
Name: Lucy Balmont
Age: 20
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Abilities: N/A
Personality: A spoiled princess from her earliest days, Lucy is accustomed to getting her way. She's flirtatious, mischievous, and afflicted with a wild wanderlust. By her own accounts, she's Antha's only friend ('excluding family and associates') and takes the position very seriously. Her only goal in life is to join the Mayfair family and eventually share grandchildren with Antha.
History: Lucy is the only child of a prestigious and wealthy family, adored by both of her doting parents. She took an interest in the Mayfairs at an early age and at thirteen she sought them out and forced her way into their company. At sixteen she developed a habit of following attractive men abroad and wandering
from country to country.

Name: Tyler McClair
Age: 16
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Abilities: N/A
Personality: Wild, loud, outlandish, and somewhat goofy. He's friendly and has a peculiar charm which makes him very popular, though he's very focused on his inner circle of friends. In denial that he’s in love with Gretchen, and also occasionally exhibits bi-curious tendencies, particularly towards Alistair. His best friends are Holt and Alistair.
History: Tyler was raised in London but sent to Osiris City as an exchange student when his father, a government official, was promoted and began traveling for work, fearing the havoc his son would wreak if he was left at home alone. He made friends with Holt very quickly at the start of high school and was the one to bring his group of friends together, despite their conflicting personalities, interests, and stations. He usually acts as unofficial leader of the group.


Name: Gretchen West
Age: 16
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Abilities: Though human, she occasionally seems to exhibit a very slight sixth sense, perhaps hinting at a witch somewhere distantly in her lineage.
Personality: Brutally straightforward, combative, and easily aggravated, but fiercely loyal. She is often described as a tomboy and despises anything ‘girly’. In denial that she’s in love with Tyler. Her best friends are Katie and Alistair.
History: Gretchen grew up in Manhattan to Bohemian parents, despising the unstable lifestyle. She applied to Sacred Heart on her own, seeking a fresh start, and was admitted with academic scholarships. She’s one of the few people in the city that has no interest in or regard for the rumors concerning the Mayfairs and supernatural creatures.


Name: Holt Conner
Age: 16
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Abilities: N/A
Personality: Wild, invasive, good-humored, and somewhat conceited. He has an obsession with Antha Mayfair for which he is often teased. He's known for being particularly dense and not picking up on most signals. His best friends are Tyler and Alistair.
History: Holt is the youngest of six children in a somewhat prestigious family, and has spent his life acting out for attention. He was sent to board at Sacred Heart with the hopes that it would help straighten him out.

Name: Katie Jenkins
Age: 16
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Abilities: N/A
Personality: Bubbly, cheerful, energetic, and friendly. She is secretly obsessed with manga, particularly shoujo and BL, which often leaks over onto her view of the world, and loves things that are ‘girly’. She has a crush on Alistair. Her best friends are Gretchen and Liesse.
History: Katie is from a middle-class background, a native of Osiris City, and of average abilities. Her parents work hard to pay for her to attend Sacred Heart, making her a much more dedicated student than her friends. She was intensely bullied in the beginning of her freshman year for being poor (in comparison to her elite blue-blooded classmates) but Gretchen defended her, leading to their close friendship.

Name: Sid Mittal
Age: 16
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Abilities: N/A
Personality: Quiet, stoic, and mysterious. He has an interest in writing but very little else. His girlfriend is Rowan Mayfair, though he is aware of her infidelities and detachment and seems to dislike her, assuming that breaking up with her is more trouble than it is worth. Though he displays little preference, he seems closer to Gretchen than the rest of his friends, and occasionally seems as if he might have a slight crush on her.
History: Very little is known about Sid, only that he came to Sacred Heart from Baltimore and has the innate mannerisms of someone from an upper-class background. Despite living in the dorms with everyone else, he has a car.

Name: Allen Meyers
Age: 17
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Abilities: N/A
Personality: Prudish, occasionally stuck-up, and reserved. Though he doesn’t get along very well with Tyler’s group, he seems to be intrigued by them and often hangs out with them. In school, however, he is more likely to scorn them. His best friend is Geoff Parker.
History: Allen is from a new money family, barely considered upper-class, and so works very hard to fit in and excel at Sacred Heart. He’s the secretary of the student council and takes his position of authority very seriously.

Name: Blaine Rodgers
Age: 17
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Abilities: N/A
Personality: Cocky and flirtatious, occasionally outlandish. Blaine is a fairly standard rich playboy known for throwing wild parties when his parents are out of town, which is at least once every three weeks. Having grown up around the Mayfairs, he’s comfortable with them and even likes to tease them about the rumors surrounding their family, though he consciously doesn’t believe them. Oddly for someone in his station, he doesn’t pay much attention to anyone else’s social or financial standing.
History: Blaine is from one of the oldest and richest families in Osiris City and the only heir to their fortune. Like the Mayfairs, his privileged upbringing has left him somewhat out of touch with the real world and he tends to coast through life without much thought to anything.

Name: Claire Leonelli
Age: 19
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Abilities: None
Personality: Since an early age Claire has been looked upon as an extremely peculiar boy, most going so far as to suggest he be put in a mental ward. Most of the things he says are out of line and commonly rude or hurtful, though he doesn't give a damn. And besides insane, the words that most often come to people's lips when describing him is 'devil may care'.
History: Claire's father was the don of the Leonelli family, one of the most powerful families in the present day mafia. But only a few months earlier he was assassinated by some unknown enemy and Claire was left in charge, starting off his path with the ghastly act of setting off a grenade at his father's funeral. It was also at the funeral that he met Antha Mayfair, in whom he took an immediate and quite peculiar interest. And somehow his acts seem to amuse her so she sticks around, a bad move for her part certainly but her choice nonetheless. Nowadays, he spends his money and power playing games with the other members of the mafia, even his own family. And 95% of these, it can be noted, deal with explosions, 'fireworks' he calls them.
Other: 'Vampire' is his title, an old tradition passed along for the head of the family.

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Jacob Gripling
For a good portion of his life he's worked for the Mayfair family, spending his days in Mayfair Manor to assist anyone in the house if they call for him. Many Mayfairs even consider him a part of their family, seeing as how he knows their secrets and origins as well as half of them.