Name: Harken
Gaia name: Aricia Kylie
Age(in wolf years): 4
Description: User Image
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Background: Was born into a loner's world left when he was 3 to find happiness with his loner mate Kota
Demon or no (aka powers or not): no

Name: kota
Gaia name: aricia kylie
Age(in wolf years): 3
Description: User Image
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Background: Was born a loner and found Harken when he journeyed through the forest where she lived, they fell in love and became mates. Kota is expecting Harken's pups.
Demon or no (aka powers or not): no

Name: Toka
Gaia name: aricia kylie
Age(in wolf years): not yet born
Description: User Image
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Background: daughter of Kota and Harken
Demon or no (aka powers or not):

Name: Satkai
Gaia name: aricia kylie
Age(in wolf years): not yet born
Description: User Image
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Background: son of Harken and Kota
Demon or no (aka powers or not): no

Gaia Name: aricia kylie
Age: 5
Description: User Image
Backround:Was born a loner, left his parents to start his own pack. He can be controlling and is sometimes short tempered. Very protective of ones close to him.

Gaia name: aricia kylie
Age(in wolf years): 4
Description: User Image
Sexuality sad Gay, Straight, Or bi)straight
Backround (optional):She was born a loner, abandoned at one year. Wants to have a family.
Demon or no (aka powers or not):none

Name: Hawksong
Gaia name: aricia kylie
Age(in wolf years): not yet born
Description: black and red with yellow eyes
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Background: son of Soto and Fenrir
Demon or no (aka powers or not): can fortell the future through the plants and animals of the forest.
User Image