ok, i simply CANNOT read any more of this rediculousness! gonk xp ... ok... calm.. so what i first noticed, is that he is definately very comfortable, and seem sto not have a care in the world. he is more than a thoughtform, he definately has sentience, that much i can feel. i have been called "weak in the ethereal and astral planes", bu mostly i am afraid of going to them alone, or to the astral at all.. >.> i know, i just had some scary expertiences.. ii-_- anyway, back to the matter at hand. ... hmm... i am canceliing out any possibilities of it being non-sentient, or semisentient, and any reaosn to think it is evil or dangerous. just try asking it something, be friendly with it, act as if it is perfectly normal. -.- it's probably stick there, that's what i think, or maybe he has something important to tell you.