I don't do divination too often really, as generally I have a good idea of the answers I seek if I'm honest with myself but when I'm absolutely stumped on something or which direction to go I use Ogam stick, which are pretty much runes. Ogam is an ancient tree language, which each letter representing a type of tree, you can write out words in Gaelic or use the letters separately as runes.

The best reading I ever had with them came at very needed time and moved me to the point of tears. I was having just a very difficult time in all aspects of my life and had hit a low, which doesn't happen often but when it does it's pretty bad. Usually I'm capable of pulling myself out but I was really having trouble. I just needed to hear from someone else that I was doing okay and regain a little confidence in myself. I felt a little lost and unsure if of who I was.

I also had been missing a dear friend who had past away several years ago. She was my first girlfriend, and when my mother discovered this, forced us to break up because it was un-natural and "that's why God made Adam and Eve, because only a man and woman should love eachother that way." Long story short, my girlfriend, who's name is Heather, went in on a suicide pact with another friend of hers a couple years later. The friend shot her in the face but then couldn't go through with killing herself. It was hard to deal with but I got through it, although in my low bit of depression I was really missing her.

I decided to do a reading with my Ogam sticks. There are different ways of doing it, but the way that suites me best is I mix the sticks up in their pouch, hold on to them and concentrate on a question. Then I draw out a single stick with a symbol on it and then roll the direction stick which has symbols for North, South, East and West on it and see where it lands.

Here is the question I asked the result I got :

" Is Heather's spirit at peace with me, more so is She proud of the woman I've become." This is what turned up...

Uir in the East.

Uir respresnts the 'herb tree' Heather.

The oracle for Uir(Heather) in the East is as follows:

Do not deny the spark that flames within you. Out of consideration for others, or because your personal gifts do not seem to fit in, you may deny your own unique qualities. Just as a flame should not be hidden, but rather give light and heat, so the spark within you- which is the central illumination of your soul- is a radiance that cannot be denied.

Needless to say I wound up balling but it was just what I needed. I will never forget this reading it was very touching, unexpected, and awe inspiring.