ASVAB, 98% ACT, all without studying, ASVAB on four hours of sleep... I gots me a wicked grin that can even scare the bejeepers outta me, I'm an Air Force veteran, I got my M-16 marksmanship ribbon on my first go, I'm living on my own and still making a profit off of the price of living (in a year I'll have over $10k after expenses if nothing comes up), I've overcome just about every statistic out there that supposedly proves that I suck, learned German, learned basic programming on a Commadore 64 at the age of 5, out-witted my father in philosophy at the age of 7, mastered the trailor-narrator voice at the age of 17, made "Insane Tapes" with my sister (we'll be working on an Insane CD sequel soon), successfully hid my moth on a road map poster during the 'moth project' in sixth grade (a project where we get a piece of paper in the shape of a moth, and are to color it and tape it up to be camoflauged with whatever surroundings we choose in the classroom. Even when I stood next to it people were asking me where it was), beat Impossible Mission... I rule.

Health: Got that.

Interests: Being creative, gaming... umm... cartoons.

Hobbies: Same.

Gaia: Just check the AFG and the mailbox. Just about everything else on gaia is for the kids.


Stupid Higschool pic:
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Evil Hair Day:
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

-Bluezy Bunny  



PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:27 pm
Name: Jake. G
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150 pounds
Hair Color: brown (dark when wet)
Eye Color: hazel
Skin Color: light tan

Location: Calgary Canada. other home is in Thunderbay Ontario

Relationship: One relationship with a girl named Amanda Schmitt. met her july 1st, died october 6th.

Employment: No emplyment yet, currently inrolled grade 11 (soon 12 after summer break)

Family: Most of relatives live in ontario thunderbay except for my bro me dad and mom. mom and dad are 'on a break' atm, she lives in a different house other side of the city. dads never home, mom only shows at christmas. they arnt bad people, they just dont me much freedom and dont trust me and expect too much of me and want to pick everything out for me whee ... and somehow seem to be able to kill my mood with the slightest word *shrugs and laughs*

Friends: havnt had friends till this year, i was one of those 'blockers'. friends i have now arnt really.. ummm... plush? some are, i have one or two great friends who help me if i need help, who take care of me and care about me, but the others are after one thing or another.

Accomplishments: One of the best in my tae kwon do class. thats about it.

Health: Im not giving you a list of weakness.

Interests: Katanas, wolves, made up beliefs, dreams, nightmares, campfire, memories, Tae kwon do, anime, movies, art, hockey, RPG games, reading, skiing.

Hobbies: Tae kwon do (one year), hockey (11 years), reading, skiing (6 years), rock climbing (2 years), sky diving (soon to be blaugh )

Gaia: kinda just... pissy about how it takes so long to get money heart blaugh i have expensive tastes.

Photos: http://photobucket.com/albums/v685/WolvesDesire/?action=view¤t=Picture_572.jpg
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:56 pm
Name: Dan
Age: 15
Sex: male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 150 or so
Hair Color: brown short
Eye Color: brown
Skin Color: um not as much taned
sexuality: straight
location: bristol PA
relationship: taken thats all you really need to know
employment: unsure stock at wawa (if you have not clue what wawa is if your really that qurious pm me)
Family:1 bro 1 sis from diff. father
friends: list is to long but 5 really good buds
Health: skinny my waist is only two feet all the way around but health athleticand my mental health is pretty good
hobbies/interests:paint ball,football,basketball,swimming,diving,fishing,skateboarding,shopping, anime,drawing, making my hair look good rofl ,anthing physical, fair rides  


Ruuh Cursedtail

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:32 pm
Name: Shannon
Age: 19 in less than a month
Sex: Female
Hair: Sandy (Dirt stressed ) blonde, needs to be re-dyed to red.
Eyes: Stormy grey
Skin: Very fair and burns easily
Relationship status: Happily married as of March 8th 2005! heart

The rest of it: My fursona is a lizard by the name of Ruuh Cursedtail. Originally, I started off playing her in the MMOPRG Everquest as an Iksar necromancer with quite an interesting background. The more I played her the more in love I fell with not only the character but with all lizard arthros as well, which tend to be portrayed in a some what less than positive manner by many writers. I have since then taken up the banner to champion ALL reptiles, some of the most misunderstood creatures in existance. More information on this can be found by reading my journal.

Until I stumbled upon my leezard love, I had bounced back and forth between a wolf and a cat depending upon my mood. I've become quite happy with my current reprsentation but I've still been known to purr when scratched behind the ears wink

For those older members of AFG my name might look familiar. I was a member for a little while before they implimented the guild system on Gaia which for some odd reason F'ed up when I tried to join. At the time, I had a great deal going on with my life so I gave up on Gaia in general in order to devote time to streightening things out in the real world instead. It's been almost a year now but I'm finally back and happy to be so!

For those interested, yes I am an artist but I can not currently take commitions as I don't have access to a scanner or photoshop at the momment. If you would like examples of my work though, they can be found on my website.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 9:46 am
Name: Nikki (Though half the time I answer to Newt...>.>)

Physical Description: -twitches- Ergh...well my hair is actually more of a really dark brown color, doesn''t obey, and it likes to just frizz like mad and I get pissy and throw a hat on or gel the entire thing down. Lately I''ve been dying it ''red'' (it turns out orange...which I actually like better so >.> XD), just because I think it looks a bit better -shrugs-. I have glasses/contacts...contacts suck they really bother my eyes and so usually I''m glaring at people over glasses. Yes, blind as a bat as the saying goes and without em I''m like ''ergh...HEY..-slams into wall- OW....make it stop...'' so yeah >.> its good that I have em. I stand at about 5''7, and I weigh 116 lbs the last time I checked...and if anything I''ve lost weight because this summer has been killer for me. -falls over- I tend to dress in clothes that DON''T MATCH, why? Well I really don''t care, I guess that sounds bad but I''m far from a perfectionist so I usually just throw on whatever is around me and worry about it later. I''m also not a big fan of makeup, for the pure reason that it takes forever to put on and I have little patience with it so I usually end up screaming, throwing it, and being late to whatever I was going to >.> mwaha. I also have to wear open toed shoes, sandals, why? I can''t stand tennis shoes, I just can''t. They drive me nuts. ^^'' heh.

Hobbies: Oh geeze...well I''m into furs, and I''ve also got that Anime/Manga addiction so usually I''m that twitchy nerd up at best buy drooling and shaking over some new anime *cough* YAOI *cough*. >.> Yeah that''s my other...hobby. -looks around all innocent like- I also love video games, but nintendo mostly because so many people are obsessed with Playstation and they jump down my throat the moment I say I''m not particularly fond of the system....and yeah -.-''. I''m a Legend of Zelda kid, grew up with it, adore it, accept it man XP.

Sexuality: Bisexual (-lazy blink-...and I really don''t hide it do I? >.> I have this issue with both so its...sorta sad. Guy walks buy ''-head whips around, drools- a**...ooh..must...follow...sexy boy....'' Girls? ''-slow head tip, pervy grin- SKIRTS....WHEE -nearly falls over looking-....Yeah...don''t ask I have problems -.-''))

Relationships: -winces- Ooh painful topic -.-''. Well I''m sort of a difficult person to tolerate, no its not like I''m abusive or crap but I am posessive. I''m majorly posessive and I get jealous if attention isn''t paid to me from that one person I care about most. That and I am a pretty bi-polar person, small things set me off, and I end up ignoring people for the rest of the day/or week seriously, if they piss me off enough. I''m also really childish so I''ve...yeah I''m really hard to put up with so most people ditch me ^^'' heh. Um....I''ve actually been in...oh argh...relationships on and off, my most serious relationship ended awhile ago, after lasting a year a month and so or so many days yanno? So it was...pretty painful. With me and my fear of being absolutely alone, well it was really bad, because it felt like she (yeah it was a she) ripped my heart out, yanno, typical junk. Though I have a few crushes -shrugs slightly- so I''m still waiting until I feel comfortable to act upon them. One of my closest friends has supported me and been there for me for about a year and a half so I dunno >.> here''s hopin I don''t get knocked down ne? XP

Friendships: I don''t make friends easily. I really don''t. Most of my friends approached me first, talked to me first, while I was too big of a coward to say a word about it. Though several of my friends are involved with Anime and Manga so that''s cool. I actually have very few Furry friends...I mean its not a big thing here in South Dakota -.-'' shitty town in the mid-west....Mouth Rushmore whoot! -.- ha ha no. So there''s few of us here and...most of my Furry friends are online ^^" which...is okay yanno? Its cool. -shrugs-

Family: Ooh geeze -double wince- XD. My family...is the typical anti-gay/lesbian/bisexual red necks. Basically, if you scream loud enough you get your way and all that. Long story short...My mom nearly died having me, lost her memory, I was a one time ''screw'' child, and it was like ''Whoops!'' and yeah. -nervous grin- so...they are unhappy, yelling folk yanno, and my half brothers and sisters -makes hand gesture- hate me, being the youngest is always that...''I''m going to stomp you into little bits'' sorta thing so >> yeah. Right now, my friends are my family, what I consider "Family"....Oh geeze I hardly make sense argh >.<

History: o.O'' um...well I''ve been in/lived in several states, here in a year or so I plan to move over towards Maryland, or south to Arizona, or West to California XD. I''m kinda debating between em >.>. Go me. Ergh...When I was a little kid I used to think I was a dog, I''d hop around, eat out of the dog bowls (...ugh...), and pounce on lizards (though I guess that''s more of a cat thing..). In high school, I thought I was a werewolf who couldn''t transform, seriously...man I sound mental. >.> XD. I still have the typical werewolf urges, so my furry side is actually sort of a....cat acting...werewolf. -sideglances- Yeah...when I start doing comics that will make a WHOLE lot more sense I promise. I''m also an artist to a point....Like the little doodle in my signature is a five minute sketch that I wince at every time I see it cause it looks so crappy...blargh, but I''m more of an...alien/dragon person I guess....I''ve been working on my art for several years off and on so..yeah. That''s about it >.>

Books: Harry Potter (yes...lame shush up), Vampire Chronicles, Manga ^^''
Music: Anything except Rap. Yes I listen to country, I''m just a...music freak.
Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean...yes its my favorite movie, but pretty much everything....except like...sports movies...I''m not a sports fan. Horror movies, stuff like that. ^^''
Video Games: Legend of Zelda >.> -obsessive twitch-
People: ...I''m actually a very antisocial person...but around those I trust/love I''m a total attention freak. See? Canine/Feline acts >.> -cough-
T.V.: Anime....-eye twitch- LOTS of anime...and Yaoi XP and er...yes...panties....-COUGH- I''m...stopping.

Employment: Full time Student right now...(If I start working part time its gonna be in a bookstore or something....I can''t handle the food industry...seriously I just can''t. I can hardly load dishes without thinking about how pig like people are -.-'''')

Health: Well, as a kid I''ve always been the type to get sick, and when I get sick usually its pretty bad. Can''t move for days kinda bad. My friends, who are more like family worry about me alot, tell me its not a good thing that I get so sick and blah blah blah yanno, while my blood family is more like ''eh, she''ll live''. -shrugs- So I always get sick....and usually that''s why I lose jobs and junk is because I''m at home writhing in pain/ rolling in sickness -.-''. On the other hand, when I''m not sick I''m hyper and bouncy and completely fine, so its...its got its ups and downs ^^'' Blargh enough blabbing for me ><

>.> Looking down at the camera

Chest view -.-'' nothing dirty...



Shinigami Whistle

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:59 am
Name: My real name is Krystal. But online people can call me just about anything, Techie, Kyo, Kyon, Kyoni, Kyo-chan, Kyo-sama, Krys, Krystal, etc. I'm not that picky. It's just a name, so whatever.
Age I am turning 18 on september 11th, 2005 (next month). So I'm currently 17, but might as well call me 18 cause I'm about to turn it.

Physical Description: I just got my hair done, so I get to explain myself with the new hairdo, yay :3 I'm an average height (5'6" or so) and about average weight with maybe just a little pudge. I'm pale skinned and have bright blue eyes. I wear thin framed glasses and my hair is short, about to my lips in length and really red (it's colored. Naturally I'm a brunette). I wear just about anything that's comfortable, but mos thte time i dress up as either alternative, wannabe hippy, or punky alternative. At times I like to dress up in black nad gothicy type stuff or even in business suits. I have petite hands and small feet, and I am very flexible. Really, other then that I'm not sure what else to say :3

Hobbies: hmmm....I love to watch anime and read manga, for the most part. Other then that I like to read, write, roleplay, draw, and work on graphics/web design. As for other hobbies, I've been known to cross-stich from tmie to time and to swim quite a bit. But other then that, nothing that special.

Sexuality: bisexual. I'm wavering between more towards girls and more towards guys, but my whole life I've really only dated guys in real life.

Relationships: I'm currently with a boy named Jay for a little over 3 weeks or so. He's amazing, sweet, kind, and just an all-around good boy (sometimes a little TOO good, but oh well.) His parents are a bit crazy, but oh well. He makes me very happy heart

Friendships: hmmm, I either make friends right away withy someone or make them hate me entirely. Here on this guild I think I'm friends with a good amount (including Fuzzy, Ome, and O'ru, I'd hope :3) and I hope to make even more friends. In real life I have way to many friends and sometimes I lose track of who all they are. Although I only have a few really close ones :3 I'm a littel to trusting sometimes and blurt out more about myself then I should at times. but oh well, that's my problem.

Family: I have a pretty good family compared to many. My mother isa bit over protective and suspicious of me and doens't like how much time I spend on the computer and my dad can be an obxious a*****e at times, but they are good parents. My little bro is a bratt, but we get along really well. For the most part, they are all okay with my bisexuality :3

History: Not gonna go into that, to lazy to type it all out...or maybe I just don't want ot be reminded.

hmmm...I'm not gonna go into great detail, just simple. I like anime, manga, good novels, romance, mushy stuff, furries, games, and quite a bit of other stuff...maybe I'll edit this with better info later.

Employment: I am currently unemployed.

Health: Healthy as can be at the moment.

Pictures: http://kyo.spiralpages.com/gallery  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:39 pm
Name: Matt, though my close friends call me Omega/Ome

Physical Description: Currently 5'9-10'ish short black hair (I like it long, but my parents DON'T domokun ) brown eyes, glasses like the emo glasses on Gaia, really skinny due to my over-active metabolism. If I'm not at work, I'm usually wearing really baggy clothes, 'n you hardly ever catch me out of the house without my dragon baseball cap.

Hobbies: Hm o_o well, Gaia is obviously one of them, I'm also the ultimate master at RPG's and most Fighting games X3 (It gets so tiring to hear people say "OH I WOULD SO BEAT YOU AT SO-AND-SO!" though.) I like to read a little now and then, and also hentai heart I like that too. And of course, flirting is another one of my favorite hobbies.. heart Wheee!

Sexuality: Bisexual, though only females and feminine males (really guy'ish girls also turn me off D: I dun like manlyness)

Relationships: Hm, too many, all of them long distance/online and even two of them roleplay, I'm currently with me love Cassie, whom I used to be with a year ago, we're together again but shes not around alot so she couldn't care less what I do for right now, until we're actually together TOGETHER, and I allow her the same. My other relationship is just a roleplay, but fun none the less, with m'dear Kyo.

Family: Hm, well, my mom yells at me alot, for good reasons most of the time, cause I'm clumsy and stuff like that, my dad is really cool, I used to not see much of him, but now my work shift is the same as his, so most of the family is up late at night, besides... My sister, whom I don't see very much at all these days, shes a bit annoying though latley, always making fun of me for the clumsy things I do.

Friends: I have had many friends, forgotten none of them, though some of them are still with me heart My best and most longest known friend is Steven, AKA BlackWing/HeroBlack (Some might know him as the leader of Dungeon Masters guild from Ragnarok Online, Loki Server). His brother his a friend of mine too, though I don't know too much about him, other than those two, there is the small group I hang out with everyday, whom I met here on Gaia, and then there are a few persons here, whom I have made friends with, and hope to keep in touch with them always! 3nodding

History: Well, for most of my life, I used to live in California just a block away from Steven AKA BlackWing/Nogard (he wasn't HeroBlack yet) I was a cocky little b*****d in Middle school, mostly due to me being constantly picked on in elementary, I just got fed up with it, ya know? Then moving to Highschool, I became alot more mellow, though I still woudln't take crap from anyone through freshman/sophmore year, ah, I loved the mild school rules back then, you wouldn't get so much as a detention for getting into a fight, nobody expects a humble nerdy looking skinny boy to pop a hard fist in your nose! rolleyes But then, in my Juinor/Seinor year, I moved here to Nevada, away from dear California crying and I just stopped caring, I let people pick on me and even started fid their jokes funny, I became friends with alot of people that way (but not with the total assholes) 'n even flirted with a few females! heart Out of school, I became a worthless good for nothing for a whole year XD then I got a job when my parents threatened to REALLY kick me out. (The ultimate motivation!)

Books: Video game stragegy guides and Harry Potter
Music: I'll listen to just about anything. 3nodding
Movies: Too many, I love ones with really sad endings though. Like Titanic or Cast Away.
Video Games: RPG's and Fighting games.. heart
People: Females and feminine males heart
T.V.: I watch way too much of it

Employment: Full time at Wal-Mart, used to be at meat dept, recently switched to Seafood. (G-gah... I hate fish... gonk )

Health: I'm ok, though I get anxiety attacks when under even just the mildest of emotional stress x_X so I try to keep happy

Pictures: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v32/OmegaDragon/Me.jpg


Marcious Pharoe

6,000 Points
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Generous 100
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:49 pm
Real name: [would like to not say, but if I have to, let's go with my first, stupid one, Adam]

Were name: Raiku Oyasumi

Breed: Let's just go with Raiken fox, or Kitsune.

Age: Which side of me? *laughs* no ones cares about the many sides of me, so, let's go with what biology would say, 20 years (but I am younger and older with that too).

Hight/weight: I don't know. I don't mesure myself.

Eyecolor: Usually green.

Hair: short-ish now, brown.

Location: A stupid desert town. ....stupid Bullhead city, AZ

Funds: I'm poor.

Job: Being poor. No skills, wants, abilities, oppertunities in town, and everything esle to get one.

Schooling: Drop out high school. Why? The school system cheated me. It gave me classes I didn't need, gave me classes I didn't need, said I missed 3 days too many (3 days!?!?!??!?!), even though I appealed and had notes for them, and tried an alternative school and summer school, but they outright refused me of my creadits (thus me giving up on schooling and my mom nearly going to prison for kicking the secratary's a**).

Hobbies: If I am not dying from this damned heat, I like to listen to music and draw and color. I'd love to draw and write my stories more, but my skills and lack of self esteem and self worth and just hating my stuff inhibits me to do anything productive.

Future: I honestly don't have one. No mate to call my own, I couldn't find the person I was 'sposed to find, no way in hell I can have a den to call my own... I'm staying at my friend's house because besides I can't find a place to call my own, but my family can't find jobs nor get houses we could afford as well. I see myself packing my charms, books, and my external hardrive and music in a bag and traveling on foot to my few friends across the country to give them some things, then finding a place alone in the woods (hopefully snowy at taht time too) and die.

Worth much?: Not at all. I phail at life, (the "ph" replacing the 'f' signifying the uber failage) and I can't live one in this world.

Last thoughts: Humans are worthless, inferior creatures. Why I chose to be one, I don't know. My body is decaying and loosing mental focus. If I could use my left leg without having to fear of it breaking for good, I would walk to some place away from people and society. .....and if I got trapped, I could just slaughter them all untill they killed me. I could kill without feeling bad... ....but my stupid ability to want to stay away from trouble and not cause problems prevent me so (excluding the body sucking).

Are you done yet?: Yes. I'll shut up now, sorry to have bothered.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:59 pm
Name: Like I''m really going to tell you.
Height: Roughly six foot.
Weight: I don''t know, but the last time I stepped on a scale it cried.
Age: 17
Birthday: March 6th, 1988
Likes to wear: Anything that has stuff like, "Do I look like I care?" or "I''m definately up to something." on it.

Sexuality: Gay, and damn proud of it. 3nodding

Hobbies: Occaisionally yiffing, reading, writing, coming on Gaia.

Relationships: 1 year relationship with Kurinoto Coon, who is not on anymore.

Jobs: None at all, hoping to get one this year, after my I get my liscense. Yes, I have no driver''s liscense, got a problem with it?

That''s about it. neutral  



PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:55 pm
Name: M.B
Age: ummm *shifty eyes*
Sex: female
Height: 5'4" oh yea, power to the short
Weight: 110 or so *pokes*
Hair Color: Every color under the rainbow..right now i have black and red streaks
Eye Color: Changes color, but kinda hazel sometimes
Skin Color: Pale..with freckles O.o

Location: Durango colorado...oh yea, freezing in the winter, hot in the summer

Relationship: I am dating a non fur that is converting..he's an armadillo artist, and I hope to see him soon on afg. We've been together for almost a month and a half now, and I hope we won't leave eachother for a good long time

Interests: I play the doubel bass, and thats what i do...i'm crazy about it. Yup yup...that and game...morrowind rocks my spotted socks..and stuff *shifty eyes*  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:44 am
Name- ??? "NG" B.
Age- 15
Sex- Female
Height- 5'3''
Weight-not a clue.
Hair Color- All shades of brown.
Eye Color- Bright blue
Skin Color- Pale pig pink

Location-. Tacoma Washington, USA

Relationship- none at the momment. Hopeing to get into one...
Employment- None.Artist i guess.

Family- Live with my mum, whos a sweety and the best. We're more buddiest then daughter/mom

Friends- Little here. I'm very choosy.

Health- Poor at best. I'm always sick.

Interests- Alot of things, really.

Hobbies- Art, art, pet care, books.

To be edited later.  



PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:29 pm
Name: Rin
Age: 23
Sex: transgendered
Height: 5'5"
Weight: I'm heavy. That's all you need to know.
Hair Color: naturally brown, currently zebra striped.
Eye Color: grey
Skin Color: pale yellow

Location: Tennessee. I was born in Texas, however, and have also lived in the UK, Boston, North Carolina and Maine.

Relationship: Mated to Razor for over two years.

Employment: currently unemployed, doing freelance art stuff. I was a teacher, however.

Family: Razor, and our babies: three cats, Curtis, Boo and Pepper; one dog, Arlo; and a ferret, Burrito.

Friends: friendship is a biiiiiig thing for me. I have maybe three extremely close friends, but I have a lot of friends that are equally great. Both furry and non-furry (and yes, my non-furry friends know.)

Accomplishments: I've graduated from college with a degree in English, rebuilt three cars to date, started a life with someone I love, visited five continents, and ate fugu without dying. smile

Health: Pretty okay these days. I have Lupus (if you're not familiar with it, it's an autoimmune disease which causes your immune system to attack your body's own cells) and have it very under control now. The only problems with it I have now are being borderline diabetic because of the steroids causing lots of weight gain, and occasional bouts with rheumatoid arthritis.

If you're curious about my transformation and my health concerning that process, feel free to talk to me anytime.

Interests: art, cars, bowling, sculpture, fishing, Boston Terriers, costuming (working on first fursuit now) and games.

Hobbies: as mentioned, I love cars. I've rebuilt a 1981 VW Rabbit into an off-road vehicle, and have done similar treatments with a 1980 Datsun 280Z and a 1984 Jeep Scrambler. I also draw a lot (I do accept Gaia commissions, just pm me for details) and go fishing from time to time.

Gaia: I just recently got into it again, after starting once a couple of years ago. I guess I just have time now... I'd like to build my dream avatar, which is in my signature. Other than that, I'm just here to hang out.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:46 pm
I think I wrote one awhile back...but so people don't have to hunt for it, I will repeat.

Name: Rain
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 186lbs For the last 3 years have been staying the same
Hair Color: natural dark brown...sometimes tri-color
Eye Color: dark brown
Skin Color: brown? Like...half asian brown

Location: California

Relationship: None...

Employment: Applegate School for Dogs,inc.

Family: Live with mom and dad and sister. Along with our 12 pets

Friends: I don't have many irl friends. Most are off to college, but mainly 1 person I still talk to...rarely. I have had a lot of online friends, but they all meet me, talk to me for about a year and then go away. Shortest I have been a friend to anyone, is a week and that was to Stoarm Fox. Longest was 10years.

Accomplishments: I've travelled the world, to about 12 states within the US, the US Virgin Islands, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy, London, Switzerland, Thailand and Japan. I have done more dog training and had more experience than most trainers in their 40's have ever done. I am accomplished at what I do and have problem solved with many aggressive dogs and hold my own when faced with danger. I believe I can do whatever I set my mind to and want to do as much as I can while I am still young. I think I can say more of myself without going to college than those who have...and I have stuck to what i set my heart on doing. Recently started Clicker Training my cat. He has learned how to Sit on command, Come on command, Target, Down and we are working on heeling now.

Health: Pretty good. I am comfortable with my weight at the moment.

Interests: ANimals, behavioral work, Ethology, artwork, music of all kinds, dog training skills, agility, bite/protection, bomb work, area searche..and everything to go with it, Veterinary Technology, working at Al-Marah Arabian stables , Working at Guide Dog Campus, Working for CCI

Hobbies: I don't have many hobbies. Truth be told, Dogs are my life.

Gaia: I mainly visit only the pages I have subscribed to and AFG.  



PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:53 pm
Name: Professor.
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Height and weight: 5'6", and a bit too much (see photo lol).
Hair: On my head it's light brown, on my face it's reddish, and on my shoulders it's dark brown. (a furry with fur lol.)
Skin: Irish pale.
Eyes: blue! biggrin
Photo: See here.

Location: suburbanish New Jersey.
Relationship: single and not looking very hard.
Occupation: full time college student (Rutgers University), research assistant to Dr Dave (faculty member here).
Family: I had a child once.
Friends: I hang out with people I consider cool. They tend to also love animals and be kind of geeky.
Health: Other than mild asthma and a bit of Katrina Cough I picked up during spring break, fine.
Interests: Almost anything that's not mathematical.
Hobbies: doing work here at the lab, writing, animals, etc.
Gaia: hardcore addict.  
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