Name: Inuzuka, Mujin
Age: 12
Village: Mist village
Rank: Academy Student
Missions: (S:0) (A:0) (B:0) (C:0) (D:0)
Skills: None
Inventory: None
Background: father was a samurai for mist village. mother was grand daughter of tsume inuzuka. paw (mother of mujin) got pregnant and both paw and gouki resigned. Gouki became a eel fisherman and Paw a stay at home mom. Gouki's brother Haito,also a samurai for mist village and a single man, spent lots of time with the family and grew to know Mujin very well. When Mujin was 3 his mother and father were assassinated by a sand ninja. Haito took Mujin as his own and rised his as his own.

Mujin Inuzuka:
User Image

Gouki Kanakura:

Ibuki Inuzuka:
User Image

Haito Kanakura:
User Image