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[SRP] The Huntress and the Malenga [Binafsi + Nsundu] - FIN

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Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:36 pm
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Nsundu was frustrated. Scratch that, she was very, very frustrated. She had run all the way out of her pride lands to search for these drum beats, and she still couldn't find the lion responsible! Even her meeting with Banjoko, a long time friend, couldn't quite compensate for this. Drumming was very rare to hear, and as far as the lioness knew her pride was the only one out here that did it. That meant that the lion in question must have at least heard of her pride or, even better, been a part of the old pride before the arrival of the plague.

For three days and three nights she had waited, listening intently for drum beats. She would sleep for short hours, only to awake to the finishing beats of a song. It was incredibly frustrating. Finally, she was forced to admit defeat, and make her way back towards the Nchi'mahadhi lands. But man, what a bummer. She had really, really want to find that lion. Or lioness. Either would have been nice.

As the rather dejected (not to mention aggravated) lioness started back in the direction of her home, she heard a sound. Nsundu hesitated, barely daring to hope. Was it the drum beats? Yes! Just faintly, she could make out the distinctive rhythm of the hunting song, a soft voice accompanying it. This was it! She had found the lion! Not willing to let this opportunity slip away, Nsundu turned and dashed in the direction of the sound. She was not going to let the lion slip away this time!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:43 pm
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It was time for a hunt again.

Binafsi rose from her resting place underneath a large tree, stretching with a yawn. Her stomach was beginning to make its needs known, and now was as good a time was ever. Though she was on her own, she had devoted her childhood years to her art. A practiced hunter and well aware of her skills, the lioness was confident that her hunts would be successful. Of course, there were always the unexpected things that life threw her way, but for the most part she was very sure of herself. And that was all a real huntress needed. If she was sure of herself, than she would not hesitate when the time was right.

With another small stretch, Binafsi headed towards the water hole. She would be able to find the tracks from a prey beast herd. Then she would be on her way. As was traditional of her pride, the lioness began a little stomping dance as she walked, singing the start of her hunting song.

" We baba zingela siyo zingela baba."

Chibi Sheepcat

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:21 pm
She knew this song! It was the pride's hunting song, sang by the Wanyapara before they started out on their hunt. The first verse was the calling, where the three Wanyapara summoned all the hunters together. Then they would sing and do their dance around the drum circle, before an increase in beats would signal the pre-hunt run. Nsundu remembered her mother recalling the great song and dance that went on before a hunt. The hunters had to be with the Rhythm of the earth before they hunted, so that they would get the best results. If they were out of sync, both with the earth and among themselves, the hunt would be poor.

Nsundu's heart soared as she ran, focused entirely on her target. As far as she knew, the Nchi'mahadhi were the only pride around here (and probably the whole of Africa) who sang this song. Whoever was singing must have heard of the Nchi'mahadhi! What a find! The lioness grinned widely as she ran, so focused on the song that she didn't notice where she was walking. Thus, she tripped over an ill placed stick, landing with a grunt and rolling into the path of the singing lioness.

She blinked a couple of times until the dust settled, peering up at the upside-down lioness. Well, so much for a dignified meeting. "That song... " She managed, chest heaving from the run. "I know... that song...."
PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:58 pm
It felt good to sing again.

For months after her brother had disappeared, Binafsi had been too busy grieving to sing her song. Her hunts were for sustenance only, not for practicing her art and living in the moment. It had been a rough time for the young lioness, losing both her friend and her brother in such a short time. To be separated from them so soon, especially after the death of the pride had been hard. But life had to go on, and Binafsi had fallen back into the rhythm of the hunt.

The sound of approaching footsteps made her hesitate, turning to look curiously in their direction. Something was coming closer, and it was running very quickly. Whoever it was didn't appear to be hiding their presence, and nobody appeared to be following them. Binafsi was quite confused. Was the lion (or lioness) coming to see her? Or were they running from some unseen ghost? Her question was answered when a brown lioness came tumbling out of the underbrush, coming to a stop right in front of her.

Binafsi took a step back and coughed at the dust she had stirred up. When the dust settled, she found the brown lioness staring at her with a look of triumph. The huntress blinked slowly at the greeting, before she frowned. "What do you mean you know the song? How could you?" The Nchi'mahadhi pride was dead, as far as she knew. There was no way that a lioness as young as this one would know about it.

Chibi Sheepcat

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:47 pm
Urg, talk about a bad entrance.

Nsundu rolled over onto her front and stood back up, pausing a moment to shake the dust from her fur. Not that it made much of a difference, seeing as she was brown all over. It was the thought that counted, however. She had wanted to look good in front of this Nchi'mahadhi-song-singing lioness, not like a total spaz. Maybe she should start paying more attention in her dancing lessons. That would make her a little more graceful with her dynamic entrances.

"But I do!" The lioness insisted the moment she saw the other look at her skeptically. She knew what was going on here. Isithunzi had been disbelieving when she'd stumbled upon Nsundu singing. She knew that any of the surviving members thought all other pride members to be dead. What they didn't know was that the old Malenga's daughter was back and ready to rule. "My mother taught me. You would know her, Mnyama. She taught me some and I came home." Nsundu waited for a response from the lioness, watching her expression carefully. She hoped the other would believe her.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:02 pm
Binafsi could only stare at Nsundu, torn between happiness and disbelief. This young lioness knew about the hunting song, and her mother was... did she say Mnyama? Logically, it was possible. The huntress still remembered the day that Mnyama had taken off to look for that stupid rogue who had caught her fancy. It was quite possible that they had had a daughter. Nsundu looked like her mother and her father. Brown from head to toe, but not quite as dark as her mother. A perfect mix between cream and dark brown. Well, there was little doubt she was Mnyama's daughter. Still, she couldn't help but be a little skeptical.

"So you're Mnyama's daughter. What pride was she from? And what is the song I was just singing?" Several skill testing questions were in order. Binafsi had to be sure that this lioness was the real deal. If she was, then she wanted to know everything about what she was doing and what she meant by coming home. Did she mean she had started the Nchi'mahadhi pride again? It was possible. Binafsi tried not to get too hopeful. How she would love to be huntress in that pride again, like her mother had promised her she would be. She would have to keep her hope reined tightly until she found out who this lioness was.

Chibi Sheepcat

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:04 pm
Nsundu watched the expressions flicker across the other lioness' face. She looked slightly disbelieving still, but the lioness was prepared for that. Any question that the other would have for her she would do her best to answer. The Malenga could barely contain her excitement at meeting an obvious member of her mother's pride. By the sounds of what she was singing, she was a huntress, which was exactly what the pride needed right now. Someone to bring out the strength in females and teach the younger generation how to really hunt. Yes, this lioness would be perfect for her pride.

"The Nchi'mahadhi!" She answered proudly, barely able to sit still while under her inquisition. "The song is the hunting song. The Wanyapara sing it before they go out on their hunt, when they call the other huntresses to them." Nsundu hesitated for a moment, before launching into another tangent. It couldn't hurt to keep talking, especially if it would keep the lioness here. "I know you think it's a bit weird, but my mum had me and then left to chase after my dad. It took me this long to finally get my act together and decide to come back here and restart the pride."
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:11 pm
There was no denying it then. Either this lioness had spent a heck of a lot of time researching a dead pride or she was as legit as they came. When she said that the song was the hunting song, Binafsi nixed the first option. There was no way someone could identify that song from the first line if they didn't know it and know the pride. This was truly Mnyama's daughter, coming back to bring the pride back. Binafsi's heart swelled. This was her chance to return home with his head high! Perhaps her old friend Isithunzi had made it back to the pride as well. Oh it would be good to see her again.

The huntress listened quietly as Nsundu explained herself, nodding along with her story. It figured that even though Mnyama had had a child she wouldn't be there to care for it. She was just that type of lioness. It was a pity she had left the pride to chase that damned rogue. And by the sounds of it, he hadn't even stuck around to look after his only daughter. What a stupid male. Binafsi managed to keep a straight face at the thought, instead smiling gently. "I am very glad that we have met, daughter of Mnyama. I am Binafsi, one of the few survivors from the old pride. I have long since desired to return to my home. Has anyone been promoted to the position of Wanyapara?"

Chibi Sheepcat

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:17 pm
Nsundu grinned broadly at the new lioness, blinked when she was addressed as the daughter of Mnyama. She hadn't told the lioness her name? Jeeze, she really needed to work on her introduction skills. She was acting like a cub in comparison to how this one acted. Binafsi was so polite that the young lioness couldn't help but feel that she still had a bit of growing up to do. The other lioness didn't appear to mind too much, as she wasn't looking at Nsundu with disapproval or scorn. No, she seemed genuinely pleased that the pride was coming back. It was a very good sign.

"You can call me Nsundu. Follows nicely in the naming trend of my family," the young lioness replied, referring to the meaning of her name. She was 'brown', her mother was 'black', and her father was 'cream.' It was very typical of the Nchi'mahadhi to name their members simple names. "I'm glad that I found you, Binafsi. Your singing and rhythm gave you away as one of the original members, so I had to come and look for you. And naw, nobody is the Wanyapara. I was hoping I could get you to fill in, since you seem to know the position well?" Nsundu didn't want to impose, but Binafsi seemed right for the position.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:23 pm
"Nsundu. Indeed, it suits you well," Binafsi said with a small chuckle. It fit her extremely well. The young lioness was brown from head to toe. Even her eyes were brown. Even Binafsi, who was quite brown, did not have the brown that Nsundu had. Such was usual for the line of the Malenga. Solid colours were not uncommon for the Nchi'mahadhi, and the same could be said about earthy colours. Binafsi wondered absently if Nsundu had picked up any other strangely coloured lions and lionesses for the pride. It would certainly bring about a new diversity.

"I am glad that you found me as well. I had been drumming out of habit and tradition, and did not expect to be found by the Malenga of the Nchi'mahadhi pride. Rhythm brings us together even though we were far apart." Rhythm truly was a uniting force. She should have believed what her mother told her when she said that distance mattered little to Nchi'mahadhi members. They would always be brought together by the Rhythm. "I would be honoured to be allowed to take up that position. It has been held by my family members for many years, and I am very grateful you offer it to me again."

Chibi Sheepcat

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:29 pm
Nsundu couldn't help but grin back at the chuckle. Yes, the name suited her extremely well. When she was younger she had been thankful for her colouring, for it allowed her to blend in almost perfectly with the dirt brown ground. She had the benefit of size at that time as well, something that she no longer had. Though she was a smaller lioness, hiding had been much easier when she was a cub. Still, brown had its perks for camouflage and hunting. That was part of the reason she wore her headdress when she was back in her pride lands, if only so she would stand out from the escarpment.

She nodded at the comment about Rhythm, her own paws still tapping gently against the ground. There was always a beat running through her head, and often times her feet were the only output. "So it's like a family business? Sounds good to me. I don't claim to be good at everything, and if I can find someone who knows it really well I'm happy to give them the position. I heard it's an art, hunting. At least to the Nchi'mahadhi pride. I'd rather leave it to someone who understands it."
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:38 pm
It was good to see that Nsundu enjoyed her name as well. Often times, cubs were named inappropriately, and then they had to live with that name unless they chose to change it. Binafsi was one of those lionesses that her mother hadn't the slightest clue was to name her. Her mother had told her that naming cubs after traits was like telling them who they should be. And even then, what if they became the opposite of their named trait? No, it was much easier to name then something obvious. Or else, let them be themselves. That was where she had gotten inspirations for Binafsi's name. Myself.

The lioness nodded when Nsundu said it was like a family business, smiling a little at her terminology. Though she was in an adult's body, Nsundu still needed to do a little bit of growing up. Then again, why should she? Binafsi could be the serious one, and Nsundu could be the freer, more childish one. After all, the younger you were, the more creative. "I'm glad you feel that way. Some rulers like to oversee everything, and don't let others express themselves and their talents. And yes, hunting is an art. A very complex one. I can teach you, if you wouldn't mind learning from me."

Chibi Sheepcat

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:59 pm
"Oversee everything? Naw, I don't have the time or the skills to do that. I mean, I have my own skills and stuff, so I'm not totally incompetent, but I don't mind letting other people do their own thing," Nsundu added the last bit rather hastily, hoping that she didn't come off as stupid to Binafsi. The lioness seemed so..... cool, for lack of a better word. Like her mother. Only her mother definitely hadn't been this polite. But she was dignified and smart, and Nsundu couldn't help but be drawn to her. She seemed the type to be able to help Kitambi, and possibly even Waseme. The lioness would have to make a mental note to ask her about it later.

"A complex one?" Nsundu blinked slowly at this, sounding unsure. Would she be able to do this? Che, what was she thinking! Of course she would! She would just do her best. With a teacher like Binafsi, there was no way she could fail. "I wouldn't mind learning from you at all. You seem real smart, and you know what you're doing. I'm willing to learn from anybody if it'll make me a better queen." Nsundu tilted her chin up a bit and sat a little taller.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:07 pm
Binafsi smiled gently. She was so young, but her honesty was welcome. Nsundu knew her own limits, but was not afraid of learning from others so as to better herself. It was nice to have a leader like that. The young lioness didn't seem to doubt herself though, even though she knew she wasn't the best at everything. "I don't know if it would make you a better queen, but it would help you become better immersed in the Rhythm and the power of the hunt. When you understand things, you can teach them better to others. And I think you for compliments of me. I shall do my best to live up to them." Binafsi turned her head to look off in the horizon.

"Shall we go home now?" Home. It sounded so good to be able to say that. Finally, she could return to the Nchi'mahadhi lands and know that there would be lions there. She would take up her mother's position and help bring this pride to greatness once again. There would be a full drum circle, dances, and new life. It would be the pride that it once was, and Binafsi would get to help. Nsundu would be able to lead them to greatness, she had faith in her.

Chibi Sheepcat

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:10 pm
Nsundu listened intently to what Binafsi had to say, nodding slowly. A better understanding of Rhythm. That sounded fair. "I'd really like that." She had so far only been introduced to the Rhythm of music and dancing. The young lioness knew how to build a drum and how to beat out her Rhythm on it, but she had never thought to look for Rhythm when she was hunting. Hunting had always been a necessity for her, and so she had done it without much thought. It had been very much a trial and error sort of thing. To see a new side to hunting sounded exciting.

"Go home? Of course! Let's go before it gets dark!" With a grin, Nsundu bumped Binafsi on the shoulder affectionately on the shoulder with her muzzle. Though it had been a bit of a rough start, she had won the lioness over, and now she got to take home her new Wanyapara. The young lioness set off back home with a spring in her step, very pleased with herself and how today had gone.

~ Fin
[IC] Nchi'mahadhi Lands [IC]

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