Well I thought I'd put up a sample of my writing, it's far from finished and alot to do really. But it will get there smile

In The Grip Of Things

A STORY BY sasha656
This story is copyright © to Sasha 2007. All Rights Reserved


The end of Space War One came suddenly for the Draconian Empire, the Star Alliance had all but destroyed the Empire. The free races of the Alliance had brought peace to the fifty star systems that had made up the Empire. Now only a few planets remained most of them were under heavy blockade. The Draconian leaders had for the most part been captured only a few remained at large. The war had happened because of the Empire's slavery of lesser creatures. If the subservent races where not of pure most had suffered. The Draconians where of a strange mix breed of mostly dragon heritage. It was mixed with that of the fox species for the most part they looked like dragons but some feaures of their mix did show. The war had raged for nearly ten solar years, both sides had encountered terrible losses. Days after the end of the war starbases along the new Neutral Zone picked up a weak signal it was bosted to all the stations along the line and sent to the core worlds of the Alliance.

A large Draconian came onto the screen, it did not look to good at the time.

"This is not the end... This is only the beginning. We will prepare, we will grow stronger. When the time is right we will emerge and take our rightful place as the supreme power of the universe!"

With that the signal ended, the Alliance tried to pin point the exact location from where the signal had come from. The signal was lost in the Geminni star cluster. They never found where it's exact location was.


The Calico cat was late and she knew it, she'd been engineer on the SS Starlight Runner for over a year now. Like all of her kind she had left home at fifteen and started to make her way in the world. Very few used her real name and she liked it much better that way, to most of the peole on the Runner she was know as Patches.

The Runner was a class five miranda heavy cargo carrier fitted with a class six FTL drive. Patches was carrying a large bag of partts and such on a anti-grav pallet was a medium sized industrial replicator unit. Behind it a large Tigress was pushing ever so slightly on the rear of the device and watching at it slipped up into the cargo hold.

"Heya Annie, how's it going?" asked Patches.

The Tigress blinked, unlike the rest of the females of her homeworld she was quite muscled. She looked up and over to Patches.

"Heya Patches, Henry is looking for you and boy is he upset..your late by three hours how many drive parts did you get. Or did you make the parts yourself?" Annie teased.

"Awww sod off Annie, where is the boss anyway?"

"Bridge, you know as soon as this is loaded we're out of here"

"Where to?"

"Oh not to sure about that best to ask Henry that"