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Name:Shino Aburame
Village: Leaf
Rank: Anbu
Chakra Element: (none)
Clan: Aburame
Bloodline: Symbyotic insect relationship
Age: 41


~Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
~Kawarmi no Jutsu - Substitution Technique
~Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
~Insect replacement technique
~Insect Pillar technique
~Parasitic insect technique
~Kikaichuu no Jutsu - Destruction Bug Technique
~Mushi Kabe no Jutsu - Insect Wall Technique
~Insect typhoon technique
~Mushi Bunshin no Jutsu - Insect Clone Technique
~Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)

~Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu, 魔幻・奈烙見の術, literally "Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique"

Aburame Shino is one of the series’ more mysterious characters. At birth, he entered into a symbiotic relationship with a breed of insect know as the “Kikaichu” or Destruction Bug, as all his clan did. In exchange for feeding on his chakra, the bugs serve multiple purposes for their host. Shino’s clothing covers much of his face, opting for circular black sunglasses to cover his eyes and a high-necked jacket to conceal his lower face. Later, his jacket includes a hood which covers even more of himself and even Naruto has difficulty recognizing him.

Shino was assigned along with Hyuuga Hinata and Inuzaka Kiba to the tutelage of Yuuhi Kurenai. Even to his own team, he remained much of an enigma. His true abilities were first seen in the Chuunin Exam when he faced Zaku. A hole opened up in Shino’s face and to the disgust of most watching, hordes of bugs began to crawl all over his skin. Shino revealed to his opponent that the bugs would eat his chakra, rendering him too weak to move. Trapping Zaku between himself and his army, Shino demanded surrender. When Zaku threatened to attack both of them simultaneously, Shino revealed that he had a hidden surprise, sending his bugs inside Zaku’s weapon to jam it. Because Zaku’s weapons were integrated into his physical arms, they were damaged beyond repair. Shino explains that having a “trump card” or “ace in the hole” is vital in battle.

Because of his victory, Shino advanced to the finals of the exam, slated to face Kankurou. However, when their match was to take place, Kankurou instantly gave in. The reason, it was later revealed, was to prevent anyone seeing his hidden techniques with his puppet, Karasu. Gaara’s instability then caused the premature plan of the combined Sand and Sound invasion. Shino watched as Kankurou and his siblings retreated to help Gaara, following them in secret. As Kankurou prepared to take on Sasuke to slow him down, Shino stepped in and demanded the match he had been deprived of.

Demonstrating some of the Destruction Bugs’ more unusual abilities, Shino used them to make a decoy of himself, while moving close to Kankurou to strike at him. While Shino’s hand-to-hand skills were none too impressive, he had deliberately made a feint to plant a female bug on Kankurou, giving the rest of his bugs a permanent target to chase after. Despite Kankurou managing to catch Shino with a poison gas bomb, Shino forced the stalemate as his bugs tracked Kankurou down and left him paralyzed after eating all his chakra. Shino’s father later appeared and saved his life, injecting him with his own bugs that ate away the poison. Later, Shino would be absent from the mission to rescue Sasuke, on a mission with his father, he feels a sense of regret for it seeing as the outcome may have been different if he was there.

Shino’s appearances in the series are few and far between. His strong, unshakable confidence, mysterious look and cool aura make him popular despite his ultimately creepy habits. In his spare time, Shino tends to his bugs and at one point, recommends Hinata to do the same. His analytical skill and cautious nature often annoy Kiba, who thinks Shino is trying to become the de facto leader of the team.