Written by KiraLight

1. This is a guild dedicated to Stephenie Meyer and her works. Please try and stay on topic.

2. Take the time to check the FAQs, subforums and the first page of the guild before you make a new topic to make sure you aren't making a repeat thread.

3. If you do start a new thread, please title them appropriately. Things like "I have a question" or "OMG!!!" are really vague so it'd be nice if the topic title explained a little bit of what the thread is about.

4. Be nice to the other members. Don't torment or bully others; this will result in a ban from the guild.

5. PLEASE BE LITERATE. A few spelling mistakes here and there is quite understandable but extreme chat speak is just plain annoying.

6. Crew members hold the right to delete or edit any thread/post they feel is breaking the rules. If threads need removal we will lock the thread with an explanation as to why we did so and put it in the Recyle Bin subforum.

7. If you have any problems feel free to contact any of the crew members.