-=- Name: Artemis Entreri
-=- Meaning: ......
-=- Gender: Male
-=- Eye color: brown
-=- Obtained: @-@ Meeki got him for me
-=- Mate: none
-=- Offspring: Shiraz , Rynia
-=- Personality: Artemis is always professional and has an air of control and confidance about him.
-=-Background: Artemis is a professional and always has an air of control about him. Every move he makes or word he speaks is calculated to achieve a desired effect. He never allows emotions or the circumstances, no matter how dire, to master him. In this, he is completely as determined as Drizzt. He tirelessly maintains himself in top condition, and constantly seeks to improve his skills, again just as his kalona nemesis does. Artemis also is terribly cunning, able to outthink as well as outfight his opponents. One aspect of his professionalism that is rare is that Artemis usually never kills unless it is necessary or unless he's been asked to do so for a price. There has been the occasional exception, where Entreri killed somebody simply because he really wanted to. On two of these three occasions the victim had made the mistake of angering Artemis and provoking him. Artemis has vowed to "never leave an enemy in his wake." He does not take threats lightly. For the most part, those who are not enemies of Entreri or his allies have nothing to fear from him.Artemis Entreri's greatest hatred and disgust is reserved for those who are willing to abandon or betray their children in an effort to save themselves. This is because of the events during his formative years, specifically because of something that was done to him by adults that as a child he should have been able to trust. and as such he feels he cannot trust in or count on anyone but himself.
-=- Quote: "in such situations, when layer is put upon layer, when all is a facade, wound within webs of deception, the truth is what you make of it." ~Artemis Entreri
"I learned at a very young age that I cannot trust in or count on anyone but myself. To do so invites deceit and despair and opens a vulnerability that can be exploited. To do so is a weakness." ~Artemis Entreri