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x|| Derek Yagami ||x
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This place was confusing. very confusing. And Derek had been here several times before this visit. But it didn't make this place any less confusing then it was already. Derek really wished there were clearer signs to tell people where they were and where they were going or needed to go. It was really embarrassing for the purple haired teenager since he lived nearby this place! He wasn't some foreigner trying to make his way around the silly place. Oh how frustrating. But he didn't give up. He kept his walking up to its normal pace and continued to look around him.

It was truly amazing how many stories there were about how many got lost in this place. Derek never really figure that he'd be one of them as well. Ugh, just forget about it. Not like anybody would notice him. He didn't really know anybody anyways. Just family relatives. . . Derek wasn't very well known with other kids or students at his school. Derek was kind of an outcast. Nobody liked him and he was beginning to believe that nobody would every in his life time either. Eh, those feelings of depression and loneliness were coming back again and taking poor Derek with them. He needed to stop thinking about them. If nobody was going to be willing enough to be his friend and give him a chance, then Derek didn't need them. He was better off alone, by himself. Uno. Solo. No amigos.

He sighed, his purple bangs falling down in front of his eyes. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself with those words, they barely worked. Derek just wanted to be around someone so much. Friend or even more. Just for someone to be there to talk to him or comfort him when he was feeling upset about something.

The boy was trying so hard to convince himself that he didn't need any of those kids from school that he nearly almost missed one store. One that he had never seen before. Derek blinked, staring at it in disbelief. Had that been there all along? He had never seen it before when he walked all over this place. Or was this a new area to him? One he always kept missing when he previously came here. It was strange, finding this new place. He wondered what was inside it. He couldn't tell through the windows. Maybe he could just pop in real quick and look around? Yeah. . that didn't seem like a bad idea. It wouldn't hurt him.

So with his mind made up, Derek made his way over to the front door of the place and pushed it open, stepping one foot inside before the rest of him followed in.

The sight made the boy blinked multiple times before finally going back to their normal speed. This place he had just stumbled upon looked like a pet shop. A pet shop? When did this get here anyways? Soft lilac eyes scanned the place up and down, side to side catching all the sights of the animals kept in here. Normally pet shops kept the average pet animals. Cats, Dogs, Puppies, Kittens, Birds, Fish, Rabbits, Hamsters, Mice, Rats, and if you're lucky Chinchillas. But this place beat them all in Derek's opinion! They had more then what he just listed off!


If his eyes were still with him rather then playing tricks on him, he was certain that all these animals were real and so was the person standing here in the shop, hopefully the shop owner, who was standing near some birds. Maybe he was trying to calm them down or something. As the owner he did need to take care of them after all.