Name: Hyuuga Crim
Age: 21
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Kage Level and leader of the anbu of Konoha/Head of Hyuuga Clan
Missions: (S:0) (A:0) (B:0) (C:0) (D:0)
Skills: Kage Bunshin no jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)
Kawarimi no jutsu (Body Switch Technique)
Henge no jutsu (Transformation Technique)
Byakugan (White Eyes)
Jyuuken style Taijutsu (Gentle Fist Style)
Hakkeshou: Kaiten (Hand of the Eight Divinations: Heavenly Spin)
Hakkeshou: Rokujuu Yonshou (Hand of the Eight Divinations: Sixty-four Palms)
Hakkeshou: Hyaku Ni Ju Hashou (Hands of the Eight Divinations: One hundred and Twenty-Eight Palms)
Hyuuga Bunke Juinjutsu (Hyuuga Branch House Curse Seal Technique)
Hakke: Kuushou (Hands of the Eight Divinations: Vacuum Punch)
Advanced Medical Knowledge
Harichakra (Chakra Needles)
Chakra Enjintou (Chakra Scalpel)
Chiyute no Jutsu (Healing Hands Technique)
Chuusuusei Biribiri (Central Nervous System Electrical Shock)
Shikon no Jutsu (Dead Soul Skill)
Bakuretsufuu (Exploding Seal)
Genjutsu Kai (Genjutsu Release)
Goguoufuuin (Five-part Seal)
Goguoukaiin (Five Part Unseal)
Haritsuba (Spitting Needles)
Kage Shuriken no Jutsu (Shadow Shuriken no jutsu)
Kanashibari no Jutsu (Body Freeze Technique)
Kishibari no Jutsu (Tree Bind Technique)
Chameleon no jutsu (Chameleon no jutsu)
Konohagakure no jutsu (hiding in the leaves no jutsu)
Suterusu no jutsu (Stealth Technique)
Sugakure no jutsu (Infiltration Technique)
gifted learner
capable of recomposing chakra (wind,lightning)
elemental bullets
Ryouka: 200
Inventory: 10 kunai, 5 shurikens, 10 exploding notes, exploding note stamp, Kusari Kamma
Background: Crim was lucky enough to be born into a very highly honored family. At the same time, he was unlucky. His life from the moment he was born had already been decided. He would be beloved and praised by many and would eventually be the head of the most respected family in the village, but that also meant a lot was expected from the little boy.

Crim's childhood was full of studying. Not only did he have to train in the fighting style handed down through generations of the Hyuuga Family, but also, he had to train his mind as well. For that fact, Crim did not have many friends when he was young. His only friend was his cousin, who was about the same age as him and thus had to study just like him. To Crim, his cousin had the better life, his training seeming not as hard as his own. His cousin didn't have to strive to be the best, and if he was, he would be punished. Crim yearned to have a life like that, a life that didn't have to be perfect.

His personality, once happy and friendly became cold, easily seen in his eyes. Even his dearest cousin, the person Crim cares for the most in his family, feels his emotionless wrath from time to time.