Name: Tama Maria
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 114 lbs
Appearance: (it would be best to draw out your own person so that he could be put into the manga)
Weapon: (any kind of weapon can be used)
Side: Reaper's work, but on Humans
Powers: Sub-Zero ((Brings down the temperature in the human body)) Fog (( a mist starts to appear and you can barely see))
Extra Ability: Snow storm (( Freezing temperatures while it snows)) Blizzard ((The most powerful attack, freeze's opponnets instantly ))
History: At a young age, she lost her parents and went to live in foster care and was abused. When this happened, another side of Tama was created. Tama has a very unnusual gift that has to deal with the cold, no matter what, even in the hottest temperature, she can stay cool. As she had gotten older, she started to control the cold temperature. One touch from her can just give you a chill up the spine, so she wears gloves to protect others.

The way that she became a reaper is still unknown to people this day. But once she turns into a reaper, her alter ego is set out to do the work. Tama lives on Earth even though she's a reaper.