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Don't know how do Role Play? Wanna learn I'll help you! There are 2 main ways I learned and there pretty easy.

Ex] 1
Ruto: *sitting under a tree*
Yuki: *walks up* Whats Up?
Ruto *looks up at him* Your MOM!
Yuki: confused

((^^^Yeah its pretty lame but whatever its to help you!)))

Ex] 2
Ruto is sitting under a shady tree on a warm summer day.
Yuki walks up to her and looks down "Hey what's up?" he askes.
Ruto looks up to him and stairs, it is slient until she speakes "YOUR MOM!" Yuki looks at Ruto in confusion.

It makes it easier when you give characters a color code you dont have to thought.
Okay Ex]1 its the simple I wanna get thought an R.P. or hahaha this is just for fun I to lazy to do Ex]2. In Ex]1 the words inbetween the ** means a person is doing something and the words on the outside is what said person is saying. In Ex]2 you should really be more dicriptive as if your writing a book.
But say your doing an R.P with a friend and you want to kill off someone. Whatever you do DO NOT god mode witch is where you kill someones character without premission. Use (()) and ask ((Hey can I kill so and so?))
Now if you wanna just SKip through time all willy nilly. Ex]@ you have to write out something like.
Next morning so and so wakes up or
___ years later so and so find him self _____
You have to write the time skip into the storey but in Ex] 2 all you have to do is at the top of your post (or where ever it happens) put
-Next Morning-
-___ Years later-
I hope this helps people If not P.M me with any questions. Be sure to follow the rules of the R.P. owener too or else they write you out.