Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:05 pm
Dharmesh grinned and went over to nudge Beau's shoulder. " your it my friend." snickering , he bound off around the area. to make things intoeresting he zig, zagged about to keep Beau from catching him. but the fun of the game was the run or the chase.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:40 pm
Beau laughed and jumped up as he felt the nuzzle of his friends nose against his shoulder. "oh hohoho! You're asking for it now, run run as fast as you caaaaannn." he taunted his friend in a sing song voice as he ran after the darting colt.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:10 pm
" oh you know i wil!." was Dharmesh's retort to Beau as he ran along zig zagging as fast as he could. bounding a bit, he would try to keep ahead but eventualy he would get caught. but in Dharmesh's mind he was gonna beable to stay away for as longas he wanted, but eventualy he would tire out.
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:05 pm
Beau sucked in a long breath nad bounded after his new friend, a gleam in his eye and a smile on his face. He gave a nicker and laughed as he chased Dhar, zig saging around and trying to be as nimble and agile as he could to gain footing. "I'll get you!" he yelled, laughing all the while.
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:21 pm
Dharmesh really was using alot of energyup as he ran around, sig sag all about. " oh no you wont!." was his retort back at Beau as he contiued to run about. oh he had alot of engery but ti seemed he was slowign a bit as he jumped about now.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:59 am
Beau laughed as he cahsed his friend, he too was getting wearly. The engery of a colt was like a fire, raging rampant and wild, but it would die out quickly. He flicked his tail and saw an opening. Darting in quickly and pushing his legs forward with a burst of speed and the last of his engery he tried to tag the other colt. "Ahhhh!"
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:28 pm
Dharmesh tumbled over from the tag that shocked him. he had expected Beau to catch him so quickly. snorting he shook his mane as he laid there pretty much sprawled out from the tumble. " alrigtht you win this round Beau!" laughing a bit he looked p at the sky and it seemed to be getign darker as time passed and knew he was gonna get it when he got home. " think it time to go home yet?" beign a bit reblious, he waited to see what Beau would say.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:27 am
Beau sighed a bit and looked at the sky, he sank to the ground panting. He was pleased that he had managed to tag his friend before becoming completely exhasted. It was often times that his siblings would out run him, it was good to catch someone for a change. "Ahh.. In a bit.. when I can walk again." he said with an exagerated sigh and stuck his tongue out like a panting dog.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:32 am
Domnu and Oba 3/17/07Shariea The sky was dark but for the tiny pin points of light that littered the surface, the gleeming stars that glowed like diamonds over head, and the brilliant white orb of the moon. The silver rays rained softly down over the landscape, it was a beatiful sight. Yet red eyes seemed to look up at the sky with contempt.
The red kalona stood in the shadows of the forest, watching over the landscape with indifferance. The air was full of the stench of the regular horses, those whom prided themself with goodness and sweetness. Those that made her stomach turn. Behind her, her spaded tail flicked against the grass, rustling softly with her mild irritation. Naysha Aysha Oba walked alone heading back to a soft spot of grass he had been calling home. His head held high for once as his mood was lighter than normal.The wind blew lightly his long hair tangling before his face as he looked the the sky.The stars were his map he didn't use land marks like most soquili. To much time spent alone watching the sky and life passing him by. He still considered his confusion with Zira. Should he help her and kill the weak or go with his kinder feelings and Love everyone in this new land. Yes this land was still new for him and he had yet to see some of the darker creatures it held. In the desert one was lucky to run into anyone at all much less another race. So he walked with no fear of anything that might be hidden in the shadows of the night. Domnu watched the night, her tail twitching softly back and forth in the grass like a lioness waiting for the right time to strike. A coony thudded from the underbrush of the forest and ran out unto the dappled rays of moonlight, unwary of her presance.The mare looked upon the rabbit with distane, yet she didnt move. A small snort issued from her nose as she watched it, eyes narrowing slightly as she studied how it twitched its nose... how it ears swivvled from side to side at every noise. Not that it was doing much good, she was but a few feet from it.....
Her attention lifted to the shadow in the distance, silver rays danced off the green shape of a stallion coming closer. Her eyes narrowed still, his color... revolting. His proud manner, walking with out care, with out caution. She snorted.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:55 am
Oba looked back to the grass his dark red eyes reflected the moon's light for just a moment before he begun to move through the grasses his long mane and tail making his steps less than quite. He vanished for a moment as his jet black coat mixing with the shades of night. He sighed thinking of someone he was starting to get attracted too. Her colors were natural and her manners where keen but there was already another stallion in her life. There was still room for Oba though, one of her baskets seemed to like him so he was going to be aloud to take care of it. At least that was some sort of family, but still Zira, had done a lot for Oba and what he was doing now was unforgivable and weak.
"What should I do...I have no one to tell me. I've never made decisions like this before. I've never had too." Oba sighed and dragged his hooves on the roots of the near by trees. What was he going to do?
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:06 pm
As the stallion grew closer she noticed he was not green as she had orginally thought, no... he was jet black. A trick of the light had sent a reflection of the green grass around him as a sheen across his ebony coat. Still, he was revolting, an unworthy spot, an ink stain upon the plains.
The Kalona female watched him, he began dragging his feet now. He was lost in his own thoughts. A sly smile slowly crossed his face, her fangs softly gleeming in the light of the moon.
The crimson mare slipped from the shadows, like a dark gem in the night. She folded her wings across her back and stared down the dark stallion whom was now only a breath away. She waited for his reaction before making her move.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:52 pm
Oba didn't jump but he stood in his place he lowered his head to an odd position and stared at the kalona. Was it Saphira? No it wasn't Saphira, the color was all wrong and something seemed different. This things was not a dragon like Saphira, but she was similar in a way. Something told Oba to run he wasn't like most dim witted stallions that would try to stand up to anything he knew better. So now he weighed his options, run when something seems aggressive. And yet he had learned in this land that everything was not always what it seemed, so no this wasn't the right option. Issue a warning? No this wasn't wise he could not understand what power this creature might have, so there was no way to size their strength. Talk to it? Yes this was the best option for now.
"Have I intruded on your territory ma'am? I would be more than happy to turn away,aggression is not need with me."
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:44 pm
The blood red mare turned her head softly to the side, her horns glinting softly in the light as she sneered at him, her upper lip curling softly reveling her sharp fangs... so strange for a horse. His words when he finally spoke made her blood boil, but it was doubtful that whatever he did, he wouldnt anger her in some way.
Her voice was cold, and dripping with utter contempt. "You're very sight makes me wish to vomit, and you speak of agression Stallion?" she raised a brow and took one step close to him, her clove hoof stomping onto the ground. No, she wouldnt kill him... No she had bigger things in mind. After all.. Mother always said to use your head. Though the idea filled her mouth with bile it would be wise... to keep ones enimes close... and perhaps get them to undermind and use their wreched lives to serve her needs. Greater strength in numbers...and this Kalona mare was filled with devious plans of mayhem and chaos.
She wound her way around him, circling him as a lioness would her prey as she toyed with it. Her spaded tail lashed against the grass as her eyes narrowed. He was, for all intent and purposes... a fine stallion, for one of the weaker race. She could see some small potential in him, and more.. his mind seemed weak. Easy to plan a seed of doubt inside. She smiled, he would be a find test. "Tell me stallion, You seem troubled..troubled enough to walk right up upon me with out notice..." Her words, still cold gave no room for him to refuse her. He would either tell her what his mind was on, or face the coniquences... whatever they may be.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:28 pm
Oba didn't like this at all as she circled him he followed her. This was to similar to a lion which was something he had dealt with before,but he figured this female was as strong or stronger than a lion. He bet on the later of the too, his dark red eyes begun to glow lightly as he sensed the danger this mare held.
"I don't like the sight of myself either,we are alike in that."
Oba begun to back up,but where would he go? Perhaps he could out run her and yet she had wings. He raised a brow when she questioned him.
"You don't have my name, but you wish to know my inner thoughts? When prey see a new hunter they do not know to run till its to late. Likewise was I foolish enough to think this land was safe, like so many have said. Tell me hunter what is it you want with me?"
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:03 am
Domnu tossed her head caresslessly to the side, slightly annoyed that he would question her, the lower dirty beast. It did amuse her slightly that he seemed to find himself as repulsive as she did, an opening into the stallions mind just by that little comment. Low self estime, that would be the key to this one. Yet.. how should one use that knowlage? To build him up, make him feel his worth, praise him and make him seek praise by doing your will... or take that path that was ruled by fear, break him even further... leaving him to seek even the smallest praise to redeam himself. Both where good options, and while she favored the later of the two, she thought the best corse with this stallion... would be to build him up.
The crimsion mare smiled softly and turned her eyes to meet with his, a battle of wit, a staring contest perhaps. She stared at him, her eyes never wavering as she spoke. "Your name then, before I get bored with you, and yes you where foolish. No land is safe and if you had some sence in your thick skull you would have known I was here long before you did, that will be your downfall." She stood stalk still, watching him for these next few moments would show her the likely hood of being able to use him.