Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:41 am
Pianette: This, to me, is not the most original idea as it is loose cosplay of the mystery gang. I was hoping for a more interesting, abstract idea. As is, it is still a fun take to make them royalty and the colors make it obvious who each person is supposed to be. The backgrounds were a good choice for the characters. I'm not sure they are very strong looks though. There are some that look a bit messy and none of them are unique enough from the others...except Lucia. She also had two of the hardest models to work with IMO. Jessica and Abby are not great to work with and it shows, unfortunately.
Jiang Li; So we have Jiang Li as Velma...she looks like candy corn. I really can't see anything else. Ok, The glasses work well with her face. The dress works fine. The legs bother me as they are a different pixel quality and are just too shiny. or smooth? or...something is up with them. I'd say the legs are the worst part of the look. Also, the white tails look strange. This look is very Pianette though. 7/10 Jessica; This is not explicitly shaggy to me. She should be more Bohemian to be Shaggy. The loose skirt works well with her hair but the harsh pixels of the smaller scale-like skirt and the crown make this a strange mixture of harsh and soft that does not lend well to Jessica or Shaggy. 4/10 Lucia; This is one of my favorite looks out of the five. Everything works together and the mix of masculine and feminine is really fun and interesting. This look screams Fred. 10/10 Abby; Oof. This is a mess. Such a mix of old and new items and different styles and textures. They are right; there's way too much black. The ears look like weird blobs. I like the blue collar. 2/10 Robin; This is my other favorite. Robin and Daphe have the same sort of attitude and the colors work well on Robin. The outfit is cute and the green scarf pops nicely against the various purples although the more I look at it, the less I like it as an item. Maybe something smaller so as not to cover her hand and to match pixel textures. 9/10
Rough score; 33/60
elphiethesane No description at the time of judging which is pretty close to the end of the day before the announcement. I love this idea. The backgrounds are fantastic. They are not overpowering and they help set the idea of black and white movies and theatre screens.
Ophelia; Damn. This is a showstopper of a look. She is dressed as all the main models should be; in the biggest most grand of looks. She looks ready for her film premiere. I have a place in my heart for the independencesea color scheme (although, I always prefer no color schemes) so I'm really loving this. It also works really well with Ophelia's coloring. A bit too much white in the skirt makes this a little off-kilter but the feather helps bring some of that soft white up top. 10/10 Jen; This is my least favorite. Its just a catharsis column. It doesn't really add anything to Jen and her coloring. I get why they chose this to help with the cohesion of the look of gown, legs, gown, legs, gown but I think there were other options that would have worked better. Also, the dark background really doesn't help this look. 5/10 Ginny; This is very fifties which is great but its also very simple which is not great. I hope that's not just a dress. The legs are my least favorite part though. The item is not the same texture as the rest of the look and there is much too much white in them which is found nowhere else in the look except for a small ribbon on her head. I think the background on this one is hindering more than helping as its making her top super dark and top-heavy which only exasperates how much hair she has and then how bright and light the bottom is. It needs to be the opposite. Bright and airy on top, then a dark bottom. 4/10 Bryce; I love this chic look, especially as it is not just black. I see nothing wrong with this. The colors and style work well with Bryce's infamous hair and that hat was a great choice although I wish it was not just sitting on the back of her head. 9/10 Uma; I am so torn on this look. It looks like they just used 3 items which is...bad? But the look works. She looks like a film noir femme fatal, especially with that background. But its just still too simple. This is the final. I don't think turning in a 5 item avi(dress, necklace, collar, boa, and hat) will fly but at the same time, there is no item limit and I guess someone could use just 5 items to make a solid avi, as we can see. I dont know. What do y'all think? The hat doesn't really work here. Too much white on top with that hat. 7/10
Rough score: 35/60
RENstrawberry Nothing.
Rae Stella Tara Sienna April
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:23 am
At this point, I feel like Pianette should win this. Ren didn't even enter and Elphie published her looks on the day before and then turned in her description late.
If I take away the 25% that the description is worth from Elphie, then Pia wins by my numbers.
What do y'all think?
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 1:25 pm
I think elphie has had the stronger looks, but Pianette has been so good about deadlines which I really appreciate. Ren might still enter something today, but that doesn't do us a lot of good. Which is a little frustrating because I changed the deadline to today to grant her an extension she asked for when I first posted this. And I get that life and finals come up, lord do I get it, but I feel like there are so many options for the final and ways to work on things little by little that there isn't a whole lot of wiggle room/excuse at this point.
While elphie wins by my numbers, I fully support Pia winning because it is so very close. They've both worked hard, both had some of the strongest looks. Really don't think we can go wrong with either one winning.
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:19 pm
I agree that Elphie had the stronger looks but its so hard to judge them side by side as they are completely opposite ideas. However, when we do judge them side by side, Pia had some very weak entries that are pretty messy and not well done whereas the low rated ones that Elphie submitted aren't actually bad. They just could have been done better. However Part 2: The ones Pia had trouble with were the hardest models to work with so it makes sense that they're a bit of a mess. Ugh this is so hard!!!!
Ok, they're all tied with previous wins so going by the numbers for this round, Elphie wins by 5 points. As this is a design competition and we need to make a decision, I say it should go to them.
Its very disappointing that Ren didn't enter. As it was supposed to be entered with enough time to judge it and announce the winner, I think they've missed their window. I am about to go to bed so if they do enter, I won't see it.
Unless Dante wants to chime in?
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:56 pm
I also agree that Pia's weak entries were considerably weaker than Elphie's low ones. But Pia did have the hardest models, though on the flip side of that there were ideas that probably would have worked with the models better.
Idk man, it's a really hard thing, but I do think Elphie just edges ahead by the numbers. So we'll give the win to Elphia, Pia will be a close second, and Ren in third..if anything gets posted.
I won't post or do anything until later tonight just before I head to bed, to give Ren as much time as possible to get something in and to give Dante time to potentially chime in.
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:59 pm
Sounds like a plan.
Merry Christmas!
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:01 pm
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:37 am
Dang, it’s a shame that Ren entered too late! I love their collection and wish we could have included it in the judging!!!
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:10 pm
Me too! I tried to hold out as long as possible, and thought about extending things again but that didn’t seem fair to the others either. Idk, there are a lot of things this cycle that I wish had gone differently haha. Definitely have to try to fix things for the next one. So glad I’ve had you and Dante to help with things!