sorry for the caps there but please read this before you read the other topics in this area.

Firstly I'd like to apolagize for anything that might come off as offensive here. The whloe point of this area is so that I can do some posting with some disscusion that will hopefully provoke some good discussion. all my topics are my own opinions unless otherwise stated, I am VERY open minded about anything trust me on that even if it sometimes dosen't seem that way.

As a warning there MAY be some Adult discussion (nothing to bad I hope) it will stay within the terms of Gaia I promise that.

I ask that anyone participating please keep insults on the minimal. having said that a few rules and suggestions.

1. please stay as open minded as possible on any topic here.

2. speak your mind. please voice your opinion I want to know what you really think about the discussion

3. though no disallowed please try not to swear too much. though it's not been a problem so far.

4. no flaming & or trolling, no insults please.

5. there is no such thing as stupid in this area, no stupid questions, no stupid answers no stupid people.

6. be respectful, if someone happens to disagree with you so be it, defend yourself and your opinion but please be respectful about it and the topic. difference is tolerated and actually preferred here so please be open we're all friends here I hope.

7. use common sense. I cannot stress this enough.

So just as a recap I'm sorry in advance if I offend anyone, please speak your mind on the topics, and try to have a good time with some great conversation.
