____Suspicious Links leading to a website with Cookie Grabbers____

Lately there have been numerous of gaians being hacked each day because of clicking on one simple Link they receive through PMs or found in Threads. Theres a possibly a chance the PM you will receive will be from a user on your Friends list OR a regular (non-n00bish) avatar posting it in Forums.

These Links are disguised with either:
"Hey come vote for me in the Arena!"
"Help me bump this Thread! Youll win prizes!"
"Check out my thread " and so on.

Here are some Screen Shots (credit goes to BishoudoMaster ):
User Image
- Notice the high lighted red area? It says "ripaway" that is not Gaiaonline.com original site, this is clearly a fake!

User Image
- This is what the PM with the suspicious Link looks like. Hackers hack these people and use them as pawns to get their friends to click on the link. Be careful what you're doing, its best to Report these PMs and add the user to Ignore.

The link they provide you with will take you to a look-alike-Gaia site. What you dont know is that the site itself has Cookie Grabbers and Keyloggers planted into it. Users who have been hacked had NOT put any of their information into the Login Bar, they simply exited out and next thing they know they've been logged out with password and emails changed. Once this hacker takes over your Account they change your Links in your Gaia Account (whether it be Signatures or Links in your profile) in order to get more unsuspecting victims. Not only will they do this, but they will not undress your Avi until they have sent the Links through PMs (the victims Friend List) or post it in Forums. Im guessing they keep the Avi dressed also because its their way that you wont think anything suspicious of the user (come on, if the user was undressed posting this everywhere wouldnt you be suspicious and report it right away?).

Those of you who claim there cant be any Cookie Grabbers/Keyloggers on that site, explain to me why these people have been hacked while they have not given out any information whatsoever. Whether it be Rich Gaians or Regulars to N00bs this is serious. Someone in my Quest Thread (with Devil Horns) had clicked on that Link and had been hacked, the hacker hasnt removed any of their Items at all it seems.

short version: Watch what the hell you click here on Gaia! There have been hackings just from being redirected to a website that looks like Gaia (with planted Cookie Grabbers in it).

|| Questions:_______

What are Cookies?: HTTP cookies, sometimes known as web cookies or just cookies, are parcels of text sent by a server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server. HTTP cookies are used for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific information about users.

I did not put any information into that fake site, am I safe?: Even if you didnt type anything into the site, theres a chance you're still at risk. Follow the procedures I listed below on how to keep safe.

I received a PM like that from my friend! Is she trying to scam me? gonk Theres a chance she could've been the victim of hacking by clicking on the link. These hackers use accounts and send PMs through the users Friends List in order for it to spread. Just report the PM and add the user to Ignore.

|| Things you can do to keep safe:___

● Run your Anti Virus / Spyware programs to get rid of any files which contain " Cookie Grabber " or anything familiar.
● Delete your cookies from your browser, after doing so change your password quickly.
● Dont click on any suspicious looking links, especially tinyurl ones. If its a tinyurl, go to its website and type the address to the Tinyurl link previewer in order to see where that Link will take you.
● Before clicking anymore Links see where the URL goes, usually you can check its properties by right clicking on the Link itself.

|| Recommended Downloads:_______
If you do NOT have any good Anti Virus/Spyware programs (lolnorton) I suggest you download the following. They're free and update regularly:

AVG Anti Virus Download
Spyware Removal Download

I apologize for my long post, I wish you all well and good luck! Keep safe!

Also: I advise that you spread the word so no more Hackings occur (or at least not often), this way more users are aware of whats going on here at Gaia.I also suggest copy/paste this post to an announcement for any guild(s) you have.To further help spread the word,and protect your guild's members.

Helping to spread the word

Read this whole post! It's VERY VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!