1. Who are the most important poeple in your life? You and my family.

2. If you were to work for me and I called in sick what would you do? I will ask for your instructions in order to do your work.

3. If I lost my blue eyes plushie Would you help me look? Sure, but are you sure you have a blue eyes plushie?

4. If you knew that mokuba was planning to run away what would you do? Ask the reason why and try changing his mind. If unable to do so, just accept his decision.

5. If you heard a rumor of me losing a duel what would you say in respones? Say whatever they want! To me you're always a champion.

6. If I were to hold your hand would you let me? Yes, I feel safe holding your hand.

7. If I were to cancel dinner what would you do? I'll understand, I might feel a bit bummed, but it's okay.

8. If I grabbed you and asked for a dance what kinda of dance would you do? Waltz.

9. What is my birthday? October 25.....what's the year? doh! I do know how old you are though.

10. Where do you think the perfect date would be? Somewhere secluded. sweatdrop

I sound stupid. xp