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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:50 pm
christians hate pagans not all of them that is true,but still in general they think we are evil. the words in the bible are good you cannot deny that but in truth the faith is about controling the people, controlling the thought and the action, they think that anyone who believes something different in fact believes in the devil but that is simply not true we believe in the nature of the planit and the gods that watch us  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:21 pm
What is the Bible to you? Just a book?
The Bible to me is the greatest work of fiction I have ever had the chance to read. It does have some good points. Such as the whole thou shalt not kill. And so forth. If you could boil the whole book down to it's core you'd get a great set of rules to live your life by.

Do you think think the Bible contradicts itself?

Yes but mostly just the Old Testament and the New

What are your opinions on the content of the Bible?
Taking out all the one and only god thing theres some good stuff.

Do you think Christians rely too much on what the Bible says?

I think people think about the wording too much. Such as when god said let there be light. That could be the big bang happening.

What are your feelings on what the Bible says on Pagan? Do you think that this is more specifically directed at Wiccans or practitioners of witchcraft?

You mean in Exodus "Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live"? I think it more points to there Devil worshipers. Not so much us. If you don't belive that Lucifer exists how can you worship him. So I don't feel it is directed at any Pagans.

Past Questions

When you think about Christianity, what does it mean to you?

I think it works great for some people but not so much others. In this Guild we have people who follow different paths, and what is Christianity but a path to the same end?

Is there anything about Christianity you specifically hate? If so, what?

Hate is a little too strong. The recruiters kind of bother me. You know them coming to your door at 8 in the morning on a Saturday getting asked by a stranger. "Have you found Jesus?" It's kinda hard to be nice to them when your hung over.

How much of Paganism do you think has rubbed off on Christianity?
Not so much rubbed off as incorporated. The Christmas tree, Yule log, May Pole, Easter bunny, need I go on?

Do you dislike Christianity? Why?

Can't really say dislike, maybe disagree, but I also disagree with Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc. But there is a big difference between the two words.

Is Christianity bad? To you?
No it's the followers that give it a bad name.  


Nomad of Nowhere

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 1:16 am
What is the Bible to you? Just a book?
Yeah. I mean come on, how is it different from an ordinary book? It sure as hell isn't better-written! Let's face it, the plot is unstable, the characters are terribly one-dimensional, it it stands on a very shaky philosophical basis for many of it's so called 'lessons'

Do you think think the Bible contradicts itself?
Yeah, but again, it's a series of books, so you can't invalidate all of it because of one passage- maybe this or that was written by someone else, you know? Of course, that means you just can't put too much stock in it either.

What are your opinions on the content of the Bible?
I probably would never have become pagan if I hadn't read it. To me, it was a clear portrayal of a barbaric desert people who loathed much more advanced civilizations around them, civilizations who didn't believe that there was only one way, and that was god's way.

Do you think Christians rely too much on what the Bible says?

Some of them do, but thankfully, a lot of christians don't know a damn thing about it.

What are your feelings on what the Bible says on Pagan? Do you think that this is more specifically directed at Wiccans or practitioners of witchcraft?

Well, in the old testament they didn't want anyone to worship idols, because they only believed in one god, but in the new testament, I don't even think they're considering polytheism; as far as christian thinking was widely concerned, there was just god and the devil. I think they were talking about the latter. As for witchcraft, what about the prophets? They drew fromt their god, and so might we pray to ours. Even more interesting, what about the Kabbalah? That's a very pagan idea, if you examine it.

When you think about Christianity, what does it mean to you?
Well, it's a religion. It has a nasty history, and I believe it was founded on a fraud, but it has some good messages.

Is there anything about Christianity you specifically hate? If so, what?
I hate that it dismisses the very concept of paganism, and attributes it all to the devil. (who is either satan or lucifer- they are different) I also hate how they try to interpret the old testament without knowing anything about it.

How much of Paganism do you think has rubbed off on Christianity?

A lot, I mean, the whole Jesus, rising from the dead story is completely unoriginal. It's just like Tammuz, Dionysus (who's blood was also drunk in the form of wine), Dajbog, or Horus. Let's put it this way; the ancient Israelites would have been suspicious. Even the trinity is a classic pagan symbol. Just look up "Triglav" (Slavic) or "Trimurti" (Hindu). Honestly, even the old testament has some stories that were originally told in a pagan form by the Sumerians or Babylonians, like the great flood.

Do you dislike Christianity? Why?
I dislike the parts of it that are really backward or outdated, and I dislike the hypocracy. I mean, some ideas, such as those of sodomy, were set up by some wise-guy church official after the fall of Rome. That's why everyone's so fired up about the gay issue just because it's listed as an abomination, when wearing polyester and sewing wheat and barley in the same furrow are no big issues.

Is Christianity bad? To you?

In and of itself? No. I think it's just a religion that has been mixed with politics far too much, from the times of the reign of the Catholic church, to this very day.  
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:26 am
What is the Bible to you? Just a book? Well, not JUST a book, but a part of a specific religion, and something due respect, because we'd expect the same thing for our own religious works.

Do you think think the Bible contradicts itself? To be honest, yes, but it was written by man, no matter how inspired by the Spirit it was. That being said, it's no more contradictory than any other person/book that I have read, so I can only conclude that humans, in and of themselves, are imperfect.

What are your opinions on the content of the Bible? I think taht a lot of the lessons that are taught, especially in the New Testament, can really be applied to life, so long as it's not taken too literally. That's the real problem, as I see it, is that it's taken too literally.

Do you think Christians rely too much on what the Bible says? Depends on which sect of Christianity you mean, because Catholics (what I was raised as) rely more on the Papacy and everything rather than just what it says in the Bible.

What are your feelings on what the Bible says on Pagan? Do you think that this is more specifically directed at Wiccans or practitioners of witchcraft? The tem 'Pagan' is a blanket statement that encompasses all religions that aren't Christian, at least that's what I've always been taught. So Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, etc, are all Pagans. So it's not really directed at any faith individually. Um... if you're referring to 'thou shalt not suffer a witch to live', I've always heard that the word 'witch' was interpreted wrong; it meant deciever or something along those lines. But then Saul visited a witch to communicate with the dead and bring the prophet Samuel back in order to ask him if David was going to be the next King or something like that. And so far as I know, no killing took place.

Past Questions

When you think about Christianity, what does it mean to you? I'm not really sure... I mean, it's a good religion, so long as the people don't use it as an excuse to create more violence and hatred in the world. I was raised Catholic, so I can't really say that the religion itself is terrible, it's the people who can make it horrid. To me, it's pretty much the same as other religions; a means to an end, a way to worship God, and a way to get answers.

Is there anything about Christianity you specifically hate? If so, what? Mostly the fact that people use it as justification for hate and stupid crap like that. I honestly don't know of anywhere that says, 'convert by any means necessary', and yet that was almost the mantra of it for hundreds of years. It drives me nuts because the main messages are of love and acceptance.

How much of Paganism do you think has rubbed off on Christianity? I think that the Christians adopted a lot of Pagan ideas because it was easier then to convert them. So a lot of stuff, really.

Do you dislike Christianity? Why? I don't not like it, because I think that it can be a really good way to live your life. That being said, there are reasons why I label myself as a Christian Witch, though most of it is to make people give me double-takes and go, 'Whut?' xD

Is Christianity bad? To you? I don't see how a religion can inherently be evil, but I do think that it's the people that give it a bad name.  


Feline Fairy

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Electra Luna

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:11 pm
What is the Bible to you? Just a book?
The Bible is a book that is split up into two part. One is the Old testament or Torah (did you know that, I just found out myself, though its natural missing a few stories here and there, but it basically a shortened Torah) which is use to help people explore and question things around them as well as give them a basic idea of what some one thought of as the beginning of the world. The next book or New testament is to me, how the point of view of the first followers of Jesus writtren by guys who where not even born anywhere close to the same year, let alone century. This story where basically set up to tell people how to practice and what to do, but each part is done differently and some have countering ideas of what is right and wrong. So as my Christian friend says it basically like pointless guild lines that some people follow blindly, while other don't. Woah that was long eek

Do you think think the Bible contradicts itself?

What are your opinions on the content of the Bible?
I basically wrote it up there, but it a bunch of old white men talking about what they think about how people should live and how they should do it. Plus they can't agree so they argue with themselves among the pages of the book.

Do you think Christians rely too much on what the Bible says?
Yes and no, it depends on the Christian. I know one person who follows blindly to what ever is in the fold of the cover, while my other friend says she believe simple in Jesus, God, and the holy spirit and does need a book written by sexist, white men to tell her what to do with herself.

What are your feelings on what the Bible says on Pagan? Do you think that this is more specifically directed at Wiccans or practitioners of witchcraft? I feel it says where ALL devil worshipers eclectic, satanist, Celtic, Druid, or Wiccan and that we will corrupt the world and try to steer the good people of god to the devils side, sigh ( I don't whether to laugh out loud or cry over peoples stupidity). Really it goes for anyone who doesn't follow the Church and what it says, with only slight exception for Jews and Muslim ( so long as they know not to challenge the true religion in anything). rolleyes
Past Questions

When you think about Christianity, what does it mean to you?
I think about Christianity very often seeing as my family is Christian and that in order to please distant relatives ( who hate us anyway) we have to pretend to be a good traditional christian family. rolleyes I seem to be rolling my eyes a lot.
Is there anything about Christianity you specifically hate? If so, what?
That people aren't allowed to explore the world around them and that some of not many choice to be ignorant and hate thing they know nothing of.
How much of Paganism do you think has rubbed off on Christianity?
Lots, simple in the fact that they have to have three people as deities, not just one like the Jew and Muslims(yes the pray to a prophet, but they don't believe him to be a deity in his own right. At least that how I understand it).
Do you dislike Christianity? Why?
No, I feel as a religion like any other out there, it offer words of comfort and tries to explain thing. Now, I in now why agree with it interally, but the supposed founder ( Jesus was Jewish, but they ignore the part in Church) basically want a world of peace, to say that we can find peace by being kind to your neighbors, keep faith in yourself, and not killing (they missed that part). I do dislike people who follow a man made book blindly and refuse to hear the words of the earth and of the world.
Is Christianity bad? To you?
No, the religion itself isn't bad, people though can make it bad as they have been for thousands of years. Though that can be true of any religion, anyone can twist the words of a religion to fit their needs and their set of morals.

I'm an eclectic pagan who tries to understand the world by learn more about it. I try not to judge people before knowing them, as well as events in history. For if you step back and truly view the world you can see that we all have things to be ashamed of. Its how you handle that shame and what you do to make up for it, that decides what your future look likes. For about 5 minutes I sounded wise, I amazed. Whether you agree with me or not, you have to say that was pretty wise sounding. 3nodding  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:16 pm
What is the Bible to you? Just a book?

As others have stated I do think there are possibly good lessons to be learned however, at times I think some followers of Christian faith's may take things to literal instead of simply listening to the lessons behind the stories. In fact that is my biggest issue with the Bible and for that matter even the Wiccan Rede is when it is followed blindly; strictly and word for word, instead of being read, questioned and incorperated into ones own personal beliefs. Books have much knoweldge to be held but following any single written genre just seems impersonal and foolish to me. Just like when writing an important paper you wouldn't use just one resource.

Do you think think the Bible contradicts itself?
Yes, but that is not my main reason for discarding it. I contradict myself at times, but it is only because I have ether learned something new, which is never a bad thing or have thought deeper on the matter. Really the only time I bring up condractions in the Bible is when I have someone who insist it must be followed strictly trying to convert me or is simple being rude with pushing it on me.

Do you think Christians rely too much on what the Bible says?
At times, for some, yes. Mostly, as I said before, I think perhaps some Christians get caught up in the word for word bit than the main message.

What are your feelings on what the Bible says on Pagan? Do you think that this is more specifically directed at Wiccans or practitioners of witchcraft?
You know I've actual read that with the King James version the biased on paganism and witchcraft was due to the fact that King James' mother was a witch and he that he was very fearful of such things and therefore impressed upon the traslaters to interpret witchcraft as negativly as possible. Now wether there is truth to this or not I cannot say but it is obvious that this is frowned upon in the Christian faiths as well as honoring any other god there for so is paganism. Which is my main issue, the fact that it says any other god than the Christain god is a false god and so on and so forth.

Granted there are likly to be things wrongly translated when dealing with any ancient documents be it because of damages to the artifacts or a bais of the translators.  

HedgeWitch of Desmond

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