ok im not sure this in the right place or not but i thought that this post would have a better shot at being read in the subforum....

ok i have a very bad anxiety issue

every now and then i get reall y bad panic attacks. and i always feel unsafe unless im witha group of people i know or im at home its kinda like iv got my very own safe zones. i feel unsafe at home on a floor with no one on it but me. i just always have theses thoughts in my head...

some one could break into my house and kill me, some one could bring a gun to school and kill my and my friends, i could all the sudden start to day (like a heart attack or something) and no one would be around to save me, this elevater could drop any second and i could die, if i screw up i might ruin the rest of my life and then i would hate my self to my dieing day, this could be the last time i see my friends before they die, i might amount to nothing when i grow up, this school bus/car could crash and kill me and everyone i have close to me in here, this video game could eletricute me and i could die without even beating a stupid hamtaro video game (lol) , a earth quake could start and kill me any second, a plane could crash into my house (i live by a air port), and i could go on and on. it gets realy stupid believe me.

and then ill run to a loved one and feel safe! or atleast safer. it doesnt even make sense! i fall asleep paraniod night after night. i freak out randomly. people are starting to think im wierd. it seriesly starting to screw with my mind. iv told my mom but she just says it a anxiety disorder but i havnt really told her ALL of this.

i know this is long but your advice is very much appressated (spelling sucks lol) please help me.