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Destiny of a the Dream/ The Kage's Wish: A joined RP. Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83 84 85 [>] [»|]

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Dragon Sneeze

Aged Bunny

PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:10 pm
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
Muuga dropped the hot sword quickly, but the cold one froze to his flesh and he was unable to drop it. At the sound of Rio's name he snarled. "Ssso you know that bassstard?" He ripped the other sword out of his hand violently, but he still failed to bleed. Muuga's rage seemed to concentrate as he pulled the 7 foot long sword off his back and bandished it at Akira. "Die!"
He charged.
"Why yes I do," Akira said as he twirled to kuani around his fingers, two in each hand as Muuga approached him. He stopped twirled as the blade was inches from his nose. he deftly dodged it and flicked the kuani at Muuga's eyes, and open mouth, betting they were less dept at not being pierced.

Then he was gone in a blur, his two swords dissapearing in blurs as he reclaimed them at high speeds. he stopped on top of the large rock, swords sheathed and a string of hand seals already near complete, both ninjas were in his view. "How did it feel being beaten by a boy that had only just passed his jounin exam?" Akira asked, purposely meaning to incet rage in Muuga, to cloud his thinking, making him easier to read for Akira. "He told me about you, and unless you really improved since then, I bet you simply don't have the speed to touch me without your ally keeping me distraced from you."

Akira was waiting for an attack, his jutsu a defense one.
Muuga chopped the kunai out of the air with a powerful strike and followed Akira with his eyes. "Sssshut up! He wasss just lucky! He would have never won if I hadn't been wounded!" He was quickly losing his composure and he looked over at the masked nin. He was gone. Sometime in the fight he had slipped away. Roaring he swung the massive blade down at Akira.

Akira smirked as Muuga's anger took hold even faster than he had hoped. The more enraged and emotional he was, the far easier it made Akira's sixth sense to track every little movment and predict the next as well. He tracked the blade and made a final hand seal at the last send, placing his fingers to catch the blade on either side as he said, "Ice element: Hand of shattering." Instead of staying his ground, he jumped and rotated whipe still touching the blade, a frigid cold like that of dipping the sword in liquid nitrogen. When he finished his flip he had landed on top the tin of the blade, using charka to stay on. He smacked his flat palms against either side, intense cold still coming off his hands. He made a quick snapping motion, planning on the blade being so brittle it would shatter like glass.
The blade was mearly tugged downward by Akira's tugging motion. Muuga smiled and lifted one hand off the hilt to slash at his face.
"That blade can't be broken by something as insignifigant as that." avoice came from behind them.
Suddenly a woman came flying in with a roundhouse kick to Muuga's face. He lost his one handed grip on the sword and flew back into a tree cracking it.
The woman caught the sword and ran her gloved hand along the blade.
"Zasumaru...long time no see..."
[[Mai? or her dead mom back from the grave? XP]]

Akira already had a kuani in each hand as he flipped off the sword and landed, flicking them at Muuga. They were not ment to pierce, as on them were seals with writing on them to freeze on contact, effectively sticking their target to the nearest object.

He gave a nod of his head to the new ninja and said, "Is that you then Mai? A bit of help would be appreciated."
"Yeah, it's me." Mai replied. She turned to Muuga who had been frozen to the tree by Akira's kunai. "Where did you get my birthsword? Are you in leauge with Chobimitsu? What is your part in this?"
Muuga began to laugh. "I have no idea who you are lady. I found that ssssword laying in the foressst fifteen yearssss ago."  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:12 pm
"You sure about that?" AKira said, already with his face in front of Muuga's. He was crouching on the tree trunk above him, leaning over. "Because if you aren't, I could always persuade you to tell us....I'm sure the grass interigation squad wouldn't mind you coming to them pre-broken or missing a few pieces. During my time in the Jin-roh (Wolf Bridgade (personal guard of the dark village council) I found people were quite particular to keeping their skin." He said,l his hands playing over his Hien fire sword.  



PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:13 pm
Hotaru finally landed behind where Ryuuko was watching a pair of genins preparing to spar (since like page 67 ;p). Instead of speaking, Hotaru flicked a shurkin at Ryuuko, who turned around and deflected it with a kuani. "Why did you do that?" Ryuuko asked, "You've been acting weird for the past 3 months."

"Just shut up and spar," Hotaru said as he came at Ryuuko with a punch to the gut. The hit landed, but hardly phased Ryuuko thanks to the damping of the leather strapped Ohmu ranger's vest he had on, even though he did not have on his liquid rock armor on. He was reluctant, but out of reflex dropped an elbow down to hit Hotaru in the back, but only hit a log as Hotaru dropped from above, meaning to hit Ryuuko in the back of the head with his palm.

Ryuuko ducked and then flipped, his feet catching Hotaru in the back and sending him flying as Ryuuko landed on his hands and pushed off to flip back around to his feet. Hotaru had landed and skidded back, throwing a hail of shurkin as he did. He also grabbed on of the discs in his pouch and flicked it twice to extend the blades out and to extend another length to them. He threw the disc, spinning it like a top so it whinned through the air.

Ryuuko dodged most the the shurkins, deflecting the rest with his kuani. Then the bladed disk came and he had to hit the floor of the roof, turning as he did to flick a kuani into button at the center of the disk, stopping the spinning mechanism and causing the weapon to fall to the ground beneath the building's roof.

Ryuuko bearly had time to get up before Hotaru had landed a flying two legged kick to his cest, throwing him to the ground and making him slid all the way to the edge of the roof, where he flipped up, a more fighting mood now appearnt on his face. "Akira-sensei told us never to use our more dangerous weapons against each other in a spar." Hotaru only returned a lazy, snide look back....

Village of the Hidden Dead ninjas, Yamikage's quarters:

"Tenka-sama, Raith-sama is hear to speak with you." A guard said to a man in kage robes writing on mission statments. "Send him in Kino-san," Tenka said with a sigh as he capped his quil pen and stacked the papers.

As Raith entered the room, without even turning around, Tenka said, "Sometimes Raith, I think you let yourself lose the bid for Yamikage just because you knew about the paper work." A glint flickered in Tenka's eyes as he finished, "But then I remember that you lost because people don't like you, even for all you power, if not because of it. Hell, they barely considered me remember?"

"I remember Tenka, but since when did you start calling by Raith? You never recognized me by the name Muramasa-sensei gave me..why the change of heart?" "Not a change of heart Raith, just me growing older, and realizing that me being a p***k about that insignificant thing doesn't really matter. It's a waste of my time to remember your real name." Tenka stood up and looked at Raith as he said, "I noticed that our grandchildren happened to be paired in the same block under..." He trailed off as he flipped through a few papers and tapped one as he said, "ahh, yes, a Yochimu Akira. Akira..wasn't he that ninja from the hidden shadow that they used to call the 'Broken Fang'? His father and mother weren't even ninjas, no ninja blood what-so-ever, yet he was a Anbu captain directly under the Metarukage around the time your boy was achieving elite status am I right? And they worked together on quite a few occasion, along with that Ookawa Issui boy you trained, they are quite the team if I remember right."

Tenka looked at Raith again and said, "And now my grandchild Hotaru has found his way to the same team as your grandchild Ryuuko. Are we up to something Raith?"

Raith let out a laugh and said, "Like what? get my grandson in a bad relation with someone would could end up looking at him the same way Tao Eiju looked at me? What, do you think I'm that show boaty? Or are you asking if i think something else is involved other than chance?"

Tenka kept looking at Raith for a minute before he turnd around and piked up a folder and tossed it to him. Raith opened it and saw pictures of a few murders Anbu, adept nins and then pictures of documents all over a room. The ninjas looked like they where killed with six swords hitting in distinct patterns.

Now who does it looked like killed those guards?" Tenka asked him. Raith pulled back his black cowl and face covering as he studied the photos for a minute. He frowned and said, "Someone who thinks they know my fighting style and killing techniques with the shiva style kenjutsu perfectly. And one who does know a scary amount, enough to make it look like me, but it wasn't me. You can tell if you look closly enough that the strikes were made two at a time, just so fast you couldn't time one after the other by blood flow amounts or even by the person who was stabbed if they had a chance to tell you."

"So who do you think it is?" Tneka asked, "I can't have my guards being killed left and right so someone can find a way to change around genin groupings." "Someone who knows me, my moves, and knows you would bring me in and knows I would still be able to show you why it wasn't me, so I would know it was them, and still be able to come after them....."

Raith paused for a moment, concern on his still young looking face. "********," he said as he ran his hands through his rouge, bed head hair. "It's Eiju, he's still alive. I don't know how that b*****d does it, but he finds away from every fatal blow I give him to give him yet another lease on life."

"Didn't he steal your brother's body from it's tomb in the shrine of heros in the Vortex rift near the hidden Time portal? And You engadged him during the Bufaku incident? He turned on them as soon as he saw the boat sinking I believe didn't he? He wounded that snake man Muuga in one blow because he was about to engage you. And he just couldn't have that could he? He has to be the one to kill you, he's a man obsessed. If he's still alive that means he's still tryingt to find a way to end you. Do you know why he might have stolen your brother's corpse?"

"One of the other Bufaku could clone people I think Ifuuki was her name," Raith said, "I fought her, she's hard to kill to say the least, only one way to do it, scramble the brain. If she's still alive, he might have been trying to make a clone of my brother, and if she's still alive he might still be trying to, or maybe she already did and she never told him where she put him."

"Do you think we need to get Kira involved in this?" Tenka said, "We haven't seen her since the last aniversary of Muramasa-sensei's passing."

"No," Raith said as he sighed, "I think it's time I to go to the three seers. After all, it is the tenth year, the time nins are accesible to us normal humans." "You think you can get an audiance? Or a reading?" Tenka asked, "They barely accepted your brother for a year of traing there, and the fourth hokage was allowed a year's stay there before they seperated from our time stream again. Very few people step inside their other than the kages of the vortex region just to report to the Timukage, and even fewer get training, I can count them on one hand Raith. And a kage is allowed a single reading ever ten years if the seers deem them fit, other than that only two people have ever gotten a reading from the outside world: your brother, and Yondaime. They both learned ahead of time what would kill them, at least that's what the seers told the other kages and myself."

"It doesn't matter, Eiju has become threat to me and to the rest of my family now. He made clear last time we met that if he could get a match with me, he would kill my family to fraw me out. They can throw an army of time ninjas at me, I will do this to protect my family," after he was done, Raith dissappeared in a swirl of fog........

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:53 pm
"You sure about that?" AKira said, already with his face in front of Muuga's. He was crouching on the tree trunk above him, leaning over. "Because if you aren't, I could always persuade you to tell us....I'm sure the grass interigation squad wouldn't mind you coming to them pre-broken or missing a few pieces. During my time in the Jin-roh (Wolf Bridgade (personal guard of the dark village council) I found people were quite particular to keeping their skin." He said,l his hands playing over his Hien fire sword.
Muuga laughed again. "I've ssseen things that would make your Kage'sss sssskin crawl you rodent. I'm not afraid of your threats." His long tongue came out and wetted his lips. "I have no reasssson to lie either."  

Dragon Sneeze

Aged Bunny


PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:03 pm
Dragon Sneeze
"You sure about that?" AKira said, already with his face in front of Muuga's. He was crouching on the tree trunk above him, leaning over. "Because if you aren't, I could always persuade you to tell us....I'm sure the grass interigation squad wouldn't mind you coming to them pre-broken or missing a few pieces. During my time in the Jin-roh (Wolf Bridgade (personal guard of the dark village council) I found people were quite particular to keeping their skin." He said,l his hands playing over his Hien fire sword.
Muuga laughed again. "I've ssseen things that would make your Kage'sss sssskin crawl you rodent. I'm not afraid of your threats." His long tongue came out and wetted his lips. "I have no reasssson to lie either."
Akira's fingers wrapped and unwrapped on his blade's hilt a few times before he said, "True, I suppose you don't have a reason to lie do you?"

Akira flipped down and faced Muuga again as he said, "And I don't require you to fear me, just to the ability to feel pain. I find most people still tend to have that, despite what they've seen." Akira added, "The last person who called me a rodent got his to eat his own juggular, figure that one out while you chill out." Akira made a string of hand seals and said, "Ice elemnet: Glacial prison" and let out a breath of frigid air that clumpped into a large mound of ice around Muuga, leaving his head and neck exsposed, but the rest buried. "Can't take the chance you could break that tree could we?" Akira said with a calm smile as he turned back to Mai and said, "So then, how'd you find me? I thought you were at your house. Not that I didn't apperciate you turning the ratio to my favor."  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:41 pm
Dragon Sneeze
"You sure about that?" AKira said, already with his face in front of Muuga's. He was crouching on the tree trunk above him, leaning over. "Because if you aren't, I could always persuade you to tell us....I'm sure the grass interigation squad wouldn't mind you coming to them pre-broken or missing a few pieces. During my time in the Jin-roh (Wolf Bridgade (personal guard of the dark village council) I found people were quite particular to keeping their skin." He said,l his hands playing over his Hien fire sword.
Muuga laughed again. "I've ssseen things that would make your Kage'sss sssskin crawl you rodent. I'm not afraid of your threats." His long tongue came out and wetted his lips. "I have no reasssson to lie either."
Akira's fingers wrapped and unwrapped on his blade's hilt a few times before he said, "True, I suppose you don't have a reason to lie do you?"

Akira flipped down and faced Muuga again as he said, "And I don't require you to fear me, just to the ability to feel pain. I find most people still tend to have that, despite what they've seen." Akira added, "The last person who called me a rodent got his to eat his own juggular, figure that one out while you chill out." Akira made a string of hand seals and said, "Ice elemnet: Glacial prison" and let out a breath of frigid air that clumpped into a large mound of ice around Muuga, leaving his head and neck exsposed, but the rest buried. "Can't take the chance you could break that tree could we?" Akira said with a calm smile as he turned back to Mai and said, "So then, how'd you find me? I thought you were at your house. Not that I didn't apperciate you turning the ratio to my favor."
Mai smiled as she stroked her sword. "It was Zasumaru. He called out to me. I thought he was lost forever. Like my mother..." Her face suddenly turned sad.  

Dragon Sneeze

Aged Bunny


PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:15 pm
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
"You sure about that?" AKira said, already with his face in front of Muuga's. He was crouching on the tree trunk above him, leaning over. "Because if you aren't, I could always persuade you to tell us....I'm sure the grass interigation squad wouldn't mind you coming to them pre-broken or missing a few pieces. During my time in the Jin-roh (Wolf Bridgade (personal guard of the dark village council) I found people were quite particular to keeping their skin." He said,l his hands playing over his Hien fire sword.
Muuga laughed again. "I've ssseen things that would make your Kage'sss sssskin crawl you rodent. I'm not afraid of your threats." His long tongue came out and wetted his lips. "I have no reasssson to lie either."
Akira's fingers wrapped and unwrapped on his blade's hilt a few times before he said, "True, I suppose you don't have a reason to lie do you?"

Akira flipped down and faced Muuga again as he said, "And I don't require you to fear me, just to the ability to feel pain. I find most people still tend to have that, despite what they've seen." Akira added, "The last person who called me a rodent got his to eat his own juggular, figure that one out while you chill out." Akira made a string of hand seals and said, "Ice elemnet: Glacial prison" and let out a breath of frigid air that clumpped into a large mound of ice around Muuga, leaving his head and neck exsposed, but the rest buried. "Can't take the chance you could break that tree could we?" Akira said with a calm smile as he turned back to Mai and said, "So then, how'd you find me? I thought you were at your house. Not that I didn't apperciate you turning the ratio to my favor."
Mai smiled as she stroked her sword. "It was Zasumaru. He called out to me. I thought he was lost forever. Like my mother..." Her face suddenly turned sad.
Akira noticed Mai's change of emotion through her vitals and decided to change the subject. "So, do you have some sort of symbiotic relationship with that weapon? Is it part of your clan?"  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:21 am
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
"You sure about that?" AKira said, already with his face in front of Muuga's. He was crouching on the tree trunk above him, leaning over. "Because if you aren't, I could always persuade you to tell us....I'm sure the grass interigation squad wouldn't mind you coming to them pre-broken or missing a few pieces. During my time in the Jin-roh (Wolf Bridgade (personal guard of the dark village council) I found people were quite particular to keeping their skin." He said,l his hands playing over his Hien fire sword.
Muuga laughed again. "I've ssseen things that would make your Kage'sss sssskin crawl you rodent. I'm not afraid of your threats." His long tongue came out and wetted his lips. "I have no reasssson to lie either."
Akira's fingers wrapped and unwrapped on his blade's hilt a few times before he said, "True, I suppose you don't have a reason to lie do you?"

Akira flipped down and faced Muuga again as he said, "And I don't require you to fear me, just to the ability to feel pain. I find most people still tend to have that, despite what they've seen." Akira added, "The last person who called me a rodent got his to eat his own juggular, figure that one out while you chill out." Akira made a string of hand seals and said, "Ice elemnet: Glacial prison" and let out a breath of frigid air that clumpped into a large mound of ice around Muuga, leaving his head and neck exsposed, but the rest buried. "Can't take the chance you could break that tree could we?" Akira said with a calm smile as he turned back to Mai and said, "So then, how'd you find me? I thought you were at your house. Not that I didn't apperciate you turning the ratio to my favor."
Mai smiled as she stroked her sword. "It was Zasumaru. He called out to me. I thought he was lost forever. Like my mother..." Her face suddenly turned sad.
Akira noticed Mai's change of emotion through her vitals and decided to change the subject. "So, do you have some sort of symbiotic relationship with that weapon? Is it part of your clan?"
She turned to Akira. "This is my birthsword. When members of my clan are born our clan blacksmith takes the very first chakra emission from our bodies and forges it into a weapon. The chakra itself forms the weapon and upon the member's tenth birthday they are presented it and begin to train with it. I lost my sword in a battle a few days before my mother was killed." She turned to Muuga.
"And somehow it came into your possession. I know that you worked with Chobimitsu. It seems a bit to convienient for me."  

Dragon Sneeze

Aged Bunny


PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:50 pm
After the small pause inthe fight, Ryuuko and Hotaru went at it again, exchanging chucking weapons at each other as well as hand to hand, blows given and blocked. They jumped from building to building as they fought.

Hotaru caught a lucky break as he dodged a punch from Ryuuko in a way that brought him underneath him. He brought his leg up in a fast, vetical blow that caught Ryuuko in the lower chest. The liquid rock armor hardened, but it was ment to be brittlely hard, so it prevented projectile or other objects from penetrating, it did not absorb the impact as well as his vest did. Ryuuko let out a gasp of air as his breath was breath was nocked out of him.

Ryuuko lost his balance even though his momentum kept him going. He hit the edge of the roof and fell off, hitting the wall twice before he tumbled around and caught himself with charka in his feet against the wall. Hotaru was already coming down the wall, manking hand seals. He threw out his right and left hands in a helix pattern as he said, "Wind element: Wind Corkscrew," as two razor wind shafts extended from his arms and continued in a helix corckscrew, aimed at Ryuuko.

Ryuuko reacted quickly and flipped off the wall just as the helix blades of wind would have hit him, Hotaru continuing underneath him, a sign of shock on his face from the quick reaction Ryuuko had displayed, faster than he remember most Ohmu's being. must be from his mother. Hotaru thought as he started to turn himself. But he was too late, Ryuuko had not only jumped, but flipped forward with his leg extended, bring all his strength amplified by the centrifical force of his rotation. He landed the heel of his foot inbetween Hotaru's shoulders, sending Hotaru flying to the ground.

As he hit, hotaru was replaced with a log, though when he reappeared on top of another roof, he had bruises on his forhead, showing he bearly did so. Ryuuko bounded up to the other side of the roof, both of them breathing slightly heavy.

"I guess the way we settle this is through our blood," Hotaru said as he blinked, his irises thining out to black lines and his pupil enlarge a little. Creating a pure white space in between the pupil and iris and sclera was pure white as well. "Are you ready for the Sainamugan? Or do you think your single Mangetsugan will protect you?"

Ryuuko blinked and his grey left eye's iris and pupil became a single silver-blue disk and the sclera a black space emitting a blue grey smoke. "Hotaru, if we take this to far, one of us could end up dead," Ryuuko said.

"If that happens then that one of us was too weak." Hotaru said as he took up his clan's taijutsu style and Ryuuko took up his, both knowing they had a limited time with their do-jutsu.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:32 pm
The masked nin watched from a safe distance as Muuga was caught. The blind one was certainly a problem. He would have to find another way to enter Konoha.  

Dragon Sneeze

Aged Bunny


PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:13 pm
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
"You sure about that?" AKira said, already with his face in front of Muuga's. He was crouching on the tree trunk above him, leaning over. "Because if you aren't, I could always persuade you to tell us....I'm sure the grass interigation squad wouldn't mind you coming to them pre-broken or missing a few pieces. During my time in the Jin-roh (Wolf Bridgade (personal guard of the dark village council) I found people were quite particular to keeping their skin." He said,l his hands playing over his Hien fire sword.
Muuga laughed again. "I've ssseen things that would make your Kage'sss sssskin crawl you rodent. I'm not afraid of your threats." His long tongue came out and wetted his lips. "I have no reasssson to lie either."
Akira's fingers wrapped and unwrapped on his blade's hilt a few times before he said, "True, I suppose you don't have a reason to lie do you?"

Akira flipped down and faced Muuga again as he said, "And I don't require you to fear me, just to the ability to feel pain. I find most people still tend to have that, despite what they've seen." Akira added, "The last person who called me a rodent got his to eat his own juggular, figure that one out while you chill out." Akira made a string of hand seals and said, "Ice elemnet: Glacial prison" and let out a breath of frigid air that clumpped into a large mound of ice around Muuga, leaving his head and neck exsposed, but the rest buried. "Can't take the chance you could break that tree could we?" Akira said with a calm smile as he turned back to Mai and said, "So then, how'd you find me? I thought you were at your house. Not that I didn't apperciate you turning the ratio to my favor."
Mai smiled as she stroked her sword. "It was Zasumaru. He called out to me. I thought he was lost forever. Like my mother..." Her face suddenly turned sad.
Akira noticed Mai's change of emotion through her vitals and decided to change the subject. "So, do you have some sort of symbiotic relationship with that weapon? Is it part of your clan?"
She turned to Akira. "This is my birthsword. When members of my clan are born our clan blacksmith takes the very first chakra emission from our bodies and forges it into a weapon. The chakra itself forms the weapon and upon the member's tenth birthday they are presented it and begin to train with it. I lost my sword in a battle a few days before my mother was killed." She turned to Muuga.
"And somehow it came into your possession. I know that you worked with Chobimitsu. It seems a bit to convienient for me."
"True," Akira said, "How do we know you did not come by it from him?" Akira puased for a moment and then said, "Didn't you work with a S-Class criminal by the name of Yang Toa Eiju?"  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:20 am
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
Akira's fingers wrapped and unwrapped on his blade's hilt a few times before he said, "True, I suppose you don't have a reason to lie do you?"

Akira flipped down and faced Muuga again as he said, "And I don't require you to fear me, just to the ability to feel pain. I find most people still tend to have that, despite what they've seen." Akira added, "The last person who called me a rodent got his to eat his own juggular, figure that one out while you chill out." Akira made a string of hand seals and said, "Ice elemnet: Glacial prison" and let out a breath of frigid air that clumpped into a large mound of ice around Muuga, leaving his head and neck exsposed, but the rest buried. "Can't take the chance you could break that tree could we?" Akira said with a calm smile as he turned back to Mai and said, "So then, how'd you find me? I thought you were at your house. Not that I didn't apperciate you turning the ratio to my favor."
Mai smiled as she stroked her sword. "It was Zasumaru. He called out to me. I thought he was lost forever. Like my mother..." Her face suddenly turned sad.
Akira noticed Mai's change of emotion through her vitals and decided to change the subject. "So, do you have some sort of symbiotic relationship with that weapon? Is it part of your clan?"
She turned to Akira. "This is my birthsword. When members of my clan are born our clan blacksmith takes the very first chakra emission from our bodies and forges it into a weapon. The chakra itself forms the weapon and upon the member's tenth birthday they are presented it and begin to train with it. I lost my sword in a battle a few days before my mother was killed." She turned to Muuga.
"And somehow it came into your possession. I know that you worked with Chobimitsu. It seems a bit to convienient for me."
"True," Akira said, "How do we know you did not come by it from him?" Akira puased for a moment and then said, "Didn't you work with a S-Class criminal by the name of Yang Toa Eiju?"
Muuga laughed. "That b***h Ifuuki hired him. I haven't sssseen him sssssince I left Bakufu. He wasss an assss."
A devious look came over Muuga's face. "I'd love to hang around and entertain you more, but I really musssst be going."
Inexpicably, he began to pour out of the ice prison from the hole his head protruded from. Being made from a rubber like substance, he could deform his body to incredible shapes. When he was completly free, he was in the form of a large snake which bolted away from the two and vanished into the grass. Muuga's clothes where still trapped in the ice.  

Dragon Sneeze

Aged Bunny


PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:42 am
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
She turned to Akira. "This is my birthsword. When members of my clan are born our clan blacksmith takes the very first chakra emission from our bodies and forges it into a weapon. The chakra itself forms the weapon and upon the member's tenth birthday they are presented it and begin to train with it. I lost my sword in a battle a few days before my mother was killed." She turned to Muuga.
"And somehow it came into your possession. I know that you worked with Chobimitsu. It seems a bit to convienient for me."
"True," Akira said, "How do we know you did not come by it from him?" Akira puased for a moment and then said, "Didn't you work with a S-Class criminal by the name of Yang Toa Eiju?"
Muuga laughed. "That b***h Ifuuki hired him. I haven't sssseen him sssssince I left Bakufu. He wasss an assss."
A devious look came over Muuga's face. "I'd love to hang around and entertain you more, but I really musssst be going."
Inexpicably, he began to pour out of the ice prison from the hole his head protruded from. Being made from a rubber like substance, he could deform his body to incredible shapes. When he was completly free, he was in the form of a large snake which bolted away from the two and vanished into the grass. Muuga's clothes where still trapped in the ice.
"Well, didn't really see that coming," Akira said with a embarassed look as he scratched his head. "Guess I really should have just sealed him in all the way huh?"  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:29 pm
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
She turned to Akira. "This is my birthsword. When members of my clan are born our clan blacksmith takes the very first chakra emission from our bodies and forges it into a weapon. The chakra itself forms the weapon and upon the member's tenth birthday they are presented it and begin to train with it. I lost my sword in a battle a few days before my mother was killed." She turned to Muuga.
"And somehow it came into your possession. I know that you worked with Chobimitsu. It seems a bit to convienient for me."
"True," Akira said, "How do we know you did not come by it from him?" Akira puased for a moment and then said, "Didn't you work with a S-Class criminal by the name of Yang Toa Eiju?"
Muuga laughed. "That b***h Ifuuki hired him. I haven't sssseen him sssssince I left Bakufu. He wasss an assss."
A devious look came over Muuga's face. "I'd love to hang around and entertain you more, but I really musssst be going."
Inexpicably, he began to pour out of the ice prison from the hole his head protruded from. Being made from a rubber like substance, he could deform his body to incredible shapes. When he was completly free, he was in the form of a large snake which bolted away from the two and vanished into the grass. Muuga's clothes where still trapped in the ice.
"Well, didn't really see that coming," Akira said with a embarassed look as he scratched his head. "Guess I really should have just sealed him in all the way huh?"
"Then it would have been a bit hard to talk to him eh?" Mai said as she clapped Akira on the back. "Don't worry, he'll be back. He's not one to forget grudges." She sat down on a rock. "So, who was that other nin? The one with the mask?"  

Dragon Sneeze

Aged Bunny


PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:20 pm
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
Dragon Sneeze
She turned to Akira. "This is my birthsword. When members of my clan are born our clan blacksmith takes the very first chakra emission from our bodies and forges it into a weapon. The chakra itself forms the weapon and upon the member's tenth birthday they are presented it and begin to train with it. I lost my sword in a battle a few days before my mother was killed." She turned to Muuga.
"And somehow it came into your possession. I know that you worked with Chobimitsu. It seems a bit to convienient for me."
"True," Akira said, "How do we know you did not come by it from him?" Akira puased for a moment and then said, "Didn't you work with a S-Class criminal by the name of Yang Toa Eiju?"
Muuga laughed. "That b***h Ifuuki hired him. I haven't sssseen him sssssince I left Bakufu. He wasss an assss."
A devious look came over Muuga's face. "I'd love to hang around and entertain you more, but I really musssst be going."
Inexpicably, he began to pour out of the ice prison from the hole his head protruded from. Being made from a rubber like substance, he could deform his body to incredible shapes. When he was completly free, he was in the form of a large snake which bolted away from the two and vanished into the grass. Muuga's clothes where still trapped in the ice.
"Well, didn't really see that coming," Akira said with a embarassed look as he scratched his head. "Guess I really should have just sealed him in all the way huh?"
"Then it would have been a bit hard to talk to him eh?" Mai said as she clapped Akira on the back. "Don't worry, he'll be back. He's not one to forget grudges." She sat down on a rock. "So, who was that other nin? The one with the mask?"
"He's...," Akira trailed off as he search a large area around them with his inner eye before finally sheathing his Hien sword and sitting down cross legged next to Mia. "I think he is still within the area surronding Kohona, though farther away now. I'm not totally sure though, he hides himself well, in both the times we've met in the past few days, he has not let me find a real signature to his presence, so i can only guess outside a certain area. Muuga on the other hand, i will be able to paint quite easily form now on, he exudes mailce."

"And that is why I am a bit concerned about Muuga, he is quite good, mabye not as skilled as some people I've met, probably even under that masked nin by a bit, but his abilities make him hard to fight and harder to kill. It gives him an edge, and with him this enraged, he might try things he would not otherwise. It was fortunate I faced him, because his rage simply made it easier for me to predict him, so I could shut him down quickly. But if he comes back and finds my student, Ryuuko, whom I now know he wishes to kill, I don't think Ryuuko could have a hint of surviving."  
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