Date of Birth-March 28th, 09
Obtained-I obtained Saeran from the Mar 09 Mer custom slots.
Personality-Saeran isn't an outgoing stallion. Instead, he is quieter. He was raised to be respectful and polite to anyone he meets. Saeran likes knowledge. He enjoys seeing new things and learning more about them. He never was any good at sporty activities, like racing, he prefers using his brain. He is kind to those who are kind to him and will help out those who need it. He likes taking long walks and thinking during them. He's not a fan of large groups, preferring small groups or one-on-one conversations.
He's fairly decent with children, continuously being around that one filly and sometimes her friends, helped him with that. Although it is a lot different with his own children because at the end of the day, he always went to his home but with his own children, he was there as much as possible. As a father, Saeran isn't very lenient, he is more on the strict side. He worries about his adult children, and worries about his and Riverfaith's baskets as well. From this, he does have his rules. But he loves his children greatly and hopes all of them will become fine adults one day, and the ones who are adults already, he hopes they continue to be good adults.
History-Saeran always loved to learn. He enjoyed it as a foal and continued to like it as he grew into an adult. As a foal he sometimes would eavesdrop on conversations and some of the tales he heard about the world, outside of his herd, it greatly intrigued him. As he learned more and more about the world, he longed to see it for himself. When he reached young adulthood, he requested allowance to leave his herd in order to see the land he heard so much about.
When he was granted permission, he left, but only for a short while. An old friend located Saeran and asked of him a favour, Saeran accepted and returned home, thinking it would only be for a short visit. He was proven wrong and ended up staying longer than he wished to. Saeran was given the job of tutoring the daughter of a highly respected family in the herd, a job he liked but one that came at a time when he was still very much interested in traveling around the world. But he continued with his duties. When the family no longer required him, he set off again.
He came out to the Kawani lands where he later met Lithium. They ended up having four children together, Aster, Bambi, Lorcan and Cadmium. Though he and Lithium did not stay together, he saw his children regularly. Because of his children, he decided to stay in these parts for good, not going back home. Later on, he met Riverfaith, who like him, had children before. They grew to know each other and Saeran fell in love with her. They lifemated and soon afterwards, Saeran found out she was pregnant.
Children-Aster, Bambi, Lorcan and Cadmium (with Lithium), LittleWind, Zheadeos and Rhydian (with Riverfaith)
Grandchildren-Lignae and Halyn (AsterxHinnuleus-2 girls), Etimus and Awinita (BambixAhanu-1 boy, 1 girl), Crosswind, Chogan and Little Whisper (LittleWindxMeykal-2 boys, 1 girl), Ainsley Loren and Lucy Adair (LorcanxAdsila Awentia-1 boy, 1 girl)
Great-grandchildren- Nisha, Koemi, and SwiftWind (Crosswind x Raveena-2 girls, 1 boy), Kaila-Kalani, Loriana, and Kailum-Loren (Ainsley Loren and Criana-2 boys, 1 girl), Solom (Halyn x ??? rogue mockbreeding)
Great-greatgrandchildren- Reverie and Wrayth (Koemi x Nightmare Gottschalk mockbreeding-1 girl and 1 boy)
Parents-Unknown (deceased)