In a few minutes here, I'm going to roll a couple more breeding winners.
I finished up my work early this month, and to be honest, the way I work, I don't like taking on a bunch all at once, but I don't mind at all taking on a few more things now that I've finished them :3
SO - taking into account those that have won through other colorists' slots since my raffle, or owners who have maxed out, I'm going to roll two more low-luck slots from those that were low luck as of my breeding raffle (and entered my raffle).
If you've gotten low luck status since my raffle, I'm sorry, but I'm just going to roll from those that were low luck earlier in the month.
I'll do this here, and I'll PM the winners since they logically probably aren't keeping an eye on it anymore.
Don't expect this to be a common thing - probably this-month-only kinda thing, but there are getting to be more and more low luck couples and I'd like to try to get some of them a breeding slot ^^.
My adjusted list is:
Mittrei (Revolutionary Roniel) x Obeah (Kamiki)
Pg. 2
Cyrille (Rhyleigh) x Duncan (Nekolulu & Thamin) - Nekolulu is maxed out for the month
"Forest Pansy" Cercis Canadensis (Lita Rutherford) x Thackery (elvyralani)
Pg. 3
Hakumei (Kaisanti) x Duzi (Kijani (formerly X-Ronso-X) and Uta)
Renesme Carlie Cullen (Syaoran-Puu) x Rune (Tara de Draiocht)
Pg. 4
Meru (x-Ivory_Feld-x) x Albert (Skydragono)
Lyssa (Katjive) x Allan (Yuuka Kurokawa/YamiBakuraChan)
Lemon Meringue (Ragers, previously Rage Beat) x George Weasley (LadyDelaidra)
Kawoni Lilian (sbuggy166) + St. Augustine (Kaimi Kalani)
Delphia (Talencia) x Sora (Takakun/Rapidashtrainer)
Kredoe (Huni Pi) x Crevan (Nevayeh)
If anyone spots anything wrong with this, you have a few minutes to post to let me know :3.