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+Rotting Lunacy+
Username: +Rotting Lunacy+
Name: Antha Evelyn Mayfair
Age: 19
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Abilities: Thought to be the most powerful witch who ever lived, rivaled only by her legendary ancestor Deborah Mayfair. Antha has a wide variety of powers at her disposal, from effortless mind reading and telepathy to eerily detailed precognition to pyrokinesis and flawless astral projection. She is at great comfort with spirits, and possesses the power to collect matter to them and make them solid for short periods of time. Known on frequent occasion to speak with the departed as freely as she would any living being. She is also the first to take control over the Mayfair pet spirit, a being older than recorded time that has been worshipped by various civilizations as a God.
Personality: Few who know Antha, or even know of her, will hesitate to describe her as a psychopath. While the ability to think clearly does not escape her, she chooses to think as a lunatic would and act accordingly. Shamelessly fickle and scandalously flirtatious, the list of creatures unfortunate enough to fall in love with Antha is nearly endless and she never hesitates to take advantage of them. Beyond that, she is strong-willed and undeniably clever with a distinct touch of wickedness, and occasionally downright cruelty. She is greatly amused by her endless sexual conquests, and delights in the complete political power she holds over her city. She has appropriately been nicknamed 'the brat princess', or by those less familiar with her 'princess Mayfair'.
History: Antha's mother died in giving birth to her, leaving her alone with a legal father, Leon, who was not a Mayfair and had been trapped into his loveless marriage with Mary Beth by the conception of Antha, whom he was fooled into believing was his own. When he realized Antha was not his, he hid her away from the world, claiming she had died with her mother, and kept her as a prisoner in the attic of Satis House for nine years with only the umbra for company. It was at the end of these nine years that Leon was found murdered in his bed and Antha was released to take her place as Designee of the Legacy of her family. She developed a curious bond with her generation over time, giving her an undeniable power over them while simultaneously drawing them closer together than Mayfairs had recently dared. Then, with her family linked together through her, Antha proceeded to make friends with other authority figures of Osiris City in her own distinctive manner. In the present, most people will venture to say that Antha Mayfair above all others rules their city---'Princess Mayfair, the puppet master at the end of all our strings.'
Other: She is the only known witch besides Deborah Mayfair to have all three marks of the witch, though her sixth finger was chopped off when she was an infant, leaving the slightest scar on the side of her hand. She is also the first in three generations to wear the iconic Mayfair emerald around her neck at all times, even in her sleep, and is often seen clasping it as one would a charm.

Name: Nicolae Mayfair
Age: 23 (20 when turned)
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Abilities: Quite impressive psychic powers that have made him one of the mainstream Mayfairs.
Personality: The equal and opposite of his twin, Malakai. Nicolae is extremely outlandish, reveling in the spotlight---positive or negative. He is a very wild and energetic creature, infinitely charismatic, and incredibly self-involved. His temper is said to be a truly terrible thing, invoked at the slightest offense and raging for days to weeks on end. He is fiercely loyal to his younger sister Antha, his first lover, whom he regards as the great love of his life and over whom he has fought many a man out of jealousy.
History: Described in his youth as 'a handful', a charming young boy that always seemed to find trouble and carefully avoid the consequences with his dazzling smiles. He was always very curious about the world and the people in it, ever badgering those who came across him. In the absence of the Designee of the Legacy, he came to rule over his generation for some years, leading to a number of events that plague his cousins and siblings even in the present. In his twentieth year, at the height of his youthful splendor, he was targeted by the ex-Mayfair vampire Garland (referred to as the 'great blood-traitor') as the beginning of his grand project and by him forced into the life of a vampire. He joined Khayman's coven, at his sister's request, and is thought dead by most of the Mayfair family as he fears to reveal his transformation to them.

Name: Malakai Mayfair
Age: 23
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Abilities: His skills in normal witching abilities are mediocre, but he has the very curious ability to see and manipulate souls.
Personality: The perfect equal and opposite of his twin, Nicolae. Malakai is a quiet, calm, and generally very sweet boy. He's occasionally shy, blushes very easily, and is described by most as having the personality of a cat. Never one to lose his temper or play the condescending games his cousins are so fond of, Malakai is a very well-liked and respected member of the Mayfair family. He is fiercely loyal to his younger sister Antha in the traditional sense of sibling affection (as opposed to the Mayfair sense of the same bond) and often to be found in the company of his deeply beloved father, Michael York. He has something of a complex due to always being compared to his charming, vibrant twin and always being outshined by him and, to a lesser degree, his other cousins.
History: His abandonment by his mother has made Malakai awkward and nervous around women, and consequently he has trouble forming relationships with them. He had one girlfriend for a while in high school, Melody, whom he loved but cheated on him with Dorian during a party. Afterwards, Antha drove her out of town on threat of death and Malakai never managed to form an attachment to a girl again. Having no particular ambitions for himself, he works for the family's various charities

Rynn Calais
Name: Dorian Mayfair
Age: 22
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Personality: Romantic to the core---prone to girls and carries a flower or lollipop with him at all times. Should he be spoken to, he'll form only poetry and should he be spoken harshly to, he'll only smile coldly with the deepest of loathing behind his eyes.
History: Though he was often looked down upon for his wild escapades and disappearing acts, Dorian was always a charmer and so was able to slide away from most trouble.

Name: Michael Mayfair
Age: 47
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Abilities: Rather impressive psychic powers, including a very strong sight for phantoms.
Personality: He is usually on the more quiet and withdrawn side, but overall he's a very cheerful person and loves everyone in his family dearly, even Antha, the child of the woman he loved and another man.
History: Unbeknownst to him until of recent, he had a thin trace of Mayfair blood in his veins, lost because his ancestor Madeleine was given up for adoption by her birth mother, Babette Mayfair, but until then was only part of the family because of his marriage to Mary Beth Mayfair. It was by him, supposedly, that she bore Nicolae and Malakai, whom he cherishes with all his heart and soul. And when she left him, she signed Mayfair Manor over to him legally until the time when she bore a daughter and he currently resides there with Malakai, the remaining son as he is called, Oncle Julien, the ancient Stefan, and any other members of the family that need a place to stay.

Name: Julien Mayfair
Age: Unknown. Appears to be in his mid to late 30's.
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Abilities: A talented witch, surpassed only by his niece and nephew, Antha and Nicolae.
Personality: People are often heard to say that Julien would be greatly beloved if it weren't for his conquests. In spreading his genes throughout the Mayfair family, he has generated a handful of b*****d Mayfair sons and daughters who despise him for it. In this way, the young Mayfairs have all turned against him, railing against his controlling nature and the care he tries to provide for him. Yet curiously, one cannot deny the great influence he has had over them, from his decidedly French flair to his scholarly nature.
History: He was born in Mayfair Manor as was his elder sister Mary Beth. He was, however, greatly saddened and almost angered when she decided to marry out of the family. And while his heart did eventually soften towards Michael, especially when it was discovered that he was a distant Mayfair, he always harbored a deep hatred towards her second husband, Leon. He himself never married and possesses no legal children of his own, but instead has invested himself into the care of the family as a whole, preparing for the day that Stefan will die and leave him as head of the family, a position affectionately called 'lapdog to the Designee' by the other Mayfairs.

Name: Pierce Mayfair
Age: 22
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Abilities: Considerably powerful witching abilities, particularly in perception.
Personality: Coy and suave, Pierce is one of the Mayfair playboys. He highly values his independence, possibly because he despises both of his parents, and hates to be tied down. However, he is interested in fashion due to his mother's career and aims to be a stylist. He takes a great amount of pride in his appearance and enjoys styling his cousins. He's been in love with Lucy Balmont since he was fifteen.
History: Pierce's parents had a terrible marriage, for which he suffered as a small child, and divorced when he was young. His mother had Thorne soon after and, being busy with her job as a fashion editor, Pierce was often left in charge of his little brother. He began rebelling at a young age and joined his cousins in their reign of havok as teenagers. When Antha drove his mother out of the city, she took Pierce with her to Paris by force and when he turned eighteen, he stayed to study fashion until he couldn't bear his mother any longer.


Name: Vittorio
Age: 22
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Mild psychic abilities and telekinesis, higher powers of perception.
Personality: A quiet and stoic boy, said by his cousins to have a moody disposition. He is quick to punish those deemed deserving of it, particularly outsiders who meddle in Mayfair affairs, and loyal to his family legacy to a fault.
History: Vittorio was always a big brother figure to his cousins, the one they ran to if a bully dared to pick on them or, as was much more often the case, they began to fight amongst themselves. He learned the family legacy at Stefan’s knee, his most ardent student, and made himself the enforcer of the legacy amongst his cousins.


Name: Victoria
Age: 7
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Shows signs of a sixth sense, but her powers are otherwise still developing.
Personality: A very sweet and curious young girl that loves her family ardently, particularly her doting father and loving grandfather. She’ll tell anyone who will listen that she wishes to be as loved and admired as her beautiful aunt Antha when she grows up.
History: Born the illegitimate daughter of Cyrus Mayfair and a non-Mayfair woman, Victoria was kept away from the family for the first several years of her life because her mother feared them. A very lengthy legal battle was fought for custody of the little girl, but the day she first began speaking to people that her mother couldn’t see, she handed Victoria over to her father and vanished.


Name: Belle
Age: 10
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Undeveloped as of yet.
Personality: A cheerful young girl that lives up to her given name. She has said that since her elder sister died, she must be twice as pleasing for her mother’s sake.
History: Belle’s earliest memory is the morning her mother discovered that her sister, Savannah, had disappeared from her bed. It cast a shadow over the young girl’s life, sending her mother into a depression that she never recovered from and distancing her brothers from her. At an early age she began to crave the love and attention of others, their acceptance, and to dream of the day that her generation’s Designee would be born.


Name: Kirsten
Age: 58
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Nothing worth note.
Personality: A quiet spinster of a woman, fervently religious in the way of the Mayfairs. She is a member of the group known collectively within the Mayfair family as ‘the aunts’, fond of doting on their nieces and nephews and spending their days gossiping.
History: Kirsten always felt out of place within her immediate family, born to their mother years before she was married and raised briefly by her uncle in childhood. The age gap between herself and her half-brothers and sister was considerable, and she was always terribly aware that she was the ugly duckling among them. When her sister died in childbirth, she was accused by more than one family member of being secretly glad of it.


Name: Mary Beth
Age: Died at 24
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Abilities: Considerable powers, particularly with telepathy.
Personality: A wild, vivacious, and strong willed girl, infamous for her extravagant parties and her very long record with the police. She was much beloved by her family, her brother Julien in particular, until quite suddenly she went mad and abandoned her family.
History: Mary Beth grew up a spoiled child, cherished by her loving parents and doted upon by her brothers. She decided at a young age that she ‘had no patience for school’ and was taught instead by tutors all her life in a wide range of subjects. She was said to be a very proficient musician and on their excursions she and her brother Julien, whose company she was never without, made a point of procuring all sorts of strange instruments. A hopeless romantic, she was married very young to a penniless man she had known a very short time and that her family greatly disapproved of. Some years later, she very suddenly left her husband and two young sons for a very cruel man and was said to have gone entirely mad. She died a little over a year later giving birth to her daughter, Antha.


Name: Suzette
Age: 79
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Abilities: A very strong sixth sense.
Personality: Always the perfect lady, stuck in her old-fashioned ways, Suzette is never to be seen looking any less than her best and is unfailingly gracious, kind, and warm-hearted. She oversees the personal lives of her family, advising them in matrimony mostly.
History: Suzette was the first of her generation, and for a very long time there was only herself and her cousin Stefan, with whom she formed a deep bond that has lasted their entire lives. It was thought they would marry until he fell in love with an outsider, for which she never quite forgave him, and she ended up with a non-Mayfair man that her father chose. He succumbed to the Mayfair curse shortly after the birth of their daughter, Claire-Marie, and Suzette has since lived a mostly quiet, peaceful life.


Name: Dolly Jean
Age: 21
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: A slight sixth sense and little else.
Personality: A very kind girl that suffers from a disease brought on by her inbred blood. She is extremely simple-minded, easily confused and frightened, and will do almost anything she is told to and follows the orders of her cousins unquestioningly. Strangers terrify her---men much more so than women---and when she is let out into the city by herself she loses her way very easily.
History: The youngest of her siblings, her father died just before she was born and her mother passed away several years later. She was taken in by her grandfather, Stefan, who raised her on the old stories of the family. When she became an adult and Stefan moved into Mayfair Manor, she moved in with her brother Cyrus and his young daughter, caring for her as if she were her own.

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Catherine Mayfair
She was never the most cherished of her family or even siblings, mostly for her careless attitude and frequent snide remarks. It was said before that this was probably a cry for attention, but whether it was or not she never got the much needed attention until she gave birth to two children without ever naming a father. It was at that point that she was almost disowned and finally left her family for another city, only to have her daughters quickly return to them and live with their grandfather.

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Lionel Mayfair
A very brilliant young man who has always shown a strong interest in the occult, though he was born with less than mediocre abilities. He moved out of his parents house at the age of 15, unable to stand his father and quite distant even to his mother. For three years he lived at Mayfair Manor before moving in with his cousin Vera and then a few years later his half-sister Mandy. Altogether, this produced three illegitimate children from him.

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Cyrus Mayfair
His personality was always a conflicting thing, going from kind to devious and back again in only a few minutes. It was he that Nicolae always looked up to, a fact that he's still blamed for. However, he is still a very admired individual among Mayfairs and friends alike for how hard he works at both his job and raising his daughter. And when someone needs a babysitter, it's almost always Cyrus that they call so that anytime someone visits there's a spare child running around the house.

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Stefan Mayfair
Even as a child he was always known to be exceptionally gifted as a witch, something which has yet to really fade. When something bad happens, he can usually be found descending the stairs in his home of Mayfair Manor to the best of his ability, attempting to make it to his car, until Michael or Malakai comes to help. Basically, he is the prime overseer of his family in every area even at the age of seventy-six.

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Savannah Mayfair
A young, spoiled Mayfair girl always jealous of her older cousins. She was never above threatening or blackmailing them into including her in their games, though they never did. At the age of ten, Savannah disappeared to the family's horror and the rather odd distress of her cousins, who never joined in the search for her. Her body was never found, and a funeral service was held for the girl some month later. At the present, the mention of her is still a sore subject to her cousins, particularly her elder brother Lawrence.


Name: Armand Mayfair
Age: 29
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Mediocre witching abilities, higher powers of perception.
Personality: Simultaneously a romantic and a cynic, but altogether a quite relaxed person. He's occasionally a troublemaker, in his own subtle ways, and enjoys teasing his younger cousins. Spends most of his time devising ways to translate his family's stories of romance into novels.
History: Armand is the second oldest of both Stefan's grandchildren and the tenth generation of Mayfairs, and so quickly grew used to looking after his many younger cousins. He mostly drifted through his adolescence, described by his classmates as an avid daydreamer. As a teenager, he was never able to date because Antha had a crush on him and drove away any girl he was involved with, resulting in his indifferent attitude towards relationships as an adult. However, he did begin a career as a considerably successful romance novelist, or as his cousins refer to him, a smut peddler. Though Antha claims he is actually a talented writer and encourages him to have his 'real work' published, he refuses to let anyone else read any of it.

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Rémy Mayfair
As the eldest son of Eden and Darcy Monahan, he is a very protective person when it comes to his siblings and their children, though still a very kind and warm person. Everyone loves to be around uncle Rémy, as well as his daughters, Sera and 'Millie Dear'. He often spends his days at Mayfair Manor, though he moved out at the age of 18 some 20 years earlier.

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Charlotte Mayfair
The second Mayfair woman to be born with the powers of a witch. Charlotte was always known to be a strong and independent woman who ruled her household with an iron fist, though still a ceaselessly kind woman when it came to charity. It was she who first began the establishment of the vast Mayfair fortune through clever and insightful business operations that were continued by her son Peter and many more down the line. And for her time she lived a very long life, dying at the age of 87 with 3 children and 2 grandchildren already born.

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'Millie Dear' Mayfair
A quiet and considerably dim child, though very sweet and loving. She likes to attend parties more than anything and is often the reason given for someone throwing one. And everywhere she goes she tries to drag her older sister Sera for fear of being lonely, though it's an unlikely concept.


Name: Courtland Mayfair
Age: 22
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Abilities: Highly powerful witching abilities, second only to Antha's powers.
Personality: A devil-may-care playboy, occasionally selfish or childish, with a devious, manipulative streak. Courtland is dismissed by most as a joke, superficial and foolish, but is actually keenly perceptive and clever. He's dedicated wholeheartedly to his family, loyal down to the marrow of his bones, and to Antha in particular, their relationship being considered the closest in the entire family. He's been in love with Jack since they were adolescents.
History: Courtland is Julien's illegitimate son by Julianne, who should have been past her childbearing years when she had him. Fearing the shame of the situation, Julianne hid her pregnancy and quietly handed Courtland off to the orphanage when he was born. There he was treated as an agent of the devil by the nuns, physically and psychologically abused by them and the other orphans. Stefan happened to catch sight of him on the playground when he was six and, recognizing him for a Mayfair, immediately adopted him and brought him home. Though he preferred them to the orphanage, Courtland initially hated the Mayfairs for the torture his blood had brought upon him at the orphanage. He eventually warmed to them and when Antha was brought into the family, he recognized her as being the same as he had been. They became intensely close after Nicolae's betrayal of Antha, when she used Courtland to get back at him. Courtland, feeling fiercely protective of her and lonely as Jack began to withdraw from him, attempted to pull her out of her rage and depression by breaking and remaking her in something closer to his image. Following this, they became inseparable, with Antha even risking utterly destroying Jack for the sake of Courtland's happiness. Eventually, Jack was able to admit his feelings for Courtland and the two began a relationship.

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Danny Mayfair
If he was ever known for anything, it was the way he never worked for anything in his life. Since he was a small child he used the Mayfair name and fortune to get what he wanted. It all worked for the longest time too, until finally his wife left him and most of his family gave him the cold shoulder.


Name: Jacques (Jack) Mayfair
Age: 22
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Powerful witching abilities, particularly in alteration.
Personality: Ditzy, goofy, and mischievous. Jack is the resident drug enthusiast, practical joker, and geek, being particularly fond of collecting manga, katanas, and action figures. He is very affectionate to his favorite cousins, scornful to traitors to the family, and fiercely loyal to Antha and Courtland. As discovered in the airship, Jack is particularly susceptible to dark influences, and in such a state is prone to psychotic hysteria and very quick to resort to violence and even murder.
History: Jack was conceived from his mother's fling with Julien when she and her husband were briefly separated. She didn't tell Barclay that Jack wasn't his son until he was three, causing an immense strain in their family and ultimately leading to Jack being sent to live at Mayfair Manor, leading to his inevitable hatred of Julien. It took Jack a great deal of time to recover from his abandonment, at which point he declared himself an orphan and disowned his immediate family. When Courtland was discovered, the two quickly bonded and became inseperable until, as a teenager, Jack began to have sexual feelings towards him which he rejected completely, fearing being ostracized as abnormal. When Courtland pursued his own feelings for him, Jack attempted to sever their bond altogether, leading Courtland into acute despair. Antha, freshly wounded by Nicolae's betrayal, sided with Courtland and decided to fulfill his desire no matter the cost, psychologically breaking Jack and piecing him back together so that he didn't care what people thought of him, allowing him to admit his feelings for Courtland. Subsequently, his entire demeanor changed due to Antha's manipulation. His cousins theorize that this is the source of his dark, psychotic side that is brought out by the slightest provocation of dark influences.

Name: Eleanor Mayfair
Age: 15
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Personality: A quiet child, speaking only of depressing and irregular subjects which seem to terrify those around her. She could, in many ways, be called cold-hearted.

Name: Illium Mayfair
Age: 12
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Personality: She adores being adored and throws a fit when she's criticized. Under the tutelage of the Red Crayon Aristocrats she became more submissive but, upon rising through their ranks, took her anger of that memory out on new victims.

Name: Lawrence Mayfair
Age: 26
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Personality: Much like Antha in his dedication to his family and his secret hatred of them. Outwardly, however, he's merely a stoic and unhappy lawyer working at Mayfair and Mayfair under his father.

Name: Garland Mayfair
Age: Appears 31
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Abilities: Several psychic abilities left over from his mortal time as a Mayfair, included in which are precognition, mind reading, and the ability to wield fire.
Personality: As when he was a mortal, Garland is best described as a womanizer, the oncle Julien of his generation. Nowadays, he's a somewhat cruel and cold creature who lives for the thrill of the hunt.
History: When he was turned, it was by Sleet himself who wished to see what kind of vampire a witch would make. As it turns out, they make the very best. He was once the caretaker of his family, hopelessly dedicated to them, but when he was turned he began to loathe every last member of the family. At the same time, however, he wishes the stronger mainstream members to be turned as he was, a plan that was started with Nicolae Mayfair.

Hell Is Upon Us

Name: Thorne Mayfair
Age: 22
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Abilities: a slight sixth sense.not much more than that.
Personality: troublemaker,romantic,and just plain strange
History: Hes one of the lucky Mayfairs.Not much bad has happened to him.He was kickedout of his house by his drunks of parents so he goes between Mayfair Manor and hotels.Sometimes he stays at Satis House.


Name: Rowan Mayfair
Age: 16
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Abilities: Very slight witching abilities, despite the superior pedigree of her Mayfair blood.
Personality: Frivolous, self-involved, scornful, and manipulative. Rowan is intensely conscious of her status as a high-ranking Mayfair and exploits it whenever possible. She is skilled at bending facts and events in her favor and willfully ignoring anything she dislikes. Her boyfriend is Sid, though she seems to have no particular affection for or attachment to him, frequently cheating on him.
History: Rowan was Marie Claire’s much-anticipated first daughter, a carbon copy of herself, and as such was massively spoiled by her mother and somewhat neglected by her busy father. She has a tense relationship with her older brothers, Jack and Lawrence, who dislike her even if they love her, and disliked her (now deceased) frail younger sister for stealing attention from her. She is often in open conflict with Antha, of whom she is intensely jealous and angry for being excluded from her inner circle. She became conscious of her good looks very young and prizes her appearance above all, even to the detriment of her personality. She’s a cheerleader and the proverbial ‘queen bee’ of Sacred Heart.


Name: James Mayfair
Age: 16
Appearance: User Image
Abilities: Limited almost exclusively to a slight sixth sense.
Personality: Quiet, meek, and somewhat skittish. James is a bookworm and science nerd with little social skills and no self-confidence. The stigma concerning his family makes him nervous and his attractive, talented cousins make him feel inadequate. He has a crush on Katie.
History: James is from a lesser branch of the Mayfair family and his mother is a non-witch and non-Mayfair who grew dangerously overprotective of him when she learned the truth about the family she had married into. As such, he has a complex concerning his family and anyone even mildly impressive in general, certain he is being outshined and critically judged. Even so, Thorne takes particular care to look out for him in his own way, even bringing him into his group of friends whom he knew wouldn’t judge him. He’s slowly begun to come out of his shell since joining Tyler’s group, grateful that they never look down on him and always include him, even if they like to tease him.