
Zelkova didn't see into the future. He knew people would want to feel him up because HE wanted to feel Haseo up XD. Sorry, I'm not a big fan of Haseo X Atoli. It just wouldn't work out. I prefer the slightly crackish pairing of Haseo and Azure Kite. It's just too cute. And besides, Haseo was all obsessed with three things: Shino, "Tri-Edge" (The one that he was chasing who was really Azure Kite), and Ovan. Shino wouldn't work out because realistically, she likes Ovan, Ovan probably has a creepy crush on Haseo but Haseo wouldn't want to be with Ovan anyway, so really that leaves Azure Kite. When I finally get that max affection card I'm sending it to him! XD

8D I like HaseoxAzure Kite too...
Is one of my all time favorite 3 GU Couples! -grins darkly-
They are very cute together~ You know that bar thing on the top of MSN Messenger? Mine has a Haseo/A.Kite picture there <3 lol YEs Shino likes Ovan while Ovan...seems to have...Er, mised feelings? I know he has that little creepy crush on Haseo, and he also as hes kinda wierd obsession with Aina....Shino, to Ovan, is liek, a little sister replacement i guess....
(of course, Poor Shino gets a crush on Ovan, and may eventually be turned down D: )

Yeahhh. But I don't know MSN messenger. "kinda" weird obsession with Aina? The dude would KILL for her! That goes beyond "kinda" weird.

lol We should find out how Aina feels about Ovan's Obsession with her. XD She might bw a little creeped, but would still love him nonetheless...
at least, thats what i think.

Aina wouldn't care. She loves her creepy older brother.
Isn't it at least slightly disturbing that Ovan would essentially stare at her while she slept? I mean, most people would find that, ya know, disturbing.

:O thats excaulty what i thought. Though, Ovan is lucky Aina was in a coma...she probabaly didn't know he'd prolly jus stand there staring for hours at a time...
I widner if this explains some of his absence in //Roots. besides the part when he got captured by Pi and Yata...

Hee hee. I can picture Ovan just leaning over, staring at Aina for hours and hours on end.
Imagine how awkward it would be if she woke up. And then when she found out all of the manipulating that he'd done to make it so that she would eventually be able to wake up and that it was all pointless...that'd be kinda awkward. And then imagine Haseo's reaction at hearing Ovan say, "Okay, I don't need you anymore! Buh-bye!" He and a not comatose Shino would go frolicking through a field with butterflies and bubbles of joy all around. And then he'd never become an obsessive friendship maniac! Woo! You know, if i were around the times that he was watching her, I would just walk up to her and shake her while shouting, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP, DAMN IT!"
And then Ovan would PK me.