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January 2007


Guild News

Merry Meet

Happy New Year everyone, I hope that the new year brings you all happiness

Well its certainly been busy with Christmas, Yule and Litha for everyone! (well has for me anyway) I apologise for not having a December issue of the newsletter, so instead I am posting this months issue early! (like I should be doing.)

Arleeana and I decided that we needed some new crew members, we’ll be taking in at least two! So if your interested you’ll have to fill out a survey which can be found here.]]here.

Other than that we have many new threads, but we now also have a weekly topic spotlight! So check it out here]]here

Other things you may want to check out:

If you guys want to get cool gifts for your birthday visit the birthday thread in the contest subforums here and if you want kool presents don’t forget to donate to MidnightLetter, so the prizes and presents are better for you!

Thank you guys!

Blessed Be

-HiddenBeliefs xoxo

Current Contests

CopyCat -Drop in and try your hand at the tektek dream avi maker, following the sample pic of the time. Not as easy as you might think, but great prizes!

Check out the latest contest [Contest Idea Thread
come up with contest ideas, original… wiccan holidays… wiccan themes.. or any contest. Prizes up to 5,000g items… you can keep it or sell it! Winners choice.

Its still going, a couple more ideas and the winner will be decided! Go check it out!

Topic of the Month:

Feel free to drop into the Newsletter suggestion thread and suggest topics for the month. If you would like to write a topic of the month, feel free to do so, and send it to the crew.

November's Topic: Happy]]Happy New Year – Whats your resolution?
What better than the topic of the Month of January than a New Year Resolution thread?

Occult News
Stay informed. Knowledge is power. Knowing is half the battle... yeah, all that stuff. Follow the links to read the articles.

Check out Witchvox for the latest!

How to for January: To Make Your Own Besom (broom)
Each month we would like to share a simple "How to" with you. If you have a "How to" which you enjoyed, or that you would like to share with everyone, please send it to one of the Crew for consideration.
Submitted by – Hiddenbeliefs found on

Things You'll Need:
Wood broom handle
Birch or willow twigs

Step One
Get prepared to make your Wicca broom by gathering all necessary materials in one place. You'll need twigs, a wood handle, willow and decorative materials. Alternatively, you may substitute straw for twigs in making your broom.

Step Two
Bind a large bunch of twigs around the wood handle with willow or another type of natural element. Be sure to bind them securely and add more twigs if it looks skimpy.

Step Three
Remember that the broom will look circular rather than flat, like the ones you would find at a regular store.

Step Four
Decorate the broom with carvings, paintings or feathers as a final touch, or draw a pentagram on the handle for protection.

Step Five
Make a small loop with willow to add to the handle so you can hang the broom rather than letting it rest flat on the floor.

Step Six
Make sure you bless the broom when you're finished. Use salt mixed with water or repeat an incantation to consecrate the broom.

Step Seven
Keep in mind that making your own broom is more about the ritual aspect of the task than about the look of the final product. For Wiccans, rustic brooms are considered assets, no matter how simple they look.

Tips for the Month of January

Tips On: Goddess and God Symbols. (the real witches yeah by Kate West – although I altered it and added a bit it belongs to her.)

Most Wiccans/Witches.. etc, like to have a statue of the goddess and/or the god on their altar; indeed some have many statues around their home which can be placed there for particular rituals.

Today we are lucky as there are many relatively inexpensive statues available, unlike times in the past, you can find many items in gift shops, Chinese stores, garden centres etc.

There are many ways of representing the deities. The Goddess can be represented by a holed stone, sea shells, herbs and plants, silver candle or anything that means something to you that you think represents her.

The God can be represented by and phallic-shaped piece of wood (although I don’t think I could personally have that on my altar) or stone, by natural things or a golden candle.

Although the best advised thing is to create your own image of them, be it by sculpting them from clay, drawing them, or simply finding things that mean something to you. The creation of your own becomes not only imbued with your own energy but becomes an act of worship and a means of opening the way to greater understanding of the form you work on.

Creative Art of the Month:

By: tigerstriped_candy

User Image

You can get a creative piece included in the newsletter by either posting to the Guild or by sending it to MidnightLetter.

Pagan Word of the Month: Karma

All living creatures are responsible for their karma — their actions and the effects of their actions

The philosophical explanation of karma can differ slightly between traditions, but the general concept is basically the same. It is usually understood as a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. The results or 'fruits' of actions are called karma-phala. Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward; karma simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others. In religions that incorporate reincarnation, karma extends through one's present life and all past and future lives as well.

Quote of the Month:

Never light fires unless your certain you can put it out.


Wanted: News Articles. If you come across a good news article that you think others should read, send the weblink to a Crew member. Thank you.

Wanted: someone to do monthly horoscopes.

Wanted: Two new Crew Members… see above.

Please keep the following in mind:
*Remember newsletters only go out once a month.
*You can sell any item, product or service (ads for your shop or business, such as selling avi art, or mood jewels) so long as you comply with the TOS and guild rules.
*You must write the advert yourself. We are not responsible for any mistakes.
*There is a 10g list fee per advert, per month, which will go toward funding guild contests.
*Prices are subject to change, please check the latest issue of the newsletter for current prices
*You may pay for long term ads in advance, and lock in the current rate.
*You may post wanted lists to the Classifieds. They work the same as selling ads. You still must write it yourself, and the list fee is the same.

Any other questions, feel free to PM HiddenBeliefs and ask.


The next Newsletter will feature new things! Like wiccan book of the month, etc.

If you would like to submit articles, poems, spells or other things for the Newsletter, please contact MidnightLetter or HiddenBeliefs! Also, while it is fun to just read what you are sent, remember, the guild is only as good as you make it, and the same goes for the newsletters. You can't let other people do everything for you. Part of being Wiccan is learning to work in groups, learning to take part in what's going on. So please submit material, both to the guild and the newsletter. Otherwise, the Crew might get burned out.. and then everything stops. We don't want that. You don't want that. So get active and start posting things! Thanks.

News Crew:
HiddenBeliefs - Guild Owner and Editor and Chief of all things Newsletter