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Sandbox Style Wolf roleplaying. 

Tags: Wolves, Wolf, Roleplay, Family, Wind 

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Teh Faust's Characters

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Teh Faust

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:02 pm
It's a ebil bunneh! --->User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Hmm...Right then. I'll post all of them when I freakin' want to. What? >> I don't like to be rushed.
0MG T3H RAND0M!!!!!1!1

...Sorry. ^^;

Guess I should make a list of the ones I'll post.

[ ]Nero[ ]
[ ]BR[ ]
PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:22 am
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Name: It be Jun, bitches. Dont'chu ferget dat!
Gaia name: Teh Faust
Age(in wolf years): It be rude ta ask a lady's age...Fine. Adult in them wolfie years, and I be twenty two in human years. Happy now? Geez...
Description: Damn, y'all blind er somethin'?
Meh & meh ya blind bastards! Oh, and by tha way, I is six foot two, so don't even tink of messin' wit me! (Wolf picture will come later)
Gender: Well, since I obviously have a set o' boobs and no d**k, I must be a friggin' girl.
Sexuality: Teh boys only...That means I'm straight ya stupid sack o' nuts!
Favorite Saying: You've gots a pair of legs so git up and use 'em.
Background: Whuut? I gotta tell me life story? Don't wanna. -Whu?...You'll shave my tail iffen I don't? NUUH! Not my purtyful tail!...Fine. Damn, y'all are meaner than a rattlesnake. Alrighty, listen up...My story ain't got rainbow ponies er none of that s**t, but it's still my life...
I was born in a forest away from civil'zation. Me parents owned a big a** mansion, so I lived a purty good life fer a time. It was away from tha town of humans and secluded from tha other cruelties of the outside world. In tha house lived me ma, me daddy, me aunt and uncle along wit they three kids (one ran away when me uncle disappeared witout a freakin' trace). Den there was the three of us, my brother Zeke, my other brother Kalis, and me, the littlest of three young'ins. We were tha few living members left in our family. All had perished over the years. It didn't really matta ta me. Yet it would in time. But back ta me life...What seemed like Paradise to a young'in ended when I wus the age of six. Dat's when it all changed. Dat's when the nightmare started. To dis day, I wish it neva happened. I just wish...Oh, sorry dude. I'm startin' ta ramble.

It all happened so fast. First, our house caught on fire. I dunno why. It just...happened. Ma & Daddy made it outside. Even'tally, my broders and I made it out too. My aunt Emerald and my two cousins Annamarie and Cole twern't so lucky. Already overcome wit the loss of our beloved home, de humans came...At least...I thought dey were humans. My memory is very faint nowadays...Yeah, dey were definitely humans. We watched as Daddy was killed protecting us. Den Ma fell. After dat...we ran.We took refuge in tha forest. Zeke said dat ever'thing would be ok. 'e said tings would git betta...My brother was very brave. Blinded at a younger age, but 'e still had high hopes fer us. I tink we must have been cursed by bad luck. Tha humans found us...Kalis and I...We had to bury our big brother. Tings were gettin' betta over time. My brother took care of me. He promised dat 'e would protect me. I wish I had my strength den because iffen I did, maybe I could have protected 'im too. But I couldn't. I was left by the same damn horrible humans who took everything from me! Dey destroyed my home, dey killed my family, dey hurt me bad! To this day, my face and my body is scarred from a human who was paid to kill us all. Because of him, I 'ate all humans! I 'ate dem all!...and if it twern't for Scarlett...I would have died.

...Sorry. I'm lettin' my rage take ova me...But dis all was a long time ago. To dis day, I still miss me family, but my sorrow won't keep me from movin' forward. I gots a pair of legs, I might as well use 'em. Nowadays, I travel all ova. And I tell ya, I've met some strange folks here and dere. But I've made a good bit o' friends. I even found my cousin Onyx! She ran away from home when I was five and I figured she wus dead. But it's good ta at least have one family member runnin' 'round. She's crazier den hell, and we fight a lot, but I am very thankful dat she's still kickin'...I hope ta...keep goin'. And find some good fights along tha way, 'cause that's always more fun den havin' a eatin' contest with Onyx.
Demon or no (aka powers or not):
Ok dude, I will take over for this section. : D Jun is what you would call a hybrid. Her mother was an angelic wolfie while her daddy was a wolfie demon. >>; So, she's a bona-fide mutt! ^^; Uh-huh. So, being the offspring of two creatures who and wings, she's gots her own! Black angelic wings to be precise. Yayz. But Jun doesn't like 'em too much. X[ So, she learned a magic spell or whatever it's called that make her wings disappear. Pretty clever, eh? ; ) Ya. And being a wolfie and all, she can turn into a wolf anytime she wants. 'Course she always runs about in her human-y form so she can kick a**. xD And, aother part about being a wolfie is her heightened senses! (i.e. hearing, sight, & smell) Oh yeah! 8D But I have to say, her greatest power is her freakin' insane strength! 0_o; Not only does she combine different fighting styles together to create her own and uses flippy moves like a gymnist or something, but her strength is nothing to laugh at. >>; One punch can shatter bones, a kick could smash a boulder or two. So, yeah. Look out bitches. <.< Jun mostly relies on that strength of her's so she ain't much of a magic user.

Teh Faust

Teh Faust

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:58 pm
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Name: My Mum named me Onyx.
Gaia Name: Teh Faust
Age(in wolf years):Adult, but I forgot exactly how old I is...Late twenties maybe?
Description: Oh, am I so hot that I blinded you with my hotness? Fine, here's a pic. Love my shoesBe Jealous Six foot beauty with sexy shoes coming through! (Wolf picture will come later)
Gender: Well, let's see...A pair of boobs,a feminine figure and female reproductive systems...Girl. Duh.
Sexuality: Seeing as how I make guys drool and girls are jealous of me, I'm straight as a ruler, hon.
Favorite Saying: I want to be loved for me, not for my pretty face.
Background: You wanna know my story? Alright, no need for threats. Let's see...
I was born in a beautiful mansion that belonged ta my aunt and uncle. I lived there with my mum and dad, my brother and sister, my aunt and uncle and their three young'ins. It was a great place though I didn't like babysitting my cousins all the time.(they could never stay in one place very long) My parents were so freakin' happy together too. They were like the perfect couple and my mum always was most happy when my dad was with her. It's like her cold heart melted away whenever he was around. I mean seriously, it was like little pink cartoony hearts floated around my mum's head 'cause she was so head over heels for my dad. Mushy gooey lovey. Yech. It's really weird 'cause Mum could get really mean if anyone crossed her. Not very tolerant. But beautiful. Dad used to call her his 'Angel of the Dark.' Makes sense too 'cause Mum was an angelic wolf with long curly black hair and piercing emerald green eyes. But I'm gettin' off subject.

Yah, things were great. Until one day when Daddy disappeared. Without a trace...We never heard from him again. Mum took it real hard. She hardly ever smiled anymore, and I could see the life leave from her. If it weren't for the fact that she had three kids to take care of, Mum would have died. I just know it.Like lovebirds. If one died, the other will die too so they could be with their lover forever. But I didn't like seeing Mum that sad. So, without really thinking clearly, I packed up my things and ran away from home. Yep, you heard me. A pretty little girl about eight ran away from home. Wasn't I a brave little b***h? Nah. First thing I had in my mind was to find my daddy. To bring him home so Mum would stop crying.

Years went by. I didn't find him. And like any other living person, I got older. I learned to fight, and I had made a good bit of money working odd jobs. I also became pretty wary of the world since I had become a frequent traveler. However, I was about sixteen perhaps when I finally returned home. What I found wasn't a good thing at all. The house was burned down, and there wasn't a trace of life anywhere. My curiousity got the best of me. See, for some freakish reason, we had a family graveyard in the backyard. Uh-huh. Graveyard. Had all my family's ancestors buried in it. But to my horror...When I went wandering through it...I found a grave that had my mum's name carved into it with a stone...I also found my brother and sister's...My aunt and uncle's...My two cousins Kalis and Zeke...But sooner or later I figured out that there wasn't a grave for my youngest cousin Jun. Was she still alive?...That, this pretty lady didn't know.

Not really knowing what esle to do, I went back to traveling. What else could I do? Sure, i was upset, but that didn't stop me from becoming a party girl. Yeah, I loved (and I still do) to go partying at clubs with friends. (Relax, I rarely ever brought a man home). I mean seriously! It's so fecking annoying 'cause guys only liked me 'cause I was a pretty face...What? Male wolves? Bah, their all obsessed with butt sex as far as I can tell. Screw that s**t...Aside from my hate of the male mind, things were ok. But, what I didn't expect was to run into my little cousin Jun a few years ago. Hadn't changed much. Still a tomboyish b***h who talks funny. I also recently heard rumors of a dude who sounds 100 percent like my daddy. I'm gonna find him. And if he is my daddy...I'm gonna punch him square in the face when I see him!
Demon or no (aka powers or not):
Unlike her cousin, Onyx is full blooded angelic wolfie. >> Since being reunited with Jun, she learned that spell to hide her wings 'cause Onyx also thinks they get in the way. Yeah, Jun and Onyx basicly have the same fighting skills, so they make a pretty damn good team. :3 Greatly heightened senses, and insane strength that could make a guy piss himself seems to suit Onyx just fine. :]
PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:50 pm
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Name:...I was given the name Scarlett.
Gaia Name:Teh Faust
Age(In wolf years):...I've forgotten how old I am.
Description: ...My appearance,Another picture.
Gender:...Obviously female.
Sexuality:...I prefer a good guy.
Micheal...I love you...Do...you still dream about me?
Favorite Saying:...Once a monster, always a monster.
I can't remember my early childhood. If it weren't for myself having to care for my little brother when he was born, I would believe that I didn't have a childhood at all. That I was just born out of shadow already an adult. But this is of no concern to me.
I am a sinner. How many things have I done, I wonder. I can never forgive myself for so many bad things I've commited. My story should never be told at all. Things have been shitty from the very beginning. For you see, people fear me. They loathe me. All for what I am. I've been called a monster for years. I remember my brother would cry because of the hateful things said about us. But I would never let anyone harm my brother. I stopped his tears by silencing the ones who percecuted us for good. He was never bothered when I took a life. All he knew was that the person would never upset him again. My brother was and still is my happiness. The only reason I have to live.If something ever happens to Nero, I don't know what I'd do.
I will never tell all my story. No matter what you say, you cannot make me. So piss off.
More recent years, I went into the care of a little hybrid girl by the name of Jun. Her parents were old friend of mine, and they asked me to care for her, should anything happen to them. It was like they knew it would all happen because when little Jun was six years old, her family was killed. And I kept my promise. Little Jun was a ball of energy when her wounds healed. She hated to listen to me. Absolutely hated it. Always wanted to do whatever the hell she pleased. Of couse, I punished her like mother should. My word was and still is law, so she should've damn well listened to me. But I could never call her my child. I am not fit to be a real mother. I am...unloveable...Years went by and Jun grew up fast. I taught her to fight, and protected her from harm. Eventually, I let her go off on her own when we met up with Onyx. I check up on her every now and then, but I am usually on my own now. But, not for long because I founded my brother. He hadn't changed at all. I'm glad. He's always so goofy and never serious. Which is ok, because he is the only one who ever made me laugh.
Demon or no (aka powers or not):
Yo. :] Faust here to update you on Miss Scarlett. She's a full-blooded shadow demon. With a serious mouth on her.>>; Anyway, Scarlett's pretty powerful. Not only can she control the shadows around her, they also makes her stronger. But she can't stand light and even a hint of sunlight or bright light would burn her sensitive skin. Still, she's a force to be reckoned with. :3 Her red fingernails can extend to freakin' long extremely sharp blades that aren't made of metal but look and sound like it. 0_o; Scarlett can also create clones of herself using of course, shadow. >> She can make daggers out of shadow that she shoots through the air with a flick of her wrist. In fact, Scarlett's shadow is living. Sorta. ^_^; It's all flowy like a flame, and it she doesn't want you close to her, she can make tentacle like thingys out of her shadow and attack you! DX Freakish.
Even Scarlett's blood is weird. It's black and oozy, and it can attack you too! Beware. Seriously. ><; Whoo, there's so much Scarlett can do. Including a freakin' awesome technique where she makes a black shield over her body and her eyes get all glowy. (she can make her eyes glow anyway, but it looks cooler when she's like that) <3

Teh Faust

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