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Ruthless Phantom

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:57 am

Your Username: Cajmera
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Anelisse
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Fenghuang, the guardian
Short Personality Blurb: Anelisse is the epitome of vanity, only in her case it is vanity of family over vanity of self. She believes that her mother Angelique, in particular, is the example of all that is perfect in the world and that she herself, as her mother's daughter, is perfect by association (though not quite as perfect as Angelique, of course). This has made her incredibly vain regarding her person and extremely imperious towards everyone else, who must either be pitied or reviled for their imperfections. She left home at a young age in the company of only her devoted familiar, Raccoon, a mute albino raccoon with an uncanny skill at styling hair, to meet her destiny and spread her perfect world views. Basically, she is the classic vain prima donna
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Anelisse's view of the world was shattered when she went home to visit as an adult and found that her mother had had more children. Obviously, the only reason that Angelique would need more is if Anelisse has failed her, and this caused Ane to sink into a deep depression in which she stopped taking care of herself and lost weight. The visit to her mother's had been triggered by a disastrous meeting with a stallion, Fenghuang, who utterly disrespected her perfection and had the audacity to throw mud at her! But the visit backfired, and she was in bad shape until Feng came by again and almost drowned her in an attempt to snap her out of her state. It worked, but infuriated her at the same time and she lashed out at Feng.

Unknown to her, Fenghuang remained in the area, keeping an eye on her from a distance. Her naivete towards the world had awakened protective instincts in him, and he wanted to keep her safe. Raccoon discovered him, but agreed to keep his secret as long as he didn't do anything to hurt Anelisse.

In time, Feng's secret came to be known to her, and at first she was very upset. However, she has come to realize that, annoying as he can be, there are some things about Fenghuang she likes...

unentered Relations: Raccoon, the loyal familiar

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Bile
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Bile is, to put it bluntly, insane. He has the mental capacities of an infant at best; he cannot speak, fly, or even move properly, due to an accident as a youngling that resulted in broken bones that never healed right (he has a crippled wing, and two badly healed legs). He has never been around other Soquili, and lives on his own amidst the crags of the mountains where he's spent almost all of his life. His own tongue is constantly cut but his teeth, and so he's become desensitized to pain and obsessed with blood in all forms. He's not malicious or out to torture on purpose...he's just after blood.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Bile is like the boogeyman of the mountains. He hates sunlight, and lives in cracks and crevices, like a spider or centipede. He hunts anything that he can find, be it bug, rodent, or even (if they got close enough) Soquili, happy to rip their throat out and play with their blood. As mentioned above, he is physically deformed in his wing and two legs and has a very hunched/crabbed body posture.
unentered Relations: n/a
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:35 pm

Your Username: iStoleYurVamps
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: A B Plus Down
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: IS DAT A POKEMON? I MUST CATCH IT. :V (Now picture him running up to anything pokemon based and bumping his nose/head against it and going "I CATCH JOO >:U ")
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He was in tall grass, pokemon hunting.
unentered Relations: None

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Overkill
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: THEY SEE HIM TROLL'N. THEY HATE'N. But he is not a troll so he doesn't understand the player hate. DUDE DON'T PLAY HATE OF HIS MASSIVE CRIT ROLLS YO.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He lost his BFF hyena buddies ;_; WHY SO ALONE? He doesn't know, but, he's out on the road being hardcore and doing massive damage.
unentered Relations: N/A



Trash Husband

Alanna the Pirate Queen

Feral Vampire

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:17 pm

Your Username: Alanna the Pirate Queen
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Dimitri
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: N/a
Short Personality Blurb: Dimitri likes to be mysterious and controversial. Though outwardly he is a gentleman, he can be very goofy and loves to tease others (playfully of course). He is a cleanfreak and hates being dirty, and definitely does not like physical fighting.

He is VERY touchy about his mask! ^_^ No one has ever seen him without it... not even *I* have an un-masked version of him. When asked about his mask, he will always give different answers, from "I have eyes that will steal your soul" to "I'm too pretty, so I need to hide it from the word..."

Short Blurb of Recent Events:

He is currently in a plot where someone steals his mask... XP He isn't too happy about that.

He is also helping some foals find their way home.

And he likes hanging out with his friend Nokomis... ^_^

unentered Relations: N/a
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:57 pm

Your Username: Teh Angel Yuna
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name:Promethius
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: na
Short Personality Blurb:Loner, repentant, gentle, and weary. He often dwells in the cold, rocky, part of the mountain.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: nothing going on right now. Continuing solidarity.
unentered Relations: --

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Teh Angel Yuna
I don't have her cert
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: I dunno her relations ^^;
Short Personality Blurb:Riu is sweet and peaceful, loves to take care of others, often at her own expense.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: nothing going on with her right now.
unentered Relations: --


Dulcet Scarface

I Lady Kiya I

Obsessive Fairy

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:03 pm

Your Username: [ Lady Kiya ]
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Thona
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: No relations
Short Personality Blurb: Cruel, seductive, rude, mean
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Thona convinced a mare to take on a skinwalker, in hopes of getting her killed. 83
unentered Relations: Non really.

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Bheilorveilthion
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: Cold hearted, hot headed, wild.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Just being his mate's b***h. =0
unentered Relations: Sheeredni - His mate.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:15 pm

Your Username: Amon Larethian
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Tanaka
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Entered Relations: none
Short Personality Blurb: Lawful evil, Vicious, and cruel, especially fond of torture and torment.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: nothing really going on, he's probably up to something you don't want to get in the way of.
unentered Relations: none

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:34 pm

Your Username: Samus x
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Coal
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: n/a
Short Personality Blurb: Violant and very much a brute, Coal can be overly prideful of the fact he is a purebred dragon/kalona. his parents raised him to be prideful of that fact and to never be weak in anyway or they would gladly take him out. quick to anger most the time, he is not afraid to get into a brawl with someone as he is a overly violent brute that loves to use brute force any chance he gets.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Coal and his mate Lolite currently are taking care or their 3 foals who are their newest batch of children.
unentered Relations: (up to 5)
His Offspring: Vanzan, Sheerendi, Lilith, Valefar, Iyriddelmirev

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Lilith
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Coal(Father)
Short Personality Blurb: Lilith is very much his fathers son in the fact that he is a massive brute. but he not only is a brute but very vicious towards everyone. he loves to fight with his brother Valefar whenever he can since he loves to prove his the top dog between them.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: currently with his parents and siblings being raised to be a strong kalona.
unentered Relations: (up to 5)
His Mother: Lolite
His siblings: Vanzan, Sheerendi, Valefar, Iyriddelmirev
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:38 pm

Your Username: Syrie
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Morphine Starshine
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert
Entered Relations: --
Short Personality Blurb: Foolish and impetuous, Morphy is as off-kilter as she looks. She doesn't stop to think that what she's about do/doing could be a Bad Idea. She's gonna do it. The only reason she's survived to this point is because she's a unicorn and her innate healing abilities keep her from keeling over from all her silly/stupid choices.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Morphy recent ate some amazing mushrooms and had a MAGICAL ADVENTURE where she was taking over serveral galaxies and also making progress on a cure for cancer. I think she's still dreaming.
unentered Relations: (up to 5) --

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Lux Errata
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert
Entered Relations: unknown...
Short Personality Blurb: Lux believes, erroneously, that she is an angel. Specifically an alien angel. She is curious about the "mortal world" around her but holds herself aloof because she's from a bloodline that is Very Important. Devoted to her family and to "helping" people she deems worthy of an Angel's attention, she's a bit cracked. Obviously she's got problems, but they don't show up until she starts talking.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: None, really...
unentered Relations: Ithuriel's Hour, Leif


Garbage Paladin

14,840 Points
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
  • Married 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400


Greedy Capitalist

PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:18 pm

Your Username: King Inversitle
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Brianne
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: (I just copied and pasted this from my teepee haha) Like her father, Brianne exhibits an extremely selfish and vain attitude that one could consider overzealous. Bitchy and rude, Brianne would never tolerate anything less than perfect in another Soquili, whether it be just a friend or a potential stallion. Although she does not bear the unicorn traits of her father, she is the apple of his eye, and would protect her in any situation that he could.. that is... if she didn't step up for herself first. Although a sister to two siblings, Brianne does not interact with them or give them the time of day, so high-headed that she feels too good to speak with them.
Brianne is proud to bear the symbol of her family though, something that Castillo is not so fond of himself. Like many adolescents, Brianne feels as though she is smarter than her own father and although she enjoys the respect and endless complimenting that Castillo bestows on her, she would like to think herself superior at times.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: N/A
unentered Relations: Father: Castillo
Uncle: Dumoriez
(She doesnt really interact with her mother so..)

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Hadjoc
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Based on an oc, Hadjoc lives to eat and nothing else- doesnt get along with others, will never have a mate, speaks backwards, pretty much a macabre sort of muse.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Havent rped him as a soq any but if I did Im sure it would just be about hunting xD
unentered Relations: N/A
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:53 pm

Your Username: Silent Spy
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Edward Cullen
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Edward is the best boyfriend you can ever have. He watches you as you sleep, he constantly wants to know what it would taste like to eat you, and he has the smoldering brooding look down to a T. He's waited 108 years to lose his virginity just so he can lose it with you and impregnate you and nearly kill you in the process. He compares you to heroin and when you are away from him you are sad and do not know what to do with yourself.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He recently noticed your breathing pattern was unusual when you sleep. Typically you take a deep breath in, followed by a deep exhale 0.57869 seconds later, but lately you have longer pauses before exhaling. This worried him greatly. Also, he tried to tan and blinded seven people in the process. Its the skin of a killer.
unentered Relations: N/A

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Beijing
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Uncert
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: Beijing shifts into his bear form and puts on a "performance" of sorts - a few cute routines to draw you in close to the rare panda species. Then he attacks. The result often ends in your demise.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He ate a lot of people.
unentered Relations: N/A

Silent Spy

Versatile Man-Lover

9,600 Points
  • Sausage Fest 200
  • Flatterer 200
  • Person of Interest 200


Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Wall Street 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:08 pm

Your Username: pippi18848 
Soquili Submission 1
Soquili's Full Name: Adelle 
User Image Uncert 
Entered Relations:pg. 2 Alienore- Daugter
Pg. 4 Branwen-granddaughter 
Short Personality Blurb: 
Adelle is a very kind and caring soq. She loves everyone even if they have continously hurt her. She has been through her bouts of saddnesz due to events that have happened but she doesn't let that stop her from caring for her family.  
Short Blurb of Recent Events:
Neva her middle daughter abandoned her children with her and Shihab.
These grandchildren(metawa, branwen, shula) grew up and have left home.
Adopted son Alexiel just had children that she will be meeting soon. 
unentered Relations: Neva- daughter
Lavanya- daughter
Shihab- mate
 Del'nal- Daughter 

Soquili Submission 2
Soquili's Full Name: Nirmala 
User Image Uncert 
Entered Relations: pg. 2 Redondo-future mate 
Short Personality Blurb:
She hates anyone that isn't a flutter. Thinks that flutters are the best of them all. She also isn't afraid to hurt anyone with that knife of hers. 
Short Blurb of Recent Events:
Redondo got a cat familiar whom she doesn't like.
She's slowly starting to fall in love with Redondo even though she won't admit it. 
unentered Relations: None 
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:54 pm

Your Username: Remove

Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Air Gypsy
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Wind Gypsy - Aunt
Short Personality Blurb: Air is a happy girl, she has always been laid back and relaxed. She loves her life and is always happy to just be. She adores her family and her mate.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Air is currently with her mate. The two of them are slowly trying for children.
unentered Relations:
Ireland - Lifemate

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Alfwin
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Sinopah - His sister and litter mate
Short Personality Blurb: Alfwin like most of his family is overly social. He can get on with anyone and everyone. He spends a lot of time with his niece making sure she stays out of trouble. He adores watching over her even though she is about the same age as he is. He feels closer to her then his sisters.

He has a rather hyper streak to him, and he loves to play, mess around and generally just have fun.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He is currently causing trouble with Emilie.
unentered Relations:
Mahiri - mother
Hania - Father
Pax - Sister
Emilie - Neice


Huni Pi

Questionable Garbage

16,950 Points
  • Timid 100
  • Gaian 50
  • Clambake 200
PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:19 am

Your Username: Huni Pi
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Girlie
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: Girlie is a busybody and a gossip. She loves to listen to others and their problems even if she can't do much to help. She enjoys hearing about others and basically wants to know about anything and everything about another.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: She is currently trying to pry secrets from those in her herd.
unentered Relations: Kredoe - her partner-in-crime when it comes to pumping others for information
Ydda - her sounding board when Girlie feels like doing the talking for a change.
Darkcaster - her current "target" for information.

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Hal Y Maw
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: Hal has an inferiority complex that brings out the worst in him. Kelpis and Kalonas are considered the "evil" races and as he's half of two evils, he should think he's wholly evil. Except he still feels like he has to be extra and unnecessarily vicious even when the situation doesn't call for it. Especially when the situation doesn't call for it.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He is currently trying to pick a fight with Lyou, or flirt with her. He's not sure himself.
unentered Relations: Lyou - he considers her his rival, she couldn't care less.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:42 am

Your Username: EchoLimaFoxtrot
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Nagual-An
User Image
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: A sweet home-body. Nagual enjoys life and especially berries (after her mate Ashling, and gorgeous daughters). She would do everything she could to help someone else out, and cares for everything she can - even her wayward son and grandsons.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Moved from the desert to live with Ashling, her mate.
unentered Relations:
Ashling (mate)
Tlocatl (wayward son)
Yei Umeko (mentor, friend, "sister")

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Hecate
User Image
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: Hecate is insane. She used to be this sweet little thing who loved life and enjoyed in making others happy. But due to recent events, she just will never be the same.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: She grew up in the desert with Nagual-An, Tlocatl, and the rest of that small herd when they were together. Now, she has "fallen in love" with Ruadh Wolfbane and they had baskets together. However, after the birth (which he was by her side for), Ruadh told her he didn't love her and left her with the baskets. She couldn't take it and now travels the desert alone, getting in to trouble and enjoying the loss of her own mind.
unentered Relations:
Ruadh Wolfbane (lying 'lover')



8,350 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Conventioneer 300
  • Elocutionist 200
PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:27 pm

Your Username: Riftwing
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Mintabie
User Image I don't have the Uncert
Entered Relations: page6 - Grandparents father's side - Dancer
Grandparents mother's side - Wambli
Short Personality Blurb: An out of luck, intelligent soq, Mint tends to be a loner. She was scorned as a foal for not having a single nice trait. No wings, no horn, no long mane or tail. She's shy, but does -want- to make friends. She's a single rainbow looking for a double <3
Short Blurb of Recent Events: none yet
unentered Relations: siblings: Chatan and Yiska

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