Krissim Klaw
*Pounces on Lyrim*
Nice to see you back. Sadly it seems like the art section in this guild only gets deader and deader. XP
I'd offer to do another piece for you, but I've already done a couple for you so your probably tired of my art. XD
Nice to see you back. Sadly it seems like the art section in this guild only gets deader and deader. XP
I'd offer to do another piece for you, but I've already done a couple for you so your probably tired of my art. XD
Shoot! Aint no such thing as tired o'art, much less yers. smile PM sent.
I prefer irl money wink
I'll take gold, just make an offer
I prefer irl money wink
I'll take gold, just make an offer
Mighty fine work ya gots there. Sorry I canna offer ya money right now, but Gold I do got. PMen ya. 3nodding