Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:13 pm
Yéil is currently looking for : - Other "colors seeing", or aura seeing, Soquili - A spiritual mentor - Friends
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:51 am
Story : Yéil was born in the mountains to the far northwest where the mountains and trees are right on sea level, where the bears are almost as big as the horses and bigger than the two-leggers, where Raven first stole the sun from the man in the sky to share with the land-dwellers below. Where her herd waged war against another.
Born the only daughter to the Alpha and protector of her herd, she was to be the next to take her mother's place. A princess. She was born blind. Upon the realization that Yéil could still "see" the auras of those sentient, her parents opted instead to give her too the old seer to be raised in the ways of spiritualism and medicine. They had plans for her gift, but kept them hidden as she grew older. Her "father", the seer that raised her, taught her how to use her gift to heal those in need. To know what part of them needed help- The physical or the emotional. She quickly grew into a stunning mare, the looks of whom in the herd there was no equal.
To commemorate her becoming full-grown and for completing her training, she was graced with a tattoo of her favourite story and the one that had been the inspiration for her name. Raven Stealing Sun. Overjoyed, she used her new-found freedom to explore more of the forest she called her home and communicate with the shier of the animals of the forest. As she did so, she was spied by a stallion opposite in color but close in mind and heart. He fell in love with her instantly, introducing himself to her only as "a boy" when she noticed his aura's calm colors amongst the trees. She knew that he was lying about his name, keeping something strong from her, but also that his love for her was pure.
Spending that entire day speaking with him, eating with him, resting with him; Yéil realised that she too had fallen in love. As they parted ways, he gave her the pendant and cuff of his herd so that she would have pieces of him while they were away. She made her way back to her home lands and found her mentor, her father, dying of illness. Knowing that she could do nothing, she eased his worry for her by telling him of the stallion she'd spent the day with. He knew the pendant and cuff, glad to tell Yéil that she had accidentally met and fallen in love with her betrothed. When his colors faded, her mentor was gone. Dead.
Her parents, unsure that Yéil was ready to take on the healing of the herd on her own invited a wandering "medicine man/stallion" to stay with him. His only request upon seeing Yéil was that she live with him and help him as she had the Seer. Agreeing for the sake of her herd, those his colors revolted her, Yéil lived with him. She thought him silly, as nothing he did ever actually helped anyone and spent the days playing practical tricks on the silly stallion. He found her irritating, and took his revenge by convincing her herd elder that the best use of her abilities was to help the herd in battle. Not as a healer, but as a scout.
Yéil could not handle this idea and fought the decision as best she could, but in the end she could not sway the ruling her parents and their advisors had made. She was truly devastated, but knew she only had to pretend to accept so long as their was peace. Her future mate, her beloved, would be able to negotiate a null on her new role as part of their mating agreement. She had no idea that while she spent her days in anticipation of that moment, her new mentor was becoming more and more attached to her beauty.
When it came time to introduce Yéil to her beloved from a sister herd, the white mare was gleeful to see her love again and share with their families that they had already met and were very much happy with their arrangement. As the day arrived, Yéil could see something terrible stirring in the Medicine Stallions aura and it scared her greatly. At the ceremony meant to receive her beloved, there were instead the bodies of the sister herd littering the river. They'd been ambushed by a larger herd, a herd of kalona and part-kalona, and had been completely wiped out.
Yéil was more than heart-broken. She was empty. Her gift vanished with her will to live and for the first time she felt truly alone. It was at this time she heard the Medicine Stallion clearly for the first time. Whispering "use your gift to take your revenge." Seducing her with thoughts and plans to use her talent to destroy all those that had taken her happiness. Anger filling her heart, she vowed she would not rest until her gift had returned and she could exact vengeance.
It took months, the black hole in her heart ever growing, before she regained her full "sight". On the night of a new moon, she felt ready. She gathered her herd and led them to the temporary lands of the herd that had murdered the love of her life. Pinpointing where ever member of the herd was to the warrior with her, she watched as they "exploded" and eradicated suddenly the colors of the murderous herd. It wasn't until she realised the cries reaching her ears were those of young foals and the very elderly as well. They were killing everyone, not just the stallions and mares that had done the act. They were wiping out even the children.
Unable to bear what she had done, what she had started, she begged with the only two-legger in their area that could speak with their kind. She begged him to give her a mask to hide her face so that no stallion could ever fall in love with her face and her eyes from the world. A means to run away and never be recognized as being blind again. Never would she allow someone to let her use her gift for bloodshed, even if it meant lying to all she met. The two-legger, knowing better, but granting her wish anyway; placed the only headdress he could find big enough for her. The eyeless mask of Raven.
She fled into the night and continued to run until she found herself in the land of the Kawani.
Personality : Despite the reasons she left and why she wears her mask, Yéil is still very curious about her new home and eager to make new friends. She longs to find another soquili about deserving of a good prank, and after the darkness of her life with her old herd she feels there is too much seriousness and heaviness in the world. Whether this is her projecting what's in her own heart onto those around her, or if this is simply the new outlook on life she's decided to take ... There's really no way of knowing. More than likely Yéil doesn't even know herself. Whatever the reason for her behavior now she's very kind, loving, silly, and ready to resume a simple life of healing those that need it.
Family : None in the Kawani lands. Love : OOCly right now - Badru ICly - She hasn't met Badru yet, but once she has he will become her mate.
Those with Good colors : Azzinoth - A healer like me! He is not silly in his practices and I can tell he truly cares for those he makes better. Not good at speaking Kawani. Much like myself. Those with Bad colors : --
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:07 pm
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:08 pm
Finished RPs : ---
Abandoned RPs : ---
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:09 pm
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:10 pm