Terry Pratchett and Cormac McCarthy are my all time favorite authors. They own hardcore. Terry Pratchett is a British fantasy/comedy writer, generally writing books in his Discworld series. Hilarious. Parody fantasy, every one is a winner, my favorite being "Reaper Man" a book about the grim reaper becoming human and falling in love with an old farmer woman. Great stuff, can't reccommend him enough. I assume you all know who Cormac McCarthy is, he bears no introduction. My favorite book by him would have to be "The Road," a book about a father and son in a post apocolyptic future. It sounds pretty damn depressing, but it isn't nearly as dark as most of his work. It has a somewhat positive ending. Amazing. Thats is possibly my all time favorite book and his most recent novel. Check it out sometime, I promise you won't be disappointed.