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The Missing Uchiha {PART 1} [complete] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 [>] [»|]

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Dangerous Genius

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:37 pm
it looks like i can't go a whole day without posting a new chapter.......wow

Chapter 20: Day Off

“Hey Solari-chan!” Naruto came running up to her.

Oh great, this is the last thing I need right now. Solari sighed as she turned around to greet Naruto. “Ohayo Naruto.”

“I thought you were in the hospital.”

“Yeah, I’m allowed out for training.”

“Cool. How is your training going?”

“I’d rather not talk about it. But how about you? Ebisu-sensei is helping you train right?”

“Nah, I ditched that closet pervert. I’m going to breakfast, you wanna come?”

She wanted to say no, but felt like some food and a chance to talk about something else might help her calm down. “Sure, why not.”

“Great! Have you ever been to Ichiraku’s Ramen Bar? It’s awesome!”

“No I haven’t.”

“You’re deprived.” Naruto grab bed her arm and ran towards the Ramen Bar. They got in and Naruto threw her down into a seat.

“Hey, hey! We’ll have two bowl of ramen, with extra pork.” When they were given the ramen Naruto began to scarf it down like he hadn’t eaten in days.

When he paused to take a breath, Solari decided to ask him a question. “So, you ditched Ebisu-sensei, who is your new trainer?”

Naruto shrugged. “I didn’t catch his name. I just call him Ero-sennin.”

“Did he introduce himself to you at all?”

“Yeah, but it was really extravagant and boring. I wasn’t really paying attention. He said something about Konoha, sannin, and toads.”

“His name was Jiraiya, wasn’t it?”

“That sounds right. How did you know?”

“I think you’re the only shinobi, no, the only person that doesn’t know about the three legendary sannin. So when you said that, it narrowed it down to three people. I could immediately rule out Orochimaru, and the fact that you kept saying ‘he’ meant that it was not Tsunade. That only leaves Jiraiya.”

“Oh.” Naruto looked down at her Ramen and saw that she hadn’t touched it. “Try the ramen, seriously. It’s my treat.”

“Alright, but I might not eat much, I ate a little at the hospital.” She took a pair of chopsticks and began to eat it. It wasn’t as bad a she expected it to be, but she would probably only come here if Naruto invited her. She at about half the bowl and then stood up.

“You’re going?” Naruto asked, through a mouthful of pork.

“Yeah I got to go train.”

“Alright. I see you later Solari-chan.”

Solari left Ichiraku’s Ramen Bar and walked around the village, with no particular destination in mind. She passed the Academy, stopped and backed up.

Kakashi said that I should practice my basics. I’ll see if I can just sit in the back of Iruka-sensei’s class. She went into the Academy and headed down the familiar path to her old classroom. She got to the classroom and quickly listened in to make sure she wasn’t interrupting anything like a test or bunshin practice. When she knew she wasn’t, she knocked three times on the door.

“Come in.”

She opened the door and walked in. “Ohayo Iruka-sensei.”

Iruka look confused for a moment, then he smiled. “Ohayo Solari. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be training for the Chunin Exam?”

“I have the day off today because of my arm. So I was wondering if I could just sit in the back of your class, just to refresh on my basics.”

“Sure, it’s always nice to have a visit from an old student.” He turned to the class. “Everyone, this is Uchiha Solari, she’s a genin and an old student of mine. As you just heard, she is going to just sit in the back of class. Please do not be distracted by her.” He indicated to Solari that she could go in.

Solari went to the back of the classroom and pulled up a chair to sit in. Iruka continued with his lecture about genjutsu which Solari listened to intently. Genjutsu was her one big weak spot.

“Nee-chan, psst, nee-chan.”

Solari looked where the voice was coming from and saw Konohamaru sitting halfway across the classroom. She decided to ignore him, which was probably the best thing to do. The next moment, Iruka was yelling at him and saying practically the same things Solari remembered him saying to Naruto.

Konohamaru sunk lower into his seat as the whole class laughed.

Iruka looked annoyed, but he continued with the lecture. A bell rang and the students all got up and headed outside for a quick break. Solari walked up to Iruka and thanked him for letting her sit in on his class.

“Actually, would you like to stay a little bit longer? After the break we’re going to talk about chakra control and practice Bunshin no Justsu.”

“Sure, I have nothing else to do today.”

“That’s great. Can you also just do me a favor and just watch the kids outside. I would normally do it, but I need to talk to some of the other senseis about something.”

“Yeah no problem.” Solari headed outside to find all the kids just sitting around. When they all saw her, they surrounded her and began to ask her questions.

“Hey, one at a time.” They all sat down around her and began asking questions about what missions were like, and at one point in school they learn more advanced stuff.

“All the things I learned that I use the most I learned once I became a genin.” The kids looked disappointed. “But you should still pay attention in school, and I’m not just saying that. Here at the academy you learn thing that seem useless but I have used to save my life.”

“Like what?”

Solari thought back, looking for an example. “On one mission, I used the Kawarimi. That is probably the jutsu that will save you the most.”

“What happened on that mission?”

Solari didn’t really want to tell them about Zabuza, but felt like she might as well. “I was sent to the Land of Waves to be the body guard for a bridge builder. Unfortunately, there was someone trying to kill the bridge builder and they tried to kill me to.”

The kids looked fascinated.

“What happened to your arm? Was that on a mission too?”

“No not really. Did Iruka-sensei tell you guys about the Chunin Exam?” They all nodded. “Well, my team made it past the two first tests, but too many people passed so there had to be preliminary rounds before the third exam. My arm got hurt during my match.”

“Cool, what happened?”

Solari was starting to get slightly annoyed now. “Did anyone ever tell you kids that you ask too many questions? It would be too hard for me to tell you what happened without a complete recap of my match.”

Konohamaru spoke up, “So tell us the whole match.”

“Geez Konohamaru, okay fine.” She told them about her entire match, from Kankuro’s Karasu to her blowing up her own arm. When she finished, the entire group looked fascinated.

“Show us some of the stuff you can do.”

“I can’t do much. After all, one of my arms is completely useless. But I can still do some stuff.” She stood up and faced the trees. She took out five shurikens and stuck one to each tree. Then she backed up and pulled out five kunai knifes. She turned to face the kids. “I’m going to get each kunai perfectly in the center of each shuriken.” Without turning to look at her targets again she spun and threw the kunai knifes. Each one landed in the center of each shuriken perfectly.

The kids ran up to the trees and stared in aw at her precision. Fortunately for Solari, before they had a chance to ask her to do anything else, Iruka came out and told them their break was over. As Solari walked in with the rest of the class, Konohamaru came up to her.

“Nee-chan, where have you been these past couple days?”

“I’ve been staying in the hospital. After all, like I told you, I blew my arm up with a paper bomb. It needs to be checked every once in a while.”

“Will you start actually coming home soon nee-chan?”

“Konohamaru, you do know that I’m not your older sister right? I told you that I was adopted. I’m an Uchiha now.” She indicated her necklace proudly.

“Yeah I do know, but your still nee-chan to me.”

Solari laughed. “That’s fine, as long as you accept the truth.”

They got into the classroom and Iruka asked her to stay up in the front of the room.

“I was wondering if you could demonstrate some things for us.”

“Hai Iruka-sensei. Of course I can.”

After the entire class was settled Iruka began to tell them the importance of chakra control. “So I asked Solari here to show us some kind of exercise of chakra control. Of course I never specified anything, so Solari you can do whatever you want.”

Her first thoughts were of the Katon jutsu she was working on and the Shadow Copy, but though those would be too advanced and too dangerous. She finally decided on the tree climbing exercise she had worked on in the Land of Waves. She made a hand sign and concentrated her chakra at the bottom of her feet. She then walked over to the wall and placed one foot on it. As she began to walk up the wall she heard the class’s ‘ohhs’ and ‘ahhs.’ She walked all the way to the ceiling and stood there.

Iruka began to explain what she had done to the class while she walked back down to the floor. He told her that if she wanted to stay she could but she declined the offer, saying that she needed to visit the hospital.

She actually did go to the hospital and tried to find Senshi without being noticed. She found Senshi in someone’s room and caught her attention through the window.

Senshi opened the window. “I thought you were training?”

“Kakashi gave me the day off, so I went to the academy.”

“Well I’m glad you’re not pushing yourself.”

Solari rolled her eyes. “Anyway, can you meet me in my room in like 10 minutes? I have some questions for you.”


Solari closed the window and headed to her room. She got there and waited for Senshi.

Senshi came into the room and shut the door behind her. “What did you need to talk to me about?”

“I just had a couple questions for you about my arm. Like, do you know how long it will be until I can use it again?”

“It will probably be two weeks.”

“Nani? That gives me like no time to train!”

“There is one thing that we can do to help it heal. But there is a catch, it will take 6 weeks.”

“But can I use my arm like it was healed?”

“Hai. You can.”

“Then I’ll do it.”

“You are so determined. Okay, I’ll do it this time then I’ll teach you how so you can do it and I can discharge you.” She took Solari’s arm out of the sling and unwrapped it. Then Senshi placed her hand over the wound and Solari watched it fill over with skin.

Solari moved her arm around. She only felt a slight amount of pain, but it was easy to work through.

“There is another problem with this method of healing however. The wound will never completely heal. But after 6 weeks it will be healed enough to go without a bandage.”

Solari shrugged. “I’m just glad I can use my arm again. Arigatou, Senshi-san.”

Senshi showed Solari how to use that jutsu. It was incredibly complicated as it required a complete understanding of the human body. However, Senshi simplified it by only teaching Solari what she needed to know for her particular wound. But that was still very complicated because it included small amounts of bone and muscle. By the time Solari got the hang of the jutsu the sun had set and it was nearing midnight.

“Well if I want to survive tomorrow’s training, I’d better get some sleep. Good night Senshi-san.”

Senshi got up and walked towards the door. “Good night Solari-chan.”

The jutsu had worn Solari out so much from practicing it over and over. She didn’t even remember Senshi shutting the door before she fell asleep.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:36 pm
kool jutsu. aw, I believe, is spelled awe.  

Maeve Avari

Purple dragon lady

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:41 am
I see, so she showed the kids some of her abilities. Neat.  
PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:07 pm
do u guys think i should wait for Ryuuki to catch up...i mean she hasn't been on for like four days and hasn't read any more since like the 21st......i'm just thinking this because if i was in that situation i would hate to log back on and find like 2 pages of stuff to read.....  


Dangerous Genius

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Maeve Avari

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:52 pm
yeah, i think we should wait a little, you could send her a message to remind her or something  
PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:43 am
Yes, xRyuuki is an important part of our group, wouldn't want to leave her out.  

Purple dragon lady

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Dangerous Genius

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PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 4:43 pm
kk i'll wait.....this is good cause it gives me more time to write.....i'm writing the Hokage's funeral and i don't think its sad enough sweatdrop .....i wanted to keep him alive but it is really important to the story.....kk ne way i'll wait.......  
PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:27 pm
alrighty then, I don't know if i should post my story or not.....I'll atleast try to right up more.  

Maeve Avari


Dangerous Genius

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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 6:12 pm
wow oh man i can't do it....i can't wait i'm soo impacient.....my next post will be the day xRyuuki shows up or friday (the 11th)....cause then ryuuki will have been of for 2 weeks  
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 7:57 pm
Maeve posted so i will too....sorry Ryuuki

Chapter 21: (If you have a good title please tell me...I need a title... sweatdrop )

Solari woke up the next morning to a loud banging on her window. She looked around to see that the sun had risen and Sasuke was banging on her window. She went over to the window and opened it.

“Kakashi told me to come get you.”

“Nani?” She looked at the clock it was noon. She started to panic, she had never been this late for anything in her life. She raced around the room swearing at everything from Senshi, for keeping her up to late, to the small bumps in the floor that caused her to trip every so often. It took her about five minutes to get ready and she ran out the window, slamming is shut behind her.

Sasuke looked at her like he though she was crazy. “Just two days ago I said that I had never heard you swear before. But just then, I don’t even think I’ve sworn that much in my life.”

“Yeah, I’ve never been late for anything, so I was just panicking slightly.”

“Anyway, you didn’t miss much. Kakashi just came and when he noticed you weren’t there he asked me to go get you.” He noticed her arm which, thanks to Senshi, was no longer in the sling. “Speedy recovery,” he said, indicating her arm.

“Actually, no. It’s not any better than it was yesterday.” Seeing the look of confusion on Sasuke’s face she added, “I’ll explain when we get there, Kakashi will probably want to know as well. Ikimasho. (Let’s go)”

The traveled the rest of the way in silence. Solari’s arm would twinge occasionally, but other than that it was fine.

They met up with Kakashi on the mountain to find him doing nothing in particular.

“Gomen nasai Kakashi.”

“It’s fine. Now why is your arm not in the sling like yesterday?”

Solari explained to the both of them what Senshi had done and the pros and cons of this type of treatment.

“Well if you can use your arm then I guess you’ll be fine,” Kakashi said once she had finished.

“Senshi-san taught me how to do it, so today she is going to watch me to make sure I can do it right and after that she said she would discharge me from the hospital.”

“That’s good because there is something I want to do with the two of you. I was going to have us leave today but if you won’t be discharged until tonight, I suppose we could wait until tomorrow.”

“Do what?” Sasuke asked.

“I feel like training this close to the village is too distracting for you both. So tonight I want you two to pack the minimum of what you will need to survive for the remainder of the month.”
Solari and Sasuke both nodded, eager for some real tough training.

“Now then Solari, let’s see if partially destroying your left arm was worth it. I want you to activate the Sharingan and watch Sasuke perform the chidori. Then I want you to try it.”

“Just one problem, I don’t know how to use the Sharingan on command.”
Sasuke sighed. “It’s simple. You just will it to. I think someone like you could have figured that out.”

“I bet I could have. But before, whenever I used the Sharingan it was accompanied by an activation of the curse mark. I eventually got so scared of the mark taking me over that I stopped trying to use the Sharingan at all.”

“Well Solari, now that you know how to activate the Sharingan, do it,” Kakashi said with a slight touch of irritation in his voice.

Solari activated the Sharingan and Kakashi smiled. Or at least, it looked like he had smiled judging by the way his mask moved.

Kakashi pointed to Sasuke. “Now, do the chidori for Solari. No mistakes.”

Sasuke did the hand signs for the chidori and concentrated all his chakra in his right hand. The chakra became visible and it looked like static electricity. He ran at a boulder and completely shattered it with the chidori.

“Now you try Solari. What Sasuke did was perfect so all you have to do is perform the copied jutsu like you did the other day.”

Solari did the hand signs and concentrated all her chakra in one hand. She then proceeded to shatter a boulder like Sasuke had done.

Kakashi applauded a little bit. “Good job. But you both can practice it more and more this month. By the end of it you should be able to do this jutsu with enough power to level a forest. Now I want you to both try it again, but with the other hand. Then Sasuke, you need to stop because we have determined that your limit for the chidori is two. Then we will figure out your limit Solari.”

They each did the chidori again. Solari found it harder to do it with her left hand because she had copied Sasuke using his right. She decided to have her own personal goal to be, to be able to use the chidori with both hands equally and not have one be easier than the other.

The rest of the day went by rather quickly. Kakashi figured out that, like Sasuke, Solari’s limit with the chidori was two. Then Solari practiced the Kagemane no Justu and managed to reach Kakashi without activating her curse mark. Solari and Sasuke sparred a little then Kakashi told them that they were done for the day.

“Don’t forget to be at the western gate of the village by sunrise tomorrow.”

The Uchihas both headed back to the village, Solari to the hospital and Sasuke to his house.

Solari got back to her hospital room and immediately collapsed on the bed. Although they hadn’t done much, she was exhausted form having to use the chidori twice and then Kagemane. After about 15 minutes Senshi came in and sat down next to the bed.

“Well, do you remember how to do it?”

“Yeah I do.”

“Well do it so I can discharge you.”

“Hai.” Solari recalled Senshi’s instructions from the other day and performed the medical jutsu perfectly. Senshi decided that Solari was able to be discharged.

“But you have to do that every single day. If you miss even one day, I don’t know what will happen exactly, but you arm will never heal properly.”

“I thought you said that it would never heal properly anyway?”

“It will be much worse if you miss one day. So do this for the next 6 weeks. Around the same time, if you can.”

“Hai. Oh, and Kakashi is taking Sasuke and myself out of the village for the remainder of the month so you won’t be able to check on it if you want to.”

“That’s fine. I trust you’ll remember.”

Solari and Senshi left the room and went in opposite directions. Before Solari left, she wanted to visit Hinata.

When she got to Hinata’s room, she was glad to see that Hinata was sitting up in bed and she looked fine. It had only been four days and the beating she had taken was pretty bad.

“Konbanwa Hinata-chan. O genki desu ka? (Hey Hinata-chan. How are you feeling?)”

“Hai, genki desu. Arigato Solari-chan. (I feel fine. Thanks Solari-chan.)”

Solari sat down in a chair next to Hinata. “Are you going to do anything to get Neji back for what he did to you?”

Hinata shook her head a little. “Iie. I’m just going to train and show him that I can change.”

“Then I will. He almost killed you and you think a little training will show him that he’s wrong.”

“Solari-chan, please don’t get revenge on Neji for me.”

Solari felt her anger at Neji dampen a little. Hinata always had a way of convincing Solari to do something that was more reasonable then she had planned, even if all she did was ask. “Fine. But if he does anything else, no matter what you say, I won’t hold back.” Ignoring the stunned look on Hinata’s face, Solari got up and headed towards the door. She only had one hand on the door when Hinata spoke up again.

“Did Naruto-kun make it to the third round?”

Solari sighed and took her hand off the door handle. “Hai, he beat Kiba.”

“What about you?”

“I made it as well. In fact, tomorrow I’m leaving the village for training for the duration of the month we were given to train.”

“Good luck.”

“Arigato Hinata-chan.” With a quick smile, Solari left the room and headed out of the hospital towards her home.

When she got to the large building that was the shinobi headquarters, she stopped and looked up at it. Why do I live here again?

Konohamaru came running out of the building and gave her a hug. “Nee-chan! I thought you were still in the hospital.”

That’s why. Solari returned the hug. “I was let out of the hospital to train for the Chunin Exam.”

“Oh, onee-chan, grandpa wants to talk to you.”

“Right, arigato.” She pried Konohamaru off her and went inside to the Hokage’s office.


He indicated that she could come in and she walked closer to his desk. “Kurenai told me something very interesting two days ago. But because you have not been back here in a while I was unable to talk to you about it.”

Oh no, Solari thought miserable.

“She said that you were spying on her team while they were training.”

“Kakashi told me to. He said that the next best thing while training for the Exam was to know your opponent.”

“He’s right, and that is not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Oh.” Solari’s feeling of dread about what he really wanted to say deepened.

“She said that before you ran away she saw the Sharingan and that you had strange black markings all down your arm. Obviously she didn’t know exactly what those markings were, and I decided not to enlighten her.”

“Do you want to talk to me about the Sharingan?” Solari asked, hoping beyond hope that he would actually get to what he wanted to say.

“Now you are just being foolish. When Orochimaru interfered in the Forest of Death, he encountered Mitarashi Anko. Apparently, he placed a curse mark on Sasuke. That became obvious when he entered the tower. However, no one said anything about your mark being unsealed. Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

“Well, Kakashi offered to seal it for me.”

“Why didn’t you take the offer?”

“Because sealing the mark would’ve blocked my Sharingan again, and I didn’t want that.”

“But using the curse mark, like you did in front of Kurenai, is dangerous, and you know that. The more you use that seal, the deeper it infects you. Eventually you will die.”

“Iie, that’s not 100% true.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The curse mark has 3 stages. The first, the mark spread over your body giving you increased strength and power. The second, your physical appearance changes and your strength and power increase even further. The third, you die. The curse mark only infects you when you use the highest stage you have your activated to. By simply using the first form, I’m not in any danger. Plus I have complete control over both stages.”
Solari saw the Hokage’s look of horror when he realized what she was saying. She felt odd saying what she had out loud. She had never told anyone that, even the Hokage.

“I still never want you to use that mark. If you have control over it, then control yourself and don’t activate it. That mark is still dangerous. Now I believe Kakashi is taking you for some training. You’d better go get ready.”

“Oyasuminasai Hokage-sama.”

He nodded in acknowledgement and Solari left the room to pack a bag.

Note: ~Oyasuminasai means good night~Iie means no~Nani means what~Naze means why~Hai means yes~Gomen nasai means I'm sorry~Ikimasho means let's go~Konbawa means good day......i thought i'd just get that out of the way...even if some of it is common for people who read Ficitons in half-and-half

i also want to point out one thing....in chapter 1, Solari called the Third 'grandfather,' now she calls him 'hokage-sama'.....yay a sign of character development!!!

sorry about the extreme amount of japanese in this chapter...it lessens in the next chapter alot....

SPOILER AHEAD: also, the way i write involves half planning half just writing as it comes to me.....i've noticed that when Solari is with Senshi she is a lot happier and smiles a lot more....in fact after chapter 25 (She finds out that the Third is dead...26 is the funeral...) she only ever smiles when she is with Senshi....they are really close


Dangerous Genius

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Maeve Avari

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:33 am
OMG!!! awesome. it's really cool how u use lots of japanese, i try but I'm to lazy to figure it out! Grrr....I'm sucha procrastinator.  
PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 10:01 am
Nice chapter. I'll read it over again later, when I've got less on my plate.  

Purple dragon lady

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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:23 am
Such a good story I knew some of the words allready beacuse me and my friends say them.  
PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 1:49 pm
yeah someone new!!! i hope you'll stay and read some more of the stories here....

I'll post the next chapter as soon as possible...heck i may even get around to it in the next few minutes...i just have to wait for charmed to be over sweatdrop ...i'm absolutly obsessed with this show....so it'll be over in 10 minutes then i'll post...


Dangerous Genius

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Dangerous Genius

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PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 2:28 pm
There's a second Charmed on now, but i'll post anyway....oh and just recall that they never had that bell test when they first became Genin....it's brought up in this chapter.....

Chapter 22: Training - Part 1

Solari met up with Sasuke at sunrise and they walked to the western gate in silence. Solari didn’t know why they were silent but felt like she shouldn’t break it. Finally they reached the eastern gate and Solari couldn’t take the silence.

“What is the matter with you?” She asked, turning on Sasuke.

Sasuke blinked and looked around. Apparently he had been off in his own world, brooding again. “Gomen nasai, I didn’t notice.”

“Whatever.” Solari put her bag down and prepared herself to wait the hour or so for Kakashi to come.

Not knowing what Kakashi had in store for them, Solari had pack a little more then she felt was necessary. She had packed one extra set of clothes, some food, and a first aid kit. But then she also had scrolls that held extra weapons and more food. Then she had the basic survival necessities, like a bed roll and a light weight, simple tent. They were going to be gone for a month so she was preparing for any kind of weather. She even managed to take one scroll from her grandfather’s library, explaining everything on record about the Aburame clan. She figured it would be the next best thing to continuing to spy on Shino, which she would be unable to do.

Kakashi came earlier then expected and they left the village. It took them most of the day to reach the place Kakashi was taking them and most of it was in silence. Occasionally they would ask where they were going, but Kakashi never told them. When they stopped for lunch, Kakashi finally gave in and answered their questions.

“We’re headed to a small training area near the edge of the country,” he told them once they all sat down. “It’s a training zone that is commonly ignored, but it is perfect for the kind of things we will be doing. It is mainly forest with a large lake and a cliff. I will be teaching you two many things, for fighting, chakra control, as well as survival so I got Hokage-sama’s permission to take you out here.”

They finished lunch and continued on their way to the training ground. Half-way through the afternoon Kakashi pointed to a spot on the horizon.

“It may look like it’s far away but if we keep up this pace, we should be there before sunset.”

They continued in that direction until sundown. It was then that the training area was very clear. The Uchihas stopped dead in their tracks when they saw it and it took Kakashi a few second to realize that they weren’t following him anymore.

“What’s the matter?”

Sasuke pointed to the training ground. “It looks exactly like,”

“The Forest of Death,” Solari finished.

Kakashi laughed. “Don’t worry, it only seems scary from far away.”

They got into the training area and Solari and Sasuke instantly turned on Kakashi.

“What do you mean it’s only scary from far away?” Solari shouted.

“Okay, so I lied. But it’s not like you want to turn back right?” There was no response. “Well unlike the Forest of death, this place has only bugs and rodents. Nothing will try and kill you here. Now let’s find a place to set up camp.”

They found a clearing that was close to the lake and put their bags down.

“How about you two set up tents while I go find us some dinner,” Kakashi said after he had put down his bags.

“Hai,” Sasuke replied.

While Kakashi was gone Solari had set up everyone’s tents and made a small fire pit for them to cook food. Sasuke had tried to help but all he did was dig the hole for the pit.

“Your so fast, how do you do it?”

“Am I really that fast? I didn’t notice. When I was in the Sound village I did a lot of stuff like this with my team. So I guess I got pretty good at it.” Sasuke had no response, but judging by the look on his face Solari was able to tell why. “You forgot about that didn’t you? You’re lucky.”

“Well you only told me once. But anyway, why was it so bad?”

“Actually it wasn’t bad at all. In fact it wasn’t at all different from what we do as team 7. I just began to hate it once I got back to Konoha. That’s when I realized that they were using me and that everything I had been used to was a sham.”

“As, soo desu ka. (Oh, I get it.)”

Kakashi came back with some fish, and after praising the job they (Solari) did of setting up came he began to cook it.

The rest of the night was quite uneventful. They ate the fish and Kakashi told them to go to sleep. Solari healed her arm like Senshi had showed her to, and went to bed.

* * *

Solari woke up at sunrise as usual to find Sasuke already cooking more fish for breakfast.

“Do you ever sleep?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.

Sasuke shrugged his shoulders. “Sometimes.”

“Nani? That’s not good for you ya know.” She sat down next to him and pulled a fish out of the fire. “I just realized, Kakashi won’t have any reason to be late while we’re out here. This will be interesting.”

“You’re right. Well, as long as he doesn’t sleep in.”

“I’ll make sure that that doesn’t happen.” She looked around the camp. “This place ain’t as creepy during the day, it actually looks kinda normal.”

“You’re a lot different when you first wake up. Have you noticed that about yourself?”

“I only notice when people point it out to me.” She put the untouched fish back in the fire. “Well I’m going to go get ready for the day. When I actually have time in the morning I like to do some quick training. I’ll be back in 30 minutes, tops.”

She left the camp and headed toward the lake. When she got there, she put her forehead protector down, washed off her face to wake herself up, and set up a log for her to practice on. She did some kicks and punches then ran a few laps around the lake.

“That’s not much.”

Solari looked up to find Kakashi sitting in a tree.

“How long have you been there?”

“About sense you started your kicks and punches. I thought that someone like you would do more than that though.”

Solari went to the base of the tree where she had put her forehead protector and put it on. “Well I just got out of the hospital and I didn’t want to push myself.”

“Good point. Come on let’s go back to the camp.”

Solari followed Kakashi back to the tents and went to go get her weapons pouch. When she came out she sat down next to Sasuke near the fire pit.

“Today we are going to split up and I am going to train each of you for half the day. The rest I will explain when you start your training. Now who should we start with?”

Solari and Sasuke looked at each other. Solari shrugged slightly to show that she didn’t care.

“I will,” said Sasuke, standing up.

“Come with me then. Solari, we will be back a little bit after lunch.”

“Hai,” the both said, and Sasuke followed Kakashi away.

Solari spent the morning reading the scroll she took about the Aburame clan. By the time Kakashi and Sasuke came back she hadn’t learned much. Just that they were given a colony of bugs to use in battle at birth. She went of with Kakashi for afternoon training.

They got to another smaller clearing and Kakashi stopped.

“We’ll start and end the training with the chidori every day this month. So now do the chidori with your left hand, then we will do some other

Solari did the chidori and, like yesterday, found it hard to do it with her left hand.

“Okay good. Now today, you are going to take a test, for lack of a better word.” He pulled out a bell. “You are going to try and take it from me. This will help me determine you skills, as well as any other things I might want to teach you while you are out here. You have until sunset to get it from me.” He fastened the bell to the lower part of his vest. “So, let’s begin.”

Solari backed off into the trees. She knew that Kakashi was not the kind of person she could take head on, so she tried to come up with a strategy. She quickly came up with one and snuck to an area behind him. She jumped out of the tree and before Kakashi noticed her, she had grabbed his weapons pouch and ran back into the trees.

“I don’t know what your plan is, but so far, I’m impressed.”

Solari found a place high up in a tree where she had a feeling she couldn’t be snuck up on. She opened up his weapons pouch and went through it. She found explosive tags, kunai knifes, shurikens, and other common shinobi tools. But she found two things that seemed out of place. There was a very oddly shaped kunai and a book called Icha Icha Paradise.

She smiled and tied wire to end of the kunai knife. Then she found some plants made makeshift glue and put it on the front cover of the Icha Icha book. When Kakashi wasn’t looking she jumped down and placed the book at the base of a tree and snapped a branch to get his attention. She saw his uncovered eye widen at the sight of the book and he headed towards it.

It took Solari a spit second to realize that Kakashi wasn’t stupid enough to fall for that trap. She activated her Sharingan but it didn’t look like this Kakashi was a clone.

But I can’t completely rely on this. My Sharingan isn’t fully developed, so I could just not be able to see it.

Kakashi reached down for the book and Solari prepared the second part of her trap. He grabbed the book and realized that his hand was stuck. Solari was about to throw the kunai when Kakashi discovered in a puff of smoke.

“Kage Bunshin,” she muttered to herself. She tried to lower the kunai, but she felt resistance.

“You know, this is mine.” Solari jumped. Kakashi was behind her and he was holding the kunai. “I really hate to think what the next part of your plan was.”

Her hiding spot had been discovered so she jumped out of the tree and ran to the clearing. Until I come up with a new plan I just have to take him head on.

Kakashi jumped down and faced her. “So you want to take me head on huh? It will just be wasted time.”

“Got any suggestions for me?” Solari asked sarcastically, pulling out a kunai and getting ready to fight.

“Plenty,” Kakashi remarked, doing likewise.

She ran at Kakashi and just before she reached him did a back flip in the air. While Kakashi was looking up at her, she took the time to attack. She made several hand signs and then thought, Katon! Goukakyuu no Jutsu! The immense fire ball surrounded Kakashi who looked around, stunned.

“When did you learn that?”

“You miss a lot when you’re always late.” She landed on the ground away form the fire.

“I guess I do.” Kakashi placed his fingers in a cross shape and said. “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!”

Thankful for her Sharingan, Solari did the same. She threw some more kunai at all of them, but also some into the air. When Kakashi jumped into the air he was hit by the ones she had thrown in the air. The clones disappeared and Kakashi hit the ground, a kunai lodged in his arm.

“I do learn from my mistakes sometimes,” she said with a laugh. Kakashi shrugged and pulled the kunai out of his arm.

Solari and her clones all ran at Kakashi. She had the clones distract him while she snuck in and attempted to steal the bell. She had one finger on the bell when Kakashi spun around, making her clones disappear in a puff of smoke.

She finally came up with a plan, and retreated into the trees. Concealing herself in the branches, she pulled out three shurikens. She built up her chakra in her fingers and attached it to each shuriken. When Kakashi was in sight, she threw the shurikens and placed her fingers in the cross shape as if she were about to do Kage Bunshin. When she shuriken were close enough she said, “Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.” More shurikens were created and they all hit Kakashi with a thunk. In a puff of smoke he disappeared and in his place was a log.

She jumped out of the tree again. “Why do you always do that? It’s really annoying.”

“Well it works. Oh and good job on figuring out the Kage Bunshin so quickly.”

Solari created a clone very near to Kakashi, it ran at him and lunged for the bell. She followed after it and reached for the bell while Kakashi was distracted by the clone.

Kakashi stabbed the clone and it disappeared in a puff of smoke. He reached down to check if the bell was still there. He looked up with a start to see Solari standing waving the bell in his face.

“You let your guard down when you congratulated me.”

He held his hand out for the bell and she gave it to him. “You actually did that very quickly.” He eyed her wearily. “Can I congratulate you now?”

“I don’t know. Are we done?”

“Hai, we are.”

“Then, yes you can.”

Kakashi gave her a thumbs up. “I think that without any training, you could beat Shino. But we’re going to train anyway. Now before we go back, do the chidori one more time, with the other hand.”

She did the chidori, but found it hard. Kakashi nodded his approval and motioned for her to follow him back to the camp. Solari noticed it just now, but the sun was starting to set.

“Why was the chidori so hard to do? I don’t feel like I’m out of chakra or anything.”

“That’s is why we are going to continue your training. You are a very skilled ninja, but you waste too much chakra on unnecessary things. This month, we’re going to fix that.”

Solari nodded. “And we were out her for a while. I didn’t even notice it.”

Kakashi looked around. “I guess your right. I didn’t notice either.”

They made it back to the campsite to see Sasuke with more fish over a fire and reading a scroll.

Solari sat down next to him. “What are you reading?”

“You would know,” he said showing he the scroll. It was the scroll she had taken about the Aburame clan.

Kakashi saw the scroll and looked disappointed. “Why do you have this?”

Solari looked embarrassed. “Well you said that it is good to know your opponent, so I figured I should just do some reading.”

“How did you get this?” Kakashi asked, examining the scroll.

“Hokage-sama said I could borrow it.”

“Honto? (Really?)”

Solari was silent for a minute, then reached down and took a fish. She walked in the direction of the lake without another word. As she walked away, she heard Kakashi say, “I guess that’s a no.”

Solari walked toward the log she had set up that morning, eating the fish as she went. She wasn’t thinking about anything in particular, she was just glad for the opportunity to do anything other than training. She sat down with her back propped up against the log and her thoughts unwillingly turned to Orochimaru.

I need to do this training and become a Chunin, if I accomplish that then I am one step closer to killing him. She put one hand over the curse mark. He gave this to me 5 years ago. I asked him to kill me and instead he gave me this. She threw out the rest of the fish and slammed her fist on the ground. It’s my fault. I never should’ve trusted him. But then after that, he was using me. I never found out what for, but I know he was. Then there’s those three. When she thought of her old team, she got up and began pacing. They were doing it to. They were tricking me. Kin, she knew who I was and didn’t tell me. I trusted her. She vented her frustration in the form of some kicks and punches on the log, and fell asleep.
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