Semantics and semiotics tickles my fancy, so I thought I'd jump in here with a few tidbits;

Language isn't a physical thing, but without it, we can't be as advanced as we are today. It's mindboggling to me. It allows us to link mental images with a real-world object, describe feelings and thoughts without physically sharing them, and describing imaginary, conceptual ideas that "don't exist".

A stunning example of the weirdness of language is the word "nobody". When we use the word "nobody", we mean "not even one person", an absence of a person. But, we say things like, "Nobody moved the ball". If we replace "nobody" with anyone's name, we instantly get a "somebody" performing an action, but if we keep "nobody" in the sentence, the action is performed by no person, this space that is filled by a non-person.

That was kind of rambly and nonsensical. It's 6:30am, so I'll go to bed. >_>