The frown nearly made Kitambi snicker. He must have thought he was really good at it. She hated to burst his bubble, but he had to make mistakes if he was going to learn. Not everyone could be a perfectionist like herself. The cub bobbed her head when he said he was going to stay, standing up as a signal that she was done as well. "Not a problem." At the mention of her mother, Kitambi really did snicker. "You won't find her, you know. Come by tomorrow morning, and I'll teach you how to dance. That way, when she gets back you'll have something to show her." With a flick of her tail, the cub turned and headed back towards her tree.

Tomorrow morning she would assume her role as teacher and pride leader, in the stead of her mother. It was a weight that shouldn't sit on cub shoulders, but it did nonetheless. Either way, Kitambi tried to think of the meeting in a positive light. Nsundu would surely praise her for it. Still, she would have to use all her knowledge if she was going to help this cheetah get good at anything. But Kitambi was confident that she could do it.