Village: Konoha
Rank: s+ missing nin
Missions: (S:5) (A:5) (B:3) (C:15) (D:22)
Skills: great fire ball jutsu, phoenix flower jutsu, dragon flame jutsu, chidori, chidori nagashi, mangekyou sharringan, snake summon
Inventory: chokutou
Background: after sasuke left the village and reigned victorious over naruto, he went after orochimaru. when he was there he drained orochimaru of almost everything he knew. he learned countless jutsu, and a pleathra of snake summons. he learned to weild the natorious kusanagi. a true sword of legend. after he got his fill of orochimaru he defeated him in batle. out of desperation orochimaru preformed the body switch jutsu on sasuke, and even to this day now redides as a mental parasite lying dorment inside of him. he tends to take control for a split second when sasuke loses his cool. sasuke has settled with hebi just outside of the rice country closest to the land of fire.

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