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Character Creation - Changeling

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:07 pm
1. As per creating a Mortal character, follow Steps 1 through 4.

2. Select Court, Seeming, and Optional Kith. Assign one free specialty to Athletics, Brawl, or Stealth to reflect the physical changes your character's Mien imposes on her. Note Seeming & Kith Blessings.

3. Select five dots of Contracts - At least 2 must be spent on Seeming or Court Contracts. Contracts may not begin above 4 during character creation. General, Seeming, and Court contracts are bought sequentially. Goblin Contracts must be bought individually, and characters may only buy 1 point Goblin Contracts at Character Creation.

4. Determine Advantages - Clarity (7 for starting characters), Willpower (Composure + Resolve), Wyrd (starting rating of 1, may be increased at the cost of 3 Merit Pts per dot), Glamour Pool (half of maximum for Wyrd level, see below) and Virtue/Vice.

5. Select Merits and Flaws - Spend 7 dots on Merits, the fifth dot in any Merit costs two dots to purchase. Note that many Merits have prerequisites. The player may choose up to one flaw during character creation. The player gains an additional XP point per chapter for role-playing the flaw, if that flaw hinders the character during the course of play.

6. Spend Experience Points - 12 starting XP + May sacrifice up to 2 dots of Clarity for an additional 5 XP per dot. This represents a significant trauma in the character's past. The character starts with one Derangement per sacrificed Clarity, and does not gain any additional compensation for these mental defects.  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:34 pm


Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
Presence, Manipulation, Composure
Intelligence, Wits, Resolve

ABILITIES (Specialties)
Physical -
Social -
Mental -

-Merit Rating (Name - Description {if applicable})

Seeming Blessing -
Seeming Curse -
Kith Blessing-



Clarity Rating - Derangement (Description)

Your character's physical appearance, preferably at least a paragraph or two.

Your character's history. Please make it at least several paragraphs.

Your character's physical appearance, preferably at least a paragraph or two.

A description of the member of the Gentry responsible for your character's durance. Please make it at least a paragraph or two. It is not necessary to provide stats at this time.

Ally, Mentor, or Retainer Details (Ask GM)  



PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:05 pm
The Seasonal Courts

Below are the Four Great Houses of western changeling society, to which nearly all changelings belong. Each Court also has an affinity with the Fleeting and Eternal Contract lists for their season. Fleeting Season Contracts provide power over the court's chosen emotion, while Eternal Season Contracts influence the weather and elements of the season. A Changeling's cannot possess a Seasonal Contract rating more than one dot higher than her Mantle (Court) rating. A Changeling can learn Seasonal Contracts from a Court other than her own, but she must possess the appropriate Court Goodwill rating at two dots higher than the required Mantle rating. Level one Seasonal Contracts are available to any changeling, regardless of Mantle or Goodwill ratings.

If none of the Seasonal Courts particularly appeals to your character, you may choose to remain Courtless. Such characters may not purchase the Mantle merit and are limited to the first dot of any Seasonal Contracts. Any further clauses from Court contracts require the appropriate Court Goodwill merit as described above. On the plus side, they are left relatively unscathed by the various politics that occur between and within the Courts.

The Spring Court (Desire) - Defiant to the last, the Changelings of the Emerald Court refuse to let the trauma of their past define them. These Changelings focus on moving forward, living life to its fullest, and prizing beauty in both form and action above all else. Their power comes from desire and gratification, and they can be found among nightclubs and private parties.

The Summer Court (Wrath) - The changelings of the Crimson Court refuse to allow their Keepers to harm them or their loved ones ever again, and often spend their days sharpening their swords and preparing for war. They draw their power from anger, and can often be found where tempers run hot

The Autumn Court (Fear) - The changelings of the Ashen Court are scholars and sorcerers, undertaking the dangerous task of studying Fae lore and magic to use against their keepers. Their power comes from fear in all its forms, and many delight in spreading it where it does not occur naturally, continuing the cycle of abuse begun by their Keepers.

The Winter Court (Sorrow) - The changelings of the Onyx Court hide under layers of deception, feeding themselves on a diet of midwinter sorrow. They can be found at funerals and support groups, helping others work through their grief while hiding their own. Rarely do they seek to spread this emotion as other courts sometimes do, though a few cold hearted individuals will drag others down into a nihilistic spiral.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:06 pm

Each Changeling belongs to one of six Seemings, which represent broad categories and archetypes to model your character on. Seemings are further divided into optional Kiths, described in the post below. Keep in mind that Seemings and even Kiths do not lock you into a specific type of character, as they are not actually separate races with specific traits and origins. Feel free to draw on any myths, folklore, faerie tales, or fantasies you wish to flesh out your character's appearance and backstory.

Beasts- Animal blooded Changelings who's Fae Mien mirrors the primal, instinctive nature within. In Arcadia, Beasts were treated as such by their Fae Keepers - living in kennels, hunting in forests, or soaring through the sky - until they became animals in both body and mind. Examples: Phooka, Satyrs, Kitsune, Mer, Big Bad Wolves.
Affinity Contracts: Fang and Talon, Den, Wild

Darklings - Changelings who embody the dark of the night, and all it represents. Whether hideously grotesque or eerily beautiful, Darklings lurk in the shadows, whisper in the graveyards, and call from lightless grottos and hidden glens.
Examples: Wraiths, Sluagh
Affinity Contracts: Darkness, Shade and Spirit, Blood

Elementals - Elementals spent their times in Arcadia transformed into inanimate objects and natural phenomenon. They are children of the earth, flames, and sky of faerie, born of the raw elements of nature itself. Even after returning, they retain power over these elements.
Examples: Ice Witches, Living Flames, Little Wooden Boys, Leshies
Affinity Contracts: Elements, Communion, Wild

Fairest -
Affinity Contracts: Vainglory, Separation, Blood

Ogres -
Affinity Contracts: Stone, Oath and Punishment

Wizened -
Affinity Contracts: Artifice, Animation, Forge



PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:07 pm

Beast Kiths
Broadback - Beasts who possess affinities for animals known for their endurance and stubbornness, such as elephants, horses, or goats. Blessing: Stoic Forbearance - Spend a point of Glamour to become more resistant to pain, hunger, and exhaustion for one scene.
Cleareyes - Changelings attuned to creatures known for keen senses, possessing abilities such as the eyes of an eagle, the ears of a bat, or the nose of a hound. Blessing: Primal Senses - The changeling's already keen sense may be heightened to truly superhuman levels by spending one Glamour. An eagle-eyed changeling may be able to read a license plate from a mile away, or a fox woman may be able to catch the scent of a particular person in a crowded nightclub.
Coldscale - Emotionless Changelings with an affinity for reptiles, both mythic and mundane. Blessing: Reptilian Blood - By their very nature, Coldscales are resistant to both emotional manipulation and physical poisons.
*Hexkin -
Hunterheart - Often, but not always, those changelings who have something of the predator about them: wolves, bears, cats, crocodiles, snakes, and birds of prey, but also those who embody the hunter in a more conceptual sense. Blessing: Tooth & Claw - Whether they possess powerful claws and fangs or wicked horns, Hunterhearts can deal lethal wounds even when fighting unarmed.
Riddleseeker -
Runnerswift - Beasts with affinities for animals renowned for their speed, like rabbits, antelopes, and cheetahs. Blessing: Runs Like the Wind - The character can move an additional two yards in under three seconds, or four yards in an all out sprint.
Roteater - Changelings who were scavengers during their stay in Arcadia and continue to share an affinity with animals like vultures, crows, hyenas and worms. Blessing: Scavenger's Nature - The character has a natural immunity to poisons and disease. He is also an adept scrounger, and may occasionally come across all manner of useful items if he keeps an eye out.
Skitterskulk - Changelings with an affinity for insects, arachnids, and other creepy crawlies. Blessing: Impossible Counterpoise - The changeling possesses the reaction time of an insect, allowing her to more easily avoid attacks.
Steepscrambler - Beasts with an affinity for monkeys, raccoons, squirrels, spiders, geckos, and others who are at home in the treetops. Blessing: Gifted Climber - The character can climb most surfaces effortlessly, and may even attempt to climb surfaces as slick as wet glass if they will support her weight.
Swimmerskin - Mermaids, Selkies, Frog Princes, and other creatures with an affinity for aquatic and amphibious animals. Blessing: Natural Swimmer - The character may hold their breath underwater for up to thirty minutes, and can swim as effortlessly as running.
Truefriend - Beasts with affinities for domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, tame birds, and other animals valued for their companionship. What they lack in raw power and savagery they make up for in loyalty. Blessing: Companion's Boon - By spending a point of Glamour and speaking encouragingly, the Changeling may grant one ally of her choice unnatural skill at a specific task.
Venombite - Changelings with affinities for venomous animals, like black widow spiders, killer bees, poisonous snakes and reptiles, and poison arrow frogs. Blessing: Poisonous Bite - May spend a point of glamour to deliver a lethal poison in her attack.
Windwing - Beasts with an affinity for flying animals like birds, butterflies, and bats. Blessing: Gift of the Sky - May spend a point of Glamour to glide in the air one minute per point of Wyrd.

Darkling Kiths
Antiquarian - Darklings who surround themselves with dusty tomes of lore and the artifacts of long-dead lands and peoples. Blessing: Keys to Knowledge - Antiquarians know where to find lore ancient and modern, and have a near-flawless memory for facts, trivial and not so trivial.
Gravewight - Cold-skinned Darklings who draw comfort from consorting with the dead, both restless and in repose. Blessing: Charnel Sight - For one point of Glamour, the changeling can see ghosts for the rest of the scene. The power doesn’t allow the changeling to touch the ghost or compel it to answer her unless the ghost chooses to allow that.
Leechfinger - The faeries who steal life from humans, grain by grain, drop by drop, with just a touch. Blessing: Sap the Vital Spark - With a touch, he can steal the health of another to heal his own injuries. The character needs to touch the target and the player spends a point of Glamour. The victim takes one point of lethal damage, and the changeling heals one point of lethal or bashing damage, or downgrades one point of aggravated damage to lethal. This blessing can be used once per scene per point of the Darkling’s Wyrd.
Mirrorskin - Darklings who hide in plain sight from the eyes of humankind. Their bones are malleable, their faces like flowing quicksilver. Blessing: Mercurial Visage - Mirrorskins can change the cast of his features to resemble (if not completely mimic) anyone he has met. This blessing applies to both mien and Mask.
Tunnelgrub - Those of the Darkling faeries who slide and slither through tunnels and sewers and chimneys, the better to do terrible things in the night. Blessing: Slither and Squirm - Tunnelgrubs slip, slide, wriggle, and otherwise contort through tight spaces and out of handcuffs and other bonds. The changeling can get through spaces that are only just too narrow for her to get through, spaces that would otherwise leave her completely stuck

Elemental Kiths

Fairest Kiths
Bright One - Changelings who came from light; willo’- the-wisps, bright elves, White Ladies and other beings of light and fire and ice from all over the world. Blessing: Goblin Illumination - The player can, at will, illuminate an area the size of a smallish room (about 15’ x 15’ x 10’ high) with a soft, pale light for the rest of the scene. With the expenditure of a Glamour point, the light becomes painfully intense.
Dancer - Those among the Fairest blessed of particular agility and grace, for whom motion is itself beauty and art. Whether entertainer, courtesan, artist or murderer, the Dancer is happiest when moving to the sound of her inner rhythm. Blessing: Fae Grace - Dancers have an unnatural beauty and fluidity to their movement, which makes them especially suited to any Expression or Socialize actions involving agility. This also grants them a slight bonus to dodging attacks.
*Death Jester
Draconic - Changelings who bear within them the blood of dragons or other Great Beasts of Faerie, including celestial bureaucrats and tithe-payers to Satan alike. Blessing: Dragon’s Talon - A Draconic strikes with the accuracy and power of a chimera’s claw or manticore’s sting. By spending a point of glamour, they may increase the accuracy of their unarmed attacks further still.
Flowering - Flowers blossom on bare earth where these changelings have stood (although they take months to appear in the human world rather than seconds, as they did in Faerie). Their skin is soft like the petal of a rose or a chrysanthemum and bright with a bloom of health. Blessing: Seductive Fragrance - A Flowering Fairest's skin, hair and breath carries the aroma of unknown blossoms from places unseen, the promise of pleasures unknown. Her bouquet seduces and lulls in equal measure.
Muse - Their beauty inspires the arts. Whether a Rubenesque beauty, a sedate and delicate daughter of the Heavenly Ministry, a grotesquely beautiful masquer garbed in yellow tatters, or a Dark Lady who drives her beloved to destruction, the Muse inspires the creation of things of beauty and horror and love and hate and fear. The growth of confidence can precipitate a headlong rush to doom, and the Muse knows how to make it happen. Blessing: Tyranny of Ideas - The changeling’s presence can give a human the confidence and talent to do things that he otherwise would not be able to do. For every point of Glamour the changeling spends, the human subject (and it must be human; it can’t be another changeling or another supernatural being) gains a moderate bonus to any one action involving Expression, Persuasion, Socialize or Subterfuge.

Ogre Kiths
Water Dweller

Wizened Kiths
PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:08 pm

Universal Contracts

Contracts of Dream

Contracts of the Hearth

Contracts of Hours

Contracts of Mirror

Contracts of the Moon

Contracts of Omen

Contracts of Smoke

Seeming Contracts

Contracts of Fang and Talon (Beast)

Contracts of Den (Beast)

Contracts of the Wild (Beasts & Elementals)

Contracts of Darkness (Darkling)

Contracts of Shade and Spirit (Darkling)

Contracts of Blood (Darkling and Fairest)

Contracts of Elements (Elementals)

Contracts of Communion (Elementals)

Contracts of Vainglory (Fairest)

Contracts of Separation (Fairest)

Contracts of Stone (Ogre)

Contracts of Oath and Punishment (Ogre)

Contracts of Artifice (Wizened)

Contracts of Animation (Wizened)

Contracts of the Forge (Wizened)

Court Contracts

Contracts of Fleeting Spring

Contracts of Eternal Spring

Contracts of Verdant Spring

Contracts of Fleeting Summer

Contracts of Eternal Summer

Contracts of Punishing Summer

Contracts of Fleeting Autumn

Contracts of Eternal Autumn

Contracts of Spellbound Autumn

Contracts of Fleeting Winter

Contracts of Eternal Winter

Contracts of the Sorrow-Frozen Heart



PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:10 pm
Merits & Flaws

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:29 pm


Wyrd & Glamour  



PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:20 am

The Bishopric of Blackbirds -
The College of Worms -
The Court of the Solstice -
The Duchy of the Icebound Heart -
The Emerald Saints -
The Guild of Goldspinners -
The Satrapy of Pearls -
The Scarecrow Ministry -
The Tolltaker Knighthood -
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:26 am
Experience Awards & Costs



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