Yeah its coming up -. -. and the only thing i need for the avi i had in mind is a nitemare scarf. So I think that I may need some help with this one im posing till i cant post anymore every day but it still seems to be goin at slow pace.

The avi:

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^ current quest....dang ill be busy for *quite* some time.

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Total Value: 2,655,457 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Mythic Hair
Drop Dead Gorgeous Midnight Gown
Gray Longjohns
Raptor Fire Horns
Sharp Fish Teeth
Elegant Black Satin Coat
Nitemare Scarf domokun emo
Nitemare Boots
Nitemare Claws
Prisoner's Ball and Chain
Guitar of Demona
Demonic Anklets
Demonic Pendant

^-^ wish me luck.