She'd heard about the ongoings of the previous days; from the incident with the crab (which Nili had described to her, details and all), to the... amusing outcome of Tau's first brush with the female genre. Outside his own family anyhow. Needless to say Misae was amused, but her nature made it impossible for her to poke fun at the situation; in fact, as it was, she was currently lounging peacefully by the water, bathing in the sun, allowing the sea water to lap at her feet. If her instincts had warned her correctly... her son would come soon enough. It was only a matter of time.

"MOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!" The bellow could be heard far and while as cub who so echoed his unknown grandfather came racing back along the shores. He had waited a good while, long enough to make it seem as if he'd been with that horrendous female, before coming back so that he wouldn't get into more trouble with his father. That didn't mean he wasn't going to take this unfair punishment to the more sympathetic (he thought) parents. "Moom!" he whined as he drew closer and pouted at her. The boy threw himself down at her side and hide his face in her stomach.

And... there it came; the fact she'd known had absolutely nothing to do with her gift. It'd been a motherly instinct. One Misae was quite sure all females possessed... it awakened once one gave birth; she was sure of it, "Yes, love?" and ear twitched in the direction of the whine before the female raised her head where it'd been resting over her front paws. As the small cub approached, she arched a brow, mirth shinning in her red hued orbs; it seemed to peak as soon as the boy pouted and hid his head under her stomach, "Something tells me you're not entirely too happy with what destiny has for you."

"MOOOmmmmmm," He groaned again at those horrible words. The voice was muffled by the fur of her belly, however, and he had to lift his head to be truly understandable. "Mom!" he tried again. Much better this time about, "Dad's being horrible! He--he GAVE ME to a bratty little girl. You gotta tell her she doesn't own me!"

"Honey, as far as I've been told, Daddy didn't give you," she punctuated the words with a small pressure of her fore finger against his nose, a soft smile dancing about her maw, "I'm pretty sure the Ocean did that, all on it's own, did it not?" she dropped her paw on the ground then, tilting her head somewhat, her eyes hooded from the sun that hit her face, "Now then, why don't you tell your mother the whole story? I've only heard bits and pieces of it. It'd be nice to hear the thing just like it happened," oh, she knew she was in a way fueling the fire, alas, she wished to hear her son's version, "You must know that fate is fate regardless though."

Tau couldn't help it, he gaped. She wasn't going to help him?! But... but... "But..." he actually said aloud, fishing for words as his mouth moved like a fish out of the water. "but you GOTTA help me! Its not fate, its just daddy an the ocean an an KAPUKI being meany butts! She doesn't own me!" He tried to divert attention away from her request.

Meany butts? Her ears perked up at that; SHE sure hadn't taught him THAT one, "Now, now, Tau, how do you expect me to help you any if I don't know what happened?" she tsk-ed her tongue over her fangs softly before leaning over to rack her tongue over his growing mane; she herself had never really met her father, and thus the striking resemblance of her cub had never bothered her. In fact, it probably wouldn't have either, had she met Nyek, "So now, Who is Kapuki? Is that the girl's name, love?"

"Yeah that's her name," He grumbled. "And she's annoying and mean and rude!" He made a face and jerked his head away, batting paws up feebly at his mother's chin, "Mooooomm! you're messing up my mane!"

Her tongue stopped grooming him, her paw coming around his body to draw him closer, however, the hesitation was only momentary before she dipped her head and took one last long lap at his pelt, "I'm sorry dear; please go on. As far as I know... the ocean dropped you at her feet, did it not?" she arched a brow down at her son, her paw still around him, "Also, i don't think it's quite wise to call the ocean, or your father for that matter, meany butts."

"NOooooo." He half-lied, trying not to feel badly for it. "It... rolled me up to the beach and she got in the way!" He struggled a little, but ultimately remained in her arms. "And why not? its what they're being!"

A pause, followed by the slow arching of an elegant brow, "Are you... quite sure about that, Tau?" the wind around them seemed to pick up at that, a particularly harsh gust of it blowing against them before it died down. At this, the female raised her head, making a show of twitching her ears, "Hmmmm...." she nodded her head, once, twice, before looking down at the elder of her two sons, "I see..." a pause, the smile gone, replaced by a curious tilt of her head before she leaned down and pressed her nose to his, "Tau, do you know what a Lie is? And what happens to Liars?"

He flopped his ears back. "i'm sure of it! She wasn't even in the water at first! She moved out into it!" so technically what he was saying was only partially true. It was true enough for him to want to believe it. "I'm not lying!"

"Hmmmm...." she leaned in again to drag her tongue over his mane a final time before releasing him, "The wind tells me otherwise, love; if you don't look back and think over what happened, you're hardly going to be able to make sense of what's going on," a pause, a paw raising to tap her maw, "You're hardly going to be able to figure out how to make the most of the situation or turn the tables around if you don't stick to the facts and lie to get out of it," she tilted her head, "Running away is the cowards' way out, Tau," another gust of wind rushed by, this one softer, and slowly the white female turned to face the ocean, "Hmmm.... I wonder if there'll be a storm soon," she then lowered her gaze back onto her son, "Nili seems to like the girl; she's been playing with her while you refused to. Every day you've missed a play date with her, Nili's been going," she smiled slightly, a tag at her maw, "The wind just told me it saw them by the cliffs just the other day."

"So what. Let nilli play with her!" He snorted, "I don't care. She's annoying. and a girl. ... so is nili."

"Hmm..." she tilted her head, "So you don't mind at all that your little brother seems to have found a way to make best of the situation while you... are trying to slither away from it?" arching a brow, she regarded the larger of the two males, however, amusingly enough and for whatever reason, she did no rectify her son.

"No!" He scoffed. "I think she's stupid and I don't wanna be anywhere near her! She's got cooties!"

This last claim amused the older female, "Oh really? So these cooties is the only reason you won't play with her?" a pause, "What about me?"

Tau seemed honestly surprised at that. "you don't have cooties! You're a mom! Moms don't have cooties. Only stupid girls do."

"Really now? That's one story I must hear from you one day; I was honestly unaware of this," she chuckled softly for a moment before turning to face the ocean, watching the calm waters beyond, "Let me give you a piece of advice, Tau. Let me tell you what I think, and what I know. And afterwards you can continue to evade yourself or you can take action, that's up to you, love," slowly, her red gaze returned to her son, "I think that you should get to know this girl before insisting on her stupidity. Perhaps if you get to know her, play with her and be with her... you can ask her kindly if she'd give you back to yourself," a pause as she narrowed her eyes, looking away, "Or you may find you don't want that anymore," the last bit was said lowly, under her breath, but was there regardless.

Luckily tau didn't hear what she'd said under her breath or she'd have gotten a real arguement. In this case, however, he was having none of it. "but SHE DOESN"T OWN ME!" he insisted with a huff. "i already own myself, i don't need her permission for anything!"

Another tilt of the female's head, her white hair cascading to the side, "Sometimes the world around us... works in mysterious ways. I think you should give it a try, regardless of if you think she owns you or not," a small tug at her maw as she lowered her head to whisper in his ear, "It might surprise you what strange things you can learn from others. If you give them a try," lifting her head she smiled down at him, "I own someone. Did you know this? It is, however, quite true that someone owns me too."

Tau's ears flopped back sulkily. He sneered a little but didn't necessarily protest at her attentions. "Who?"

For a moment, Misae considered telling him that this was a secret he should find out on his own, but after a moment's thought, she arched a brown down at him, "Who do you think?"

"I dunno," He frowned. "You should tell me."

"I think... that it's something you should find out on your own," she told him softly, "In fact, I'd like you to come to me with an answer some day; I'm pretty sure you'll have quite the story to tell me then. You'll probably have understood plenty around you by then," a pause followed, after which her brows knitted in concern, her forehead dropping to his, "I do ask that you give it a try, regardless of what you think; perhaps it'll be fun and it'll amuse you... it's worth a try."

He snorted and looked away. Mom was no help after all! He pouted a bit then stood up. "Fine!" he protested with a scruff of his paw against the sand. "FINE!" he snapped, sniffling just a little and stalked off towards the trees once more.

She watched as the young male stalked away, tilting her head up in an attempt to figure out whom he reminded her of; it hit her then, "Ah, Zagaa..." she nodded somewhat, content with the thought before looking off towards the ocean, "I hope you know what's best..." the water lapped at her feet, almost as if in an attempt to comfort her, and that was enough for the female to lay her head on her forepaws again, her eyes closing to the world around her. Fine indeed.