
These five words that you have given us to describe mean everything and nothing to me. Honor is defined in the dictionary as follows:

Honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions

That’s what it used to be, that’s what I believe it to be. I value the old meaning of it the true honor, the way the Ancient Japanese saw it. Back then honor meant live by the sword die by the sword. When you said something… promised something you meant it. And gave your word on it. Back then I didn’t know what it meant in the old ways or the new ways. Now I do, and I prefer the old ways better. Nowadays honor is nothing more then a knife in the back, maybe the front if you’re lucky. It’s rare that I see someone who holds the old values close to them and am pleased to see the few who do. Honor has been long forgotten these days but the few who do know of its existence hold it dearly to themselves and share it only with those they feel deserve it. I hear people talk about honor all the time and what it means to them, the things I’ve heard are nothing short of a living nightmare, this word that once held so much meaning now has nothing then what those of us hold of it.

Passion, there’s a word that means a lot to a lot of people. But not in a way that it used to mean, it used to mean a love for something or someone. Now all I hear is how someone has a passion for… well lets just say some people have a very one-track mind when it comes to passion. To me it still means to love something or someone but with the heart and mind. I believe if you truly love something your “passion” for it will never die. There’s care, love and understanding of why when it comes to passion, too bad few still see that, there could be so much more potential for things if people cared more, but as we all know that day has long passed never to be seen again.

Respect, I laugh at this word now, it used to mean so much now as everything else in this list means so little to so many. What once used to mean showing someone you were honored by their presence or found something they’ve done impressive and wanted them to know you honored them now means nothing more then a power play. People demand respect and yet do nothing to earn it. Take a step and earn what you so thoroughly believe you deserve. Now not everyone is like that, there are those who do earn it and earn it with the up most care, and those people have my up most respect.

Integrity, something there’s not a lot of in this world of business, unless you count the integrity of a bank account. It means holding morals and ethics high in your life. Unfortunately many of the world’s people have forgotten this, it’s a sad and ugly thing but there it is black and white copy and paste nothing more nothing less.

Courage, now there’s a word that hasn’t strayed too far. Courage, to laugh in the face of danger or to try something few would do, or even save someone and not in the traditional saving someone from a fire. Courage goes only as far as the human spirit, which to many is not very far. It’s one of the few things that’s still seen today, courage they say can make hero’s I’m not too sure about that. Apparently I’ve been a hero to a few people in my life and it took nothing more then a smile or hug but that’s just me. Back to courage for a moment as far as I’m concerned a lot of people still have it but don’t use it.

These five words Respect, Honor, Integrity, Courage and Passion
I respect the old ways of Honor and integrity, I show passion for my work and towards my other half and to those I care about. I’m courage’s in many ways, I believe in doing what I think is right, which leads me to add one more word in here.

Truth… it’s not often one hears the truth, we hear what we want to hear and that’s that, or in most cases it’s called selective hearing. We’re all guilty of it, but if we started listening to the truth a little more often maybe these words will mean what they once used to mean. Honor will mean honor, proper respect will be shown, Integrity will be maintained, Passion will be true and honest and courage will still be as it was.

I'm happy about the things I've done. Not always happy about the results, but happy about the decisions, because I made them myself. And I think that's an important way to go through life.

What do these 56 words mean to you?